Oughtred Society  
[William Oughtred picture]

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The Journal of the Oughtred Society

JOS Index

(624KB PDF)
Printable version searchable by author, article title, or keyword within Adobe Reader.

See also Rod Lovett's searchable index
(Non-members only have access to articles 5 or more years old.)

Current JOS
JOS Front Cover

JOS Sample Page
Sample Page
The Journal of the Oughtred Society, published twice annually, is available only to members of The Oughtred Society. This internationally acclaimed journal is the most authoritative source on slide rules and other calculating devices, with each issue containing 64 pages of information about makes and makers, models, uses, history, and more. A DVD containing all the back issues of the Journal, previously published, from 1991 to the prior year, is available for purchase by OS members and non-members alike. See below.

Members are encouraged to submit articles. For ideas and inspiration, read "Yes, You Can Write for the Journal of the Oughtred Society" (82KB pdf).

Now that you are inspired to write, please download the JOS Guidelines for Authors (12 KB pdf- Updated 9/16/2018). To help with formatting, consider using a Word template (instructions for use are embedded in the templates); for Word 2003 and earlier use the *.dot template (320KB), for Word 2007 and later use the *.dotx template (824KB). Additionally, the JOS Guidelines for Editors (100KB pdf) includes grammar, punctuation, and other recommended suggestions.

Beginning in 2012 with JOS21.1, authors, who are OS-members, may request from the Membership Secretary, one additional free copy (in addition to their membership copy) of the Journal containing their article, if the paper is substantial, more than one page, and is not an announcement, meeting report, etc.

Back Issues, 1991-2024.

1. Ordering.

Back issues may be purchased by members of the Oughtred Society. See the table below for prices, with links to issue contents. Prices include shipping. You may pay using your PayPal account or by check. When ordering, please confirm your postal mailing address and e-mail address. For your convienience, you can also join the Oughtred Society or renew or renew your membership while on this page.

Paying by PayPal:

Or, Paying Directly by Check:

Send payment to:

The Oughtred Society
9 Stephens Ct.
Roseville, CA   95678

2. Pricing and Contents.

Click on the issue number to see a list of the contents and a summary of each article on the JOS Index page, or click the respective image of the scanned Table of Contents (ToC) page.

If you are purchasing more than 5 copies, please contact the Membership Secretary, Clark McCoy, to determine your discount: secretary@oughtred.org

View Cart and Pay
When you are finished adding the JOS DVD, Back-Journals, OS Publications, or Membership renewals to your cart, click VIEW CART to finish shopping. You'll be able to come back to continue shopping if you forgot something.

Scans of Cover, ToC, a Page

JOS DVD (Price includes S&H)
(Note: OS Member and Non-Member Pricing)
JOS 2024, Vol. 33.2
JOS 2024, Vol. 33.1
JOS 2023, Vol. 32.2
JOS 2023, Vol. 32.1
JOS 2022, Vol. 31.2
JOS 2022, Vol. 31.1
JOS 2021, Vol. 30.2
JOS 2021, Vol. 30.1
JOS 2020, Vol. 29.2
JOS 2020, Vol. 29.1
JOS 2020, Vol. 29.1
JOS 2019, Vol. 28.2
JOS 2019, Vol. 28.1
JOS 2018-27-2 Cover JOS 2018-27-2 TOC JOS 2018-27-2 Sample Page
JOS 2018, Vol. 27.2
JOS 2018, Vol. 27.1
JOS 2017, Vol. 26.2
JOS 2017, Vol. 26.1
JOS 2016, Vol. 25.2
JOS 2016, Vol. 25.1
JOS 2015, Vol. 24.2
JOS 2015, Vol. 24.1
JOS 2014, Vol. 23.2
JOS 2014, Vol. 23.1
JOS 2013, Vol. 22.2
JOS 2013, Vol. 22.1
JOS 2012, Vol. 21.2
JOS 2012, Vol. 21.1
JOS 2011, Vol. 20.2
JOS 2011, Vol. 20.1
JOS 2010, Vol. 19.2
JOS 2010, Vol. 19.1
JOS 2009, Vol. 18.2
JOS 2009, Vol. 18.1
JOS 2008, Vol. 17.2
JOS 2008, Vol. 17.1
JOS 2007, Vol. 16.2
JOS 2007, Vol. 16.1
JOS 2006, Vol. 15.2
JOS 2006, Vol. 15.1
JOS 2005, Vol. 14.2
JOS 2005, Vol. 14.1
JOS 2004, Vol. 13.2
JOS 2004, Vol. 13.1
JOS 2003, Vol. 12.2
JOS 2003, Vol. 12.1
JOS 2002, Vol. 11.2
JOS 2002, Vol. 11.1
JOS 2001, Vol. 10.2
JOS 2001, Vol. 10.1
JOS 2000, Vol. 9.2
JOS 2000, Vol. 9.1
JOS 1999, Vol. 8.2
JOS 1999, Vol. 8.1
JOS 1998, Vol. 7.2
JOS 1998, Vol. 7.1
JOS 1997, Vol. 6.2
JOS 1997, Vol. 6.1
JOS 1996, Vol. 5.2
JOS 1996, Vol. 5.1
JOS 1995, Vol. 4.2
JOS 1995, Vol. 4.1
JOS 1994, Vol. 3.2
JOS 1994, Vol. 3.1
JOS 1993, Vol. 2.2
JOS 1993, Vol. 2.1
JOS 1992, Vol. 1.2
JOS 1992, Vol. 1.1
JOS 1991, Vol. 0.0

Special OS Publications
TWO NEW e-books
Slide Rules Through Time 1787 - 1905
TWO NEW e-BOOKS: The Oughtred Society proudly announces English and Spanish translations of an important German language book:

Slide Rules through Time 1787 - 1905
La Regla de Cálculo ente 1787 y 1905

These two free e-books chart the development and evolution of the slide rule from 1787 to 1905. The original book was published in German in 2009 as a private print run by the author: Guus Craenen.

NEW BOOK: The Oughtred Society is pleased to announce the publication of a new book: "A Closer Look At Mechanical Air Navigation Computers". This 197 page book describes the operation and principals behind these unique historical devices. Many detailed images, drawings and examples are given. Numerous devices are described. Collectors, pilots and others interested in aviation should find this work to be of great interest. Klaus Petzgold, a 30 year chief pilot, flight instructor and teacher, is the author of this fine book. A limited supply of this book is available from the Oughtred Society at a cost of $35 plus $8.50 shipping.
A Closer Look At Mechanical Air Navigation Computers
NEW e-BOOK: The Oughtred Society is proud to announce the publication of


This free e-book about long scale slide rules by Otto van Poelje is dedicated to the memory of our Oughtred Society fellow collector & long-scale slide rule connoisseur Edwin Chamberlain ( ✝ 18-10-2017)
The Inventor of the CURTA Calculator
The Inventor of the CURTA Calculator
The Oughtred Society is proud to announce the publication of The Inventor of the CURTA Calculator

The Inventor of the CURTA Calculator
An autobiography. This book is the story of the remarkable life of the inventor of this ingenious device, how he started in his father's mechanical office machine company in Vienna, eventually running the company himself, designing the Curta and becoming embroiled in WWII as a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp and finally the difficulties of setting up full production after the war in Liechtenstein. Additional material written by the late Tom Wyman and Dr. Robert Otnes is included.
Pencil Slide Rules and Their Successors, The Calculator Pens and Pentop Computers

Pencil Slide Rules
The Oughtred Society is proud to announce the publication of Pencil Slide Rules and Their Successors, The Calculator Pens and Pentop Computers

Pencil Slide Rules and Their Successors
This monograph is a collection of articles edited by Rodger Shepherd about pencil slide rules and their successors, calculator pens and pentop computers. These devices were easily carried and designed to permit quick calculations. Some of the design techniques implemented were clever and help to explain slide rule operation in general.
Oughtred Society Slide Rule Reference Manual
Compiled by Richard Davis and Ted Hume from an original design by Bob Koppany.
Oughtred Society Slide Rule Reference Manual
Free Download!
25.6MB PDF

The Oughtred Society is pleased to provide this downloadable document for all to use. With this document, the Oughtred Society wishes to introduce itself and provide a service to the great numbers of slide rule enthusiasts, collectors, and users with whom the Society is not currently acquainted. In doing this, the Society extends an invitation to all to join us in this fascinating pursuit.
Oughtred Society Slide Rule Reference Manaul, presents what its title suggests, complete information about slide rules. In its seventeen chapters, with 103 pages and 114 photographs, it contains information of all types, from What Is a Slide Rule and How It Works, to History, to Common and Less Common Types, to How to Use a Slide Rule, to Major Makers and Some of Their Common Models, to Books and Manuals, to Cleaning and Care, to Slide Rules on the Internet, to Collecting ... and more.

The Slide Rule Technical Cultural Heritage by IJzebrand Schuitema
The Slide Rule Technical Cultural Heritage
by IJzebrand Schuitema
This Oughtred Society reprint of IJzebrand Schuitema's classic is a must have for the serious slide rule collector or enthusiast who would like more information on many of the fine European slide rules available for collecting! Included are descriptions of a variety of specialty slide rules from various countries, an overview of slide rule history and patents, ideas for exhibiting, and information about three European manufacturers. Much of Schuitema's collection of over 3,000 slide rules and extensive library resides at the Arithmeum Museum in Bonn, Germany. English, Perfect Bound, 8.5" x 11", 272 pages, 30 in full color, 29 ounces. $35.00 plus shipping. ($5.05 in the United States and $12.66 International).
The Slide Rule by Edwin Thacher
The Slide Rule. Edwin Thacher
Slide Rules In K&E Catalogs (1993) by Bruce Babcock
Slide Rules in K&E Cat, 1993, Babcock
A Slide Rule Bibliography (1994) by Peter M. Hopp
Slide Rule Bibliography, 1994, Hopp
Calculating With Tones:
The Logarithmic
Logic of Music - Edition 2.01
Calculating With Tones:
The Logarithmic Logic of Music (2023)
by Klaus Kühn and Rodger Shepherd

This updated & greatly extended (100 extra pages) 2nd edition again begins with the tones from Pythagoras but incorporates many new aspects discovered since 2009. This 2nd edition is issued under a Creative Commons licence & is only available as a “print on demand” hard copy. To order please contact Klaus Kuehn at: kk [at] collectanea.eu

K&E Slide Rule History
by Joseph L. Soper
K&E Slide Rule History
by Joseph L. Soper
K&E Slide Rule History, 2007, Soper
Slide Rule Reference Manual
2nd Edition
Slide Rule Reference Manual
2nd Edition
OS Slide Rule Reference Manual, 2nd Ed.
Pocketbook of Gauge Marks
2nd Edition by
Panagiotis Venetsianos
Euros: 8.95 - Purchase Through LULU

Oughtred Society Membership

Membership is for a calendar year and dues are payable January 1st. This applies both to new memberships and renewals. You can use your credit card if you pay via PayPal or you can pay directly by check in US dollars. On receipt of payment you will be sent any materials already published in the current calendar year.

Do you have trouble remembering to Renew? Use this handy Subscription button to get your Oughtred Society membership, with subscription to the Journal, charged automatically every year. You'll be notified when that occurs.

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Member Renewal


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last modified February 21, 2025