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Comprehensive Index of The Journal of the Oughtred Society
by Barry Dreikorn - 2012 edited by Clark McCoy - 2012
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Vol. 0, No. 0, Pilot Issue, August 1991
Title: The Journal of the Oughtred Society
Author: Editor
Summary: Background leading to, the reasons for, and the plan to start formal publication of the Journal of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Journal of the Oughtred Society
Title: The June Meeting in Oakland
Author: Rodger Shepherd
Summary: Meeting of nine attendees exhibiting their collections and discussion of supporting slide rule collecting in future by: (a) forming a society, (b) forming a publication, or (c) doing both.
Keywords: slide rule collecting, publishing, organizing, standards
Title: Proposed Projects
Author: Anon
Summary: A second meeting, reprinting Cajori's book on slide rules and allied instruments, booklets listing slide rules and their makers, attracting more people.
Keywords: second meeting, reprints, Cajori, booklets, makers, membership
Title: Saul Moskowitz - In Memoriam
Author: Bob Otnes
Summary: Recalling Saul Moskowitz, noted antique instrument dealer and publisher of noted catalogs for over 20 years, upon his unexpected death.
Keywords: Saul Moskowitz, antique scientific instruments, catalogs
Title: The Otis King Slide Rule
Author: Anon
Summary: Description of Otis King cylindrical slide rule, its basic operation, models,
years of manufacture, figure showing two models.
Keywords: Otis King, cylindrical slide rule, British patent, serial numbers, how to use.
Title: The Charpentier Calculator
Author: Bob Otnes
Summary: Description of Charpentier metal circular slide rule, its scales and tables listing K&E and Dietzgen catalog editions offering them for sale, very rare only two known to author, figure from 1897 K&E catalog illustrating Charpentier Calculator.
Keywords: Charpentier, metal circular slide rule, accuracy, British patent, French patent, models
Title: Buro-Antik Auction in Koln, April 1991
Author: Bob Otnes
Summary: Auction of typewriters, calculators and ten lots of slide rules with their estimated and realized prices. Most expensive, a German cylindrical slide rule in its original wooden case sold for $763.54. Information for participating in future auctions.
Keywords: Germany, auction, Buro-Antik, auction catalog, prices
Title: Information
Author: Anon
Summary: List of scientific instrument (including slide rules) dealers. Source for free copy of IBM booklet on a 300 year chronology of calculating tools. Two books of interest, one on the 300th year anniversary of the discovery of logarithms and another on the translation of Napier's instructions from the Latin on the use of his "bones"
Keywords: Scientific instrument dealers, reference books, Napier, logarithms, bones
Title: Letters
Authors: Various
Summary: Comments on advanced copies of pilot issue and editor's responses. Mostly satirical.
Keywords: Letters to editors
Title: Advertisements
Authors: Various
Summary: For sale and wanted ads for slide rules including offer to pay $10,000
for a Pickett slide rule made before 1920. Ads to make jigsaw puzzles out of slide rules and mounting brackets to install on motorcycle handlebars.
Keywords: Wanted, For Sale, Service, Nystrom, Pickett, WW2 Los Alamos slide rules
Vol. 1, No. 1, February 1992
Title: The Journal of the Oughtred Society
Author: Editor
Summary: Comments on the launching of the Journal of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Journal of the Oughtred Society
Title: The June 1992 Meeting
Author: Editor
Summary: Comments on the annual meeting of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Meeting of the Oughtred Society
Title: Reprinting Cajori
Author: Editor
Summary: Discussion on the value of reprinting "A History of the Logarithmic Slide Rule and Allied Instruments" by Florian Cajori
Keywords: Cajori F.
Title: Wanted: Slide Rule Articles
Author: Editor
Summary: Outline of some possible topics for submission to the Journal of the Oughtred Society for publication
Keywords: slide rule topics
Title: Pickett Metal Slide Rules.
Author: Shepherd, Rodger.
Summary: History of Pickett metal slide rules, chronology, styles, cursors.
Keywords: Metal, aluminum, magnesium alloy, grove configurations, slide tension, logo, numbering, duplex, deci-point, Pickett 902
Title: George Washington Richardson's Direct Reading Slide Rules.
Author: Babcock, Bruce E.
Summary: History and use, drawing, references, models and numbers
Keywords: Otnes R. K., Clark J. J., I.C.S., Richardson G W, Strohm R T, K&E, Dietzgen, Lawrence Engineering, gauge points, Richardson Adding & Subtracting (1812), Richardson Polymetric (1776), Richardson Logometric (1860-LL), Richardson Binary Polymetric 1865-0, International Correspondence Schools
Title: The Gilson Slide Rule Company.
Author: Aldinger, Henry
Summary: History, location, and drawings of the Gilson Company
Keywords: Gilson R., Gilson C., Atlas, circular slide rule, Richardson, midgets, Deitzgen, Bruning, Compass, Optical, Dietrich-Post, Lietz A/, Post F., Travella
Title: Small Wonder.
Author: Bennett, Al.
Summary: Describes, with photos, the operation of Small Pocket Calculator made by Small, Small & Company.
Keywords: Circular, Mannheim, Small, Charpentier, Boucher
Title: Pickett's "Eye-Saver Yellow".
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Approaches to color to reduce eyestrain using slide rules.
Keywords: Color, 5600 Angstrom, Fowler M.S.,
Title: Log Log Scales.
Author: Otnes, Bob.
Summary: Invention and use of log log scales with references and drawings.
Keywords: Roget P M, Transactions of the Royal Society, Pickworth C. W.., Faber A. W., Keuffel & Esser, Cox W., Keuffel W. L. E., Breckenridge W. E., K&E 4080-3, K&E 4081-3, K&E 4083-3, K&E 4090-3, K&E 4091-3, K&E 4092, K&E 4093-3, K&E 4093-5, K&E 4110), Log log duplex vector.
Title: "Buro-Antik" Auction in Koln, November 1991.
Author: Otnes, Bob.
Summary: Description of slide rules sold and prices received, November 2, 1991.
Keywords: Loga cylinder, Rechenwalze cylinder, Charpentier circular, Nestler, Thacher, Fuller, Otis King, Troger circular, Boucher Pocket, Nestler cylinder, Stephen's Supermatic, Halden's Calculex, Faber, K&E duplex,
Title: Slide Rule Reviews
Author: Shepherd, Rodger & Otnes, Bob;
Summary: Review of some slide rule publications that would greatly add to a collector's library
Keywords: Aristo, Pickworth C.N., Kidwell P. A., Nystrom's Calculating Rule, Knight R., Malt Gauger slide rule
Title: Information
Author: Editor
Summary: This department has short book reviews, bits and pieces of information and, in general, material worth knowing.
Keywords: K&E Mannheim and Polyphase slide rules, Patent dates,
Title: Letters
Author: Editor
Summary: A variety of letters received, with checks, after the prototype was distributed.
Keywords: K&E Mannheim and Polyphase slide rules, Patent dates,
Vol. 1, No. 2, August 1992
Title: The Journal of the Oughtred Society
Author: Editor
Summary: description of the growth of the Journal of the Oughtred Society
Title: The June 1992 Meeting in Oakland
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Report on second annual meeting
Title: Oughtred Society Principles
Author: Price, Osborne
Summary: Description of the Oughtred Society, its scope of interest, membership and publication
Title: Comments on Slide Rule Nomenclature.
Author: Hudson, Don
Summary: Outlines terms used in describing and grading slide rule types and sizes, both linear and circular.
Keywords: Grade, condition, linear, circular, Mannheim, simplex, simplex disk, duplex, duplex disk, half duplex, polyphase, reitz, Darmstadt.
Title: Slide Rule Pencils.
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Describes three pencils with built-in slide rules, with photos.
Keywords: Ruxton, Devco, Monroe, Device Development Company, K&E
Title: Gilson Slide Rule Revisited.
Author: Aldinger, Henry
Summary: Describes the Gilson Midget slide rule, with photos.
Keywords: Gilson R., Gilson Midget.
Title: The Hart Equationor.
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Describes the use of this "Equationor or universal calculator" made by the Equationor Company, with photo.
Keywords: Hart W., Cajori, Hart Equationor, Universal Calculator
Title: The Small Calculator - Part II.
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Discusses the patent history of the Small Calculator.
Keywords: Conant R., Small G l circular, Small Pocket Calculator
Title: Slide Rule Cross Sections.
Author: Schuitema, Izebrand
Summary: History and development of slide rules on the basis of German patents, with photos.
Keywords: Mannheim A, Mannheim slide rule, four sided rule, foot rule, Mack slide rule, Givan D., Mack D., Dennert & Pape, Nestler A., Nestler slide rule, Stahl W, Bachmann H, Faber A W, Faber slide rule, Faber-Castell slide rule, Remers K., Nachf J. B. S., Soellner slide rule, Aristo slide rule, Reiss A.W. C., Tegymayer H., Aristo-Werke, Dennert & Pape, Nelting R., Nelting slide rule, Gerwin F., Gerwin slide rule, Seehase H., Welsch G., Rothenfluh A., Seehase H, Seehase slide rule, Schwanda J, Schwanda slide rule, Daemen-Schmidt H, Daemen-Schmidt slide rule, Cartier R., Cartier slide rule, Goldstaub H. H., Goldstaub slide rule, Carter slide rule, LOGA, German patents
Title: Chronology of Japanese Hemmi Slide Rules.
Author: Kadokura, Katsunori.
Summary: Outline of history of Hemmi Company.
Keywords: Hemmi, Keuffel & Esser, Hemmi, Oughtred, Mannheim A., Hemmi Hirota J. R., Kondou T, Hemmi Jorou and Company, Hemmi Seisakusho, Sun, Universal, models 120 152, 153, 165, 200, 253, 260, P261, P263,266, 269, 275, 279, 2664, 2664S, Ultra Accuracy, Accurate Stadia, MIGHT, Astronavigatation, Percentage, Calorie, Navigation, Transmission, Communication Engineering, Artillery, Height Adjustment, Bamboo duplex.
Title: How I Do It.
Author: Shepherd, Rodger.
Summary: The mechanics of collecting slide rules, including the tools necessary for cleaning and servicing
Keywords: Cleaning, tools.
Title: The Market Report.
Author: Otnes, Bob
Keywords: Coggeshall folding rule, Fuller, Troger circular, Troger Cylinder, Fowler's Long Scale, Fowler's Magnum, Fowler's Textile, Boucher, National Cylinder, Faber Präzision, Nestler Demo, Lord's Calculator.
Title: Slide Rule Reviews - German Calculator Book (1925)
Author: Martin, Ernst ( Translators: Peggy Aldrich Kidwell & Michael R. Williams)
Summary: A translation of a 1925 German book, Die Rechenmashinen and now available as Volume 16 in the Charles Babbage Institute Reprint Series for the History of Computing and available from MIT Press
Keywords: Martin E., calculating machines,
Title: Information.
Author: Editor
Summary: Description of the rules used by the British Inland Revenue Service to determine volume of alcohol containers and how purpose-built slide rules were used to determine the volumes for tax purposes.
Keywords: Gauge marks, British gallons
Title: Letters
Author: Feazel, Bobby
Summary: Question about a Faber "Castell" slide rule marked Columbus and also Syst. Rohrberg
Keywords: Faber Castell Columbus slide rule
Vol. 2, No.1, March 1993
Title: The June, 1993 Meeting
Author: Editor
Summary: A list of rules for those members with items to sell at the meeting but will not be able to attend.
Keywords: Sale of slide rules
Title: Photographic Standards
Author: Editor
Summary: A list of rules about photographic standards for those members who wish to submit articles for publication with photographs
Keywords: photographing slide rules
Title: Cajori and Scanning
Author: Editor
Summary: Article discusses methods of reproducing Cajori's book for publication
Keywords: Cajori, reproduction
Title: The Keuffel & Esser Issue
Author: Editor
Summary: Article outlines why this issue of the JOS is devoted to the subject of the Keuffel & Esser Company, its slide rules and some of the individuals who made notable contributions to the development of the slide rule
Keywords: Keuffel & Esser, K&E
Title: W. L. E. Keuffel
Author: Keuffel, W. L. E.
Summary: Excerpt from book "The First Quarter of my Life" published 1936, which describes the Author's early years.
Keywords: Keuffel W. L. E.,
Title: A Pioneering K&E Engineer
Author: From a 1967 K&E Brochure
Summary: Give a brief description of W.L.E. Keuffel's contributions to K&E
Keywords: Keuffel W. L. E.,
Title: Obituary of Willie L.E. Keuffel
Author: New York Times, page 29, column 4, May 6, 1952
Summary: Obituary of W.L.E. Keuffel
Keywords: Keuffel W. L. E.,
Title: The Jack Burton Collection
Author: Editor
Summary: Photographs and descriptions of six slide rules in Jack Burton collection
Keywords: Burton J, Keuffel W. L. E., K&E Power Computer, K&E 4098 metal Duplex, Webb's Stadia slide rule 4105, K&E Universal slide rule, K&E 4095 Triangular metal slide rule,
Title: The K&E Braille Slide Rule
Author: Anthony, Gordon
Summary: Mr. Anthony, an employee of K&E for 39 years, describes a Braille slide rule that K&E produced on request. Photographs are included
Keywords: K&E Braille slide rule,
Title: The K&E Document
Author: Keuffel & Esser pamphlet on Thacher; comments by Otnes, Bob
Summary: The history of Edwin Thacher's Calculating Instrument from a K&E handout is reprinted and critiqued.
Keywords: Thacher E., Thacher's Calculating Instrument
Title: The Rare K&E 4110, An "Improved" Mannheim Rule
Author: Price, Osborne I
Summary: The K&E 4110 is described
Keywords: K&E 4110, Improved Mannheim,
Title: The Conrad Schure Collection
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Described are the Thacher's Slide Rule, a military slide rule, the K&E Fraction Adder, the clam-shell cursor and the family of Cox patent duplex slide rules, with accompanying photographs.
Keywords: Schure C., Thacher's slide rule, Military slide rule, Cox W., K&E Fraction adder, clam-shell cursor, Cox Patent Duplex slide rules,
Title: Keuffel & Esser Patents
Author: Price, Osborne I
Summary: A table of K&E slide rule patents are described.
Keywords: K&E Patents
Title: How I Do It (No. 2): Cleaning and Servicing K&E Slide Rules
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Describes how to clean and restore K&E Slide Rules.
Keywords: cleaning slide rules, K&E, Softscrub
Title: The Runner
Author: Larson, Mel
Summary: A short discussion on the slide rule runner, indicator or cursor and the different types employed over the years. Photographs of different types included.
Keywords: framed glass runner, cylindrical sleeve frame with glass, frameless glass runner, light framed glass runner, light plastic runner, all plastic runners,
Title: Runner, Indicator, or Cursor?
Author: Larson, Mel
Summary: a discussion of the different names for the little gadget that moves along the slide rule body to point out the area in which you are working.
Keywords: Runner, indicator, cursor, K&E
Title: K&E Issue -Concluding Thoughts
Author: Editor
Summary: Some of the material about K&E that was not covered in this issue of the JOS
Keywords: K&E, Cox W.
Title: The Market Report
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Report on some of the results on purchase price of selected slide rules from recent auctions
Keywords: Buro-Antik , slide rule values
Title: Letters
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Comments on the proposed Oughtred Society rules followed by editor's response
Keywords: Oughtred Society rules, Schure C.
Title: Letters
Author: Hudson, Don
Summary: Corrections in Author's article in the JOS v1, no 2
Keywords: Rietz M., Hudson D.
Vol. 2, No.2, October, 1993
Title: The June 1993 Meeting in Oakland
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Overview of 1993 annual meeting
Keywords: Oughtred Society Annual meeting
Title: The Rietz System and Max Rietz
Author: von Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: A discussion of the Rietz slide rule scales system and the man who gave his name to the system, Max Rietz.
Keywords: Rietz M., Nestler Rietz-Duplex,
Title: The End of the Aristo Slide Rules: A Case History
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Discussions with Hans Dennert about the impact of electronic calculators on slide rule production.
Keywords: Dennert & Pape, Aristo, Astralon, Dennert H, Dynamit Nobel, polyvinylchloride, Rotring, Koh-I-Noor, electronic calculators, Texas Instrument, Hewlett-Packard
Title:. Gilson, Richard A
Author: Gilson Richard A. & Feazel, Bobby
Summary: A series of letters written by Richard A. Gilson describing the history of the Gilson Slide Rule Company. Includes a drawing of a Gilson slide rule.
Keywords: Gilson Slide Rule, Gilson R. A.,
Title: German Patents and the Columbia
Author: Rudowski, Werner H
Summary: Outline of the differences between German patents and "Gebrauchsmuster" (registered trade marks) and gives a table giving the relationship between patent number and the year of notification, until 1942. Also discusses the "Columbus" system Rohrbereg slide rule and the spelling of Max Rietz's last name
Keywords: "Columbus" system Rohrbereg, "Gebrauchsmuster", German patents, D.R., D.R.P., System Rietz, Faber-Castell
Title: An Error on a Slide Rule for 50 Years?
Author: Babcock, Bruce
Summary: Discussion of an error on an engineers slide rule that was left uncorrected from 1841 to1892.
Keywords: Roberts K, steam cylinder, pumping engine, gage point, Hoare C,
Title: How I Do It (No. 3 in a series)
Author: Sawyer, Herschel E.
Summary: Other approaches to cleaning and lubricating slide rules
Keywords: Lemon Joy, lemon oil furniture polish, GE polysiloxane, GE #2163,
Title: letters
Author: Conrad, Jim
Summary: The subject of the letter was a response to Mel Larson (JOS Vol 2, No. 1, p47 1993) what to call the "runner" or "cursor".
Keywords: cursor, runner,
Title: Letters:
Author: Feely, Wayne E
Summary: A response to Katsunori Kadokura's article "Chronology of Japanese Hemmi Slide Rules" (JOS, Vol 1, No. 2, pp 34-38 (1992) on the spelling of "Hemmi"
Keywords: Hemmi J., Hemmi slide rules, Hemmi Bamboo Slide Rule Mfg. Co., Hemmi Seisakusho Co.,
Title: The ALRO Circular Slide Rule
Author: Schuitema, Izebrand
Summary: Discusses the history, applications and properties of the ALRO, a Dutch circular slide rule. A number of photos are included
Keywords: ALRO slide rule, Dussel C. J., Pasveer W., circular slide rule, military circular slide rule, KLM-disc, Bio-rhythm disc, Clinical circular disc, Chemical disc, Lips A.,
Title: The Market Report
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Results of the "Buro-Antik" auction in Koln
Keywords: "Buro-Antik" auction,
Title: Reviews
Author: Editors
Summary: Reviewed Of Time and Measurement by A. J. Turner, A Modern Difference Engine: Software Simulators for Charles Babbage's Difference Engine No. 2 by James Donnelly, The International Calculator Collector, and Baldwin's Improved Calculating Machines by Frank S. Baldwin
Keywords: "Buro-Antik" auction, Turner A. J., Donnelly J., Baldwin F. S.
Vol. 3, No.1, March 1994
Title: The Journal of the Oughtred Society
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Agenda for the Forth Annual Meeting of the Oughtred Society, June 25, 1994 in Oakland CA. Request for an east coast meeting.. Suggestions of possible documents that the society might reprint.
Keywords: Cajori's History, East Coast Meeting,
Title: Dennert & Pape and Keuffel & Esser
Author: Dennert, Hans
Summary: The Author:, a grandson of Johann Christian Dennert, a founder of Dennert & Pape, outlines the history of the company based on both documented records and oral tradition.
Keywords: Aristo, Dennert J. C., Dennert & Pape, Keuffel & Esser, Mannheim A., Dietzgen, D&P, Cox Duplex rule, K&E 1744,
Title: How I Do It
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: This is number four in a short series about the mechanics of collecting slide rules, focusing on Record Keeping.
Keywords: Record keeping
Title: Palmer's Computing Scale
Author: Feazel, Bobby
Summary: A discussion of Aaron Palmers Endless Self Computing Scale, outlining the history of the scale, its introduction problems, the series of instruction books published by Palmer and how Palmer's sales methods may have delayed acceptance of slide rules in the U.S. for 40-50 years.
Keywords: Cajori, Palmer's Computing Scale, Palmer A, Smith G. G., Fuller J. E., Fuller's Computing Scale, Fuller's Time Telegraph, circular slide rule
Title: The "Cooper" 100-inch Slide Rule
Author: Bennett, Al
Summary: Describes the layout and operation of the "Cooper", a 10-inch rule with the equivalence of a 100-inch slide rule.
Keywords: Stanley W. F., Pickworth,
Title: The Scofield-Thacher Slide Rule
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Describes a 24-inch slide rule developed by Edson Mason Scofield and called a Three Multiple slide rule". A modification was patented by Edwin Thacher in 1901 and sold by the Eugene Dietzgen Co as "The Engineer's Slide Rule". A comparison between the production model and the prototype is made.
Keywords: Schofield E.M., Thacher E., Schofield-Thacher slide rule, Engineers slide rule, Dietzgen 1787
Title: A Guided Tour of an 18th Century Carpenter's Rule
Author: Babcock, Bruce
Summary: The history of carpenter's rules is outlined, describing the aspects of the Coggeshall-type including the arrangement of the scales, the construction of the joint, the gauge points on the rule, the table of timber measurements, the architect's scales, and the alignment of the markings, the right-to-left numbering, materials of construction, the accuracy and some other details.
Keywords: Carpenter's rule, Gunter, Coggeshall H., Cajori, Assheton R., Gunter's scale, gauge points, Voster, Architect's scales,
Title: Letters
Author: Stanley, Philip E.
Summary: Describes the errors found on Routledge-pattern engineers sliding rules. It also addresses questions raised in Bruce Babcock's article on errors on an engineer's rule.(JOS Vol 2, No 2, Page 15)
Keywords: Babcock B., Routledge-pattern, engineers sliding rules
Title: Letters
Author: Feely, Wayne E.
Summary: A discussion the spelling of Jirou Hemmi's name in an article by Katsunori Kadokura (JOS Vol. 1, No. 2. page 34).
Keywords: Hemmi J.,
jos-index-v3-n1-1994-item10-page 39.txt
Title: The Market Report
Author: Otnes, Bob
Author: discusses trip to Europe and purchases he made. Also listed are some prices paid at the Koln auction for selected slide rules and a Russian slide rule sold at Sotheby's.
Keywords: Koln auction, Sotheby's
jos-index-v3-n1-1994-item11-page 44.txt
Title: Paper
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Preservation of books and papers published after 1850
Keywords: paper preservation
Vol. 3, No.2, September 1994
Title: The Journal of the Oughtred Society
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: A discussion of the contents of the current issue
Keywords: Journal of the Oughtred Society
Title: The March Meeting in Seattle
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Comments on an impromptu meeting in Seattle, March 1994
Keywords: Oughtred Society Meeting
Title: The June Meeting in Oakland
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Comments on an the annual meeting of the Oughtred Society held in Oakland CA June 25, 1994
Keywords: Oughtred Society Annual Meeting
Title: As Analysis of the Survey
Author: Lehnert, Wayne
Summary: Results of a survey of members of the Oughtred Society, with 169 respondents.
Keywords: Oughtred Society Survey
Title: Napier and the Invention of Logarithms
Author: Ayoub, Raymond
Summary: A discussion of the invention of logarithms by John Napier
Keywords: Napier J., Copernicus, Brahe T., Kepler, Galileo, Table of Logarithms, decimal representation of numbers, Briggs H., Wright E., Invention of logarithms .
Title: Some Notes on the History and Use of Gunter's Scale
Author: Babcock, Bruce E.
Summary: Edmund Gunter, a contemporary of Oughtred, created a scale by laying out a table of logarithms on a rule using marks to designate the values of the logarithms. On this rule, the location of the marks was proportional to the values of the logarithms and measured using dividers. Descriptions of the use of the various Gunter scales are discussed
Keywords: Gunter scale, carpenter's rule,
Title: Bonnycastle on Gauging
Author: Otnes, Robert K.
Summary: An excerpt taken from an appendix on gauging in An Introduction to Mensuration and Practical Geometry by John Bonnycastle (1833), describes how slide rules can be used to measure the volume of barrels for the purpose of taxing the contents.
Keywords: ullaging, gauging rule,
Title: An Update on D&P and K&E Slide Rules
Author: Dennert, Hans
Summary: an update on an article earlier presented by the Author: (JOS Vol. 3, No. 1, pp3-6 (1994)
Keywords: Dennert H., Dennert & Pape, Astralon (PVC), Mannheim slide rule, Cox W., K&E No 1744, K&E No 1746/4040
Title: Figures on the Insert
Author: Editor
Summary: Examples of slide rules discussed in this volume
Keywords: Farmar's Spirit Rule, ivory spirit rule, Gunter rule, K&E slide rule, K&E Duplex, Cox, Everard's slide rule
Title: Paper
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Discusses the preservation of paper in items such as slide rule instruction sheets, advertisements, etc.
Keywords: paper preservation, acid paper, pH testing pen, WEI T'O,
Title: Spirit Rules
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: discusses spirit rules (e.g. slide rules used in assessing taxes or duties on wine and alcohol) by excerpts from Dutch patents granted to F.C. Farmar in 1900 which describes how the rule is to be used. Some practical demonstrations are given
Keywords: Farmar's Spirit Rule, Farmar F. C., ivory rule,
Title: Thacher Slide Rule Production
Author: Feely, Wayne and Schure, Conrad
Summary: It attempts to establish an approximate time frame and production rates for three variations of the two basic models.
Keywords: Thacher E., manufacture, Stanley W. F., Thacher slide rule, K&E,
Title: Special Purpose Slide Rules
Author: Feazel, Bobby
Summary: slide rules produced to solve a specific or "special" problem. A few examples might include merchants, chemical, hydraulic, surveying, military, navigation, nuclear, statistical, and astronavigation.
Keywords: Pickett 500, special slide rules, Hemmi, K&E, sewer rules, Gilson, Dietzgen, Cajori,
Title: Short Subjects
Author: Schure, Conrad; Wyman, Tom; Shepherd, Rodger; Feely, Wayne E.
Summary: A series of short topics is discussed including electronic slide rule calculators, when is a slide rule not a slide rule, the marks found on Tavernier-Gravet slide rules, Pickett metal slide rules, and the engineer's rule.
Keywords: Tavernier-Gravet, Pickett, Dahl Manufacturing Co., Master slide rule, Scofield E. M., Edwin Thacher Pickett metal slide rules, engineer's rule
Title: The Market Report
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Slide rule prices at the Spring Breker auction, the Rangeley collection at the Tennants auction
Keywords: Breker, Rangeley, K&E
Title: Book Reviews
Author: Shepherd, Rodger; Gingrich, Mark; Otnes, Bob
Summary: Article reviewed the following books; Collecting - An Unruly Passion, by Muensterberger, Solving Kepler's Equation Over Three Centuries by Peter Colwell and both A History of the Logarithmic Slide Rule and Allied and On the History of Gunter's Scale and the Slide Rule During the Seventeenth Century, both by F. Cajori
Keywords: Muensterberger, Colwell P., Cajori F.
Vol. 4, No.1, March 1995
Title: The Journal of the Oughtred Society
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Additional organization for the Journal of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Journal of the Oughtred Society
Title: Jack Burton 1918 -1994
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Obituary for former member Jack Burton
Keywords: Burton J.,
Title: The June 1995 Meeting in Oakland
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Agenda for the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Oughtred Society, June 24th in Oakland CA
Keywords: Annual Meeting of the Oughtred Society
Title: The September 1995 Meeting in New Jersey
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Agenda for the east coast Meeting of the Oughtred Society, September 23rd in Hightstown, NJ
Keywords: East coast Meeting of the Oughtred Society
Title: The November 1995 Meeting in Utrecht
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Agenda for the November 10-11 meeting in Utrecht, Holland
Keywords: Utrecht Holland,
Title: The Calculator Meeting in Dallas
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Agenda for the May 20th Antique Scientific Instrument and Calculator Show in Dallas TX
Keywords: Antique Scientific Instrument and Calculator Show
Title: Article by Thacher
Author: Thacher, Edwin
Summary: This article, supplied as a supplement to the JOS, was read at a scientific meeting in 1882. Thacher discusses several types of slide rules in this article, including the Fuller.
Keywords: Fuller, Thacher E., Gunter
Title: Palmer's Computing Scale-Revisited
Author: Feazel, Bobby
Summary: Update on an article published in the JOS Vol 3, No 1 1994
Keywords: Palmer's Computing Scale, Cajori F., Marsh G.V.,
Title: Log Log Scales - Revisited
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Article provides additional information about the history of the Keuffel & Esser log log slide rule
Keywords: K&E log log slide rule, Blanc F., Bland J. R., Yokata S., log log, Bland rule,
Title: The A. W. Faber-Castell Columbus System
Author: von Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: A full account of the A. W. Faber-Castell Columbus System. A photograph accompanies the article
Keywords: A. W. Faber-Castell Columbus System, Rohrberg A.,
Title: Translation of the Instructions for the Columbus
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: Translation of the instructions for the A. W. Faber-Castell Columbus slide rule
Keywords: A. W. Faber-Castell Columbus slide rule, simple interest,
Title: Branan's Rule An Undervalued Slide Rule
Author: Knight, Richard
Summary: Discussion of the description and use of Branan slide rules. A photograph accompanies the article
Keyword: Branan's rule, Malt Gauging,
Title: George Ward and The Gauger's Practice ...
Author: Babcock, Bruce
Summary: A discussion of the book The Gauger's Practice: or the practical way how to Gauge and Inch Brewers Tuns; and the Gauging of Casks, according to the True RULES of the ART, written by George Ward in 1693
Keywords: Gauge-point, gauging, Ward G., Cajori, Coggeshall carpenter's rule, gauging
Title: Schact & Westerich Calculator
Author: Bennett, Al
Summary: Discussion of the Schact & Westerich Calculator, a two sided, 2-1/2 inch diameter pocket watch calculator.
Keywords: pocket watch slide rule, Schact & Westerich Calculator
Title: Interesting Variations in the First Metal Pickett
Author: DeCesaria, Robert; Shepherd, Rodger; and Baron, Ray.
Summary: Discussion of the Pickett Deci-Point, the first metal slide rule issued by Pickett. Photographs accompany the article
Keywords: Pickett & Eckel, Deci-Point
Title: Key to Centerfold
Author: Editor
Summary: Drawings and photographs of slide rules discussed in this volume
Keywords: Pickett Model 1, Columbus slide rule, Branan's slide rule, Pfiffikus rule, Mini-2000, DeBeers Diamond rule, Helance Garn Rechner, Lufthansa B 747-B fueling computer, Logomat V and G 816, Appoullot T3 circular slide rule, Logomat, Sili-Rechner
Title: Logomat Werbeartikel (Logomat Advertising Articles)
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: A discussion of the Logomat, a company that produced circular slide rules that their customers could use as an advertising item. A number of photographs of these slide rules accompany the article.
keyword: Logomat, circular slide rule, Advertising Articles,
Title: The Fuller Calculating Instrument
Author: Feely, Wayne and Schure, Conrad
Summary: In the paper, the Author's begin to piece together the facts concerning the history, manufacture, distribution and types of Fuller Calculators. A drawing of the Fuller Calculator accompanies the article.
Keywords: Fuller Calculators, Fuller Slide Rule, Fuller G., Schute N., K&E, Stanley W.F., Stanley Instruction Book, Fuller-Bakewell slide rule, Midget Fuller slide rule,
Title: Two Nobel Attempts to Improve the Slide Rule
Author: Babcock, Bruce E.
Summary: The article discusses the Lurie Precision slide rule and the Richardson Pyramid slide rule as two attempts to increase accuracy of the slide rule without increasing their length. Drawing of each accompany article
Keywords: Lurie A.N., Lurie Precision slide rule, Richardson Pyramid slide rule, Richardson G. W.,
Title: An Example of Napierian Logarithms
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: The article shows an example of a page of logarithms and explains how it was used.
Keywords: Napier J., logarithms
Title: The Appoullot Circular Slide Rule
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: Discussion of the Appoullot slide rule and its use, accompanied by a both a drawing and a photograph
Keywords: Appoullot L., Appoullot circular slide rule,
Title: Letters
Author: Knight, Richard
Summary: Author: describes some errors in a previous article by Bruce Babcock JOS V3 No. 1
Keywords: Appoullot L., circular slide rule,
Title: Book Reviews
Author: editor
Summary: The books reviewed are The Encyclopedia of the History of Computing, edited by Mark Greenia; A History of Pi by Petr Beckmann, Landmarks in Digital Computing by Peggy A. Kidwell and Paul E. Ceruzzi; The Story of a Number by Eli Maor; Slide Rule, the Autobiography of an engineer by Nevil Shute, Mathematical Instruments in Antiquity and the Middle Ages by A. J. Turner
Keywords: Greenia M., Beckmann P., Kidwell P.A., Ceruzzi P.E., Maor E., Shute N.
Title: Travels and the Market Report
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Prices obtained by selected slide rules at the 1994 Cologne auction
Keywords: Cologne auction
Vol. 4, No. 2, October 1995
Title: The Journal of the Oughtred Society
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Discussion of s board meeting to discuss future of the JOS
Keywords: Journal of the Oughtred Society
Title: The Annual June Meeting in Oakland
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Overview of Annual Meeting of the Oughtred Society held June 24, 1995 in Oakland, CA
Keywords: Annual Meeting of the Oughtred Society
Title: The September Meeting in New Jersey
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Overview of Meeting of the Oughtred Society held September 23, 1995 in Hightstown, NJ
Keywords: New Jersey Meeting of the Oughtred Society
Title: Oral Histories
Author: Schuitema, Ir. IJ.
Summary: The article outlines the value and importance of obtaining oral histories of people associated with the development and manufacture of slide rules, with some of the Author's own examples given.
Keywords: Alro circular slide rule, Logomat circular slide rule, von Below G., Matthijssen, Green A. E. S.,
Title: Nystrom's Calculator
Author: Miller, R. C.
Summary: The article describes the history and operation of the Nystrom's Calculator based on patents and articles. An original description and key to the use of the calculator is reprinted.
Keywords: Nystrom's calculator, circular slide rule
Title: A Page from the 1883 Keuffel & Esser Catalog
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Page 93 from an 1883 K&E catalog is reproduced and discussed.
Keywords: Keuffel & Esser, K&E Catalogue, Gunter, Thacher, Engineers slide rules,
Title: Fowler & Company 1898-1988
Author: Knott, John V.
Summary: A history of William Henry Fowler and the Fowler circular calculator is described. A photograph of Fowler Circular Slide Rules accompanies the article.
Keywords: Fowler W. H., Fowler circular calculator,
Title: Model Designations of Modern Era K&E Slide Rules
Author: Morris, Alan
Summary: This paper clarifies the model designations of the ten-inch K&K (Keuffel & Esser) log0log rules made in the period from the late 1930s to the early 1970s.It includes a lists of certain terms and their definitions.
Keywords: K&E, Keuffel & Esser, duplex slide rules, K&E Series 4080; 4081
Title: Joshua Routledge 1775 -1829
Author: Knott, John V.
Summary: This paper outlines the life of Joshua Routledge, who invented the Routledge two-foot folding Engineers Slide Rule.
Keywords: Routledge J., Engineers Slide Rule
Title: How Briggs Computed Logarithms
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: This paper describes how Henry Briggs computed the first table of logarithms to the base 10 using the method of mean proportionals.
Keywords: Briggs H., logarithms, mean proportionals,
Title: Colby's Slide Rule
Author: Feazel, Bobby C.
Summary: This paper discusses the Colby Slide Rule and how it is used. A drawing accompanies the article.
Keywords: Colby's slide rule, Colby's Sewer Computer,
Title: Explanation of the Insert
Author: Editor
Summary: The insert contains photographs from the June meeting of the Oughtred Society in Oakland, CA and photographs and drawings of slide rules discussed in this issue.
Keywords: Gauging rules, Fowler circular calculators, K&E Student's slide rules
Title: Translation of an Article on F. Blanc's Slide Rule
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: This paper is a translation of the article: "Model of the Log-Log Slide Rule" by Engineer F. Blanc of Hamburg, published in Dyck's catalogue, Munich 1892/93.
keyword: Blanc F., Log-Log slide rule,
Title: Otis King Update
Author: Hopp, Peter
Summary: The article gives a simplified listing of Otis King rules and ways to differentiate between the three types. Drawings accompany article.
Keywords: Otis King slide rules, cylindrical slide rule, Otis King Model K, Otis King Model L
Title: K&E Student's and Beginner's Slide Rules - 1897 to 1954
Author: Babcock, Bruce
Summary: The K&E Student and beginner's slide rule was offered by K&E from 1897 to 1954, with brief descriptions from many of the K&E catalogs.
Keywords: K&E Student's slide rule, beginner's Mannheim, Mannheim slide rule, K&E Model 4058W
Title: Special Slide Rules of Faber-Castell
Author: von Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: This paper provides a list of all of the special slide rules made by Faber-Castell after 1945.
Keywords: Faber-Castell Demegraph slide rule, Astralon (PVC),
Title: The Customs and Excise Gauging Slide Rule
Author: Barnes, Colin
Summary: The Author: provides a set of instructions for this slide rule, supplied by HM Customs and Excise
Keywords: Custom and Excise slide rules and their use, gauging rule, Imperial system, Winchester system, Grove.
Title: Letters to the Editor
Author: von Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: Comments on previous article
Keywords: Schact & Westerich
Vol. 5, No. 1, March 1996
Title: Editorials and News
Author: Otnes, Robert
Summary: New Format; Front and Back Covers; Slide Rule Connections; Meetings: International Meeting in August 1996; International Meeting in 1997, Emil Pollak 1925-1995; An 1881 K&E Catalogue; Dietzgen
Keywords: Pollak E., K&E Catalogue 1881.
Title: The November 1995 Meeting in Utrecht
Author: Otnes, Robert; Lloyd, Brian B; Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: Overview of the November 10, 1995 Joint Meeting of the Dutch Circle of Slide Rule Collectors and the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Dennert H., Kugel, Gunter, van Poelje O., Craenen G..
Title: The Thompson Log-Log Slide Rule
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Paper describes the J.H. Thompson slide rule that resides in the London Museum of Science and Industry. Although it was not the first log-log slide rule, it appears to be the first that does both regular calculations and roots and powers on the same rule. A drawing accompanies the article.
Keywords: Thompson, J. H., log-log slide rule.
Title: Log-Log Slide Rule of Blanc -Continued
Author: Kugel, Gunter
Summary: This letter contributes additional information to the translation of Blanc's slide rule description, published in Dyck's catalogue, Munich, 1892/3, by Rodger Shepherd. (JOS V4, No.2, page 9 (1995). The letter includes translations of some letters to the editor of the Journal of the Society of German Engineers (VDI), vol. 45. p 720, 1901.
Keywords: Blanc E., log-log slide rule, Hemmi, K&E, Chicago Columbian Exposition.
Title: Gurley Slide Rule
Author: Miller, R. C.
Summary: Paper describes a circular metal slide rule and a protractor made by the W & L. E. Gurley company and its markings. Photo accompanies the article
Keywords: circular slide rule, Gurley slide rule, Frankford Arsenal, Keuffel & Esser,
Title: A Beer Slide Rule
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: Paper describes a slide rule designed by J. van Strien of Heineken Breweries to accompany a battery powered instrument to measure the amount of carbon dioxide present in a beer sample.
Keywords: van Strien J., Heineken Breweries, carbon dioxide, beer slide rule
Title: The Centerfold
Author: Editor
Summary: Photographs from Utrecht Meeting and drawings and photographs relating to articles
Keywords: Utrecht Meeting, Blundell-Harling, Lawrence "Secret Code Maker", J. H. Thompson log-log slide rule,
Title: The Blundell Vector Slide Rule
Author: Otnes, Bob and Schure, Conrad
Summary: The paper describes the special-purpose slide rule designed for doing complex vector operations.
Keywords: Blundell Rules Ltd., Blundell-Harling, vector slide rule, Hemmi 255
Title: A Burton "Special"
Author: Feazel, Bobby C.
Summary: Paper describes some of the unusual prototype slide rules he discovered at an Oughtred Society meeting.
Keywords: Picker X-Ray, K&E,
Title: A Geological Slide Rule
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: paper describes a geological slide rule developed as a simple calculating aid for the statistical evaluation of chemical and mineral resources and possible reserves.
Keywords: geochemical, de Wolde H. I., geological slide rule.
Title: The Wollaston Chemical Slide Rule
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Paper describes the chemical equivalents slide rule, published by William Cary in 1814, based on oxygen as the standard, at 10, Wollaston calculated the combining proportions of various substances and listed them on a logarithmic scale from 10 to 320. (a photograph of the slide rule accompanies the article.
Keywords: Wollaston, Hyde W., Wollaston Chemical Slide Rule, Cary W., William, chemical equivalent slide rule, Cajori,
Title: Faber-Castell Combination Rule
Author: von Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: Paper describes an attempt by Faber-Castell to produce pocket calculators, the TR1, with a four-function electronic calculator on one side and a slide rule on the other. The paper describes other "hybrids" produced by Faber-Castell. A photo of the F-B 67/98 Rb ELEKTRO accompanies the paper.
Keywords: Faber-Castell, TR1, 67/98 Rb ELEKTRO, Addiator Rietz
Title: Update of Known Fuller and Thacher Rules
Author: Feely, Wayne
Summary: The result of an Oughtred Society questionnaire, more accurate estimates of the transition points in each series of rules. Paper is accompanied by tables of known Fuller and Thacher rules
Keywords: Thacher slide rules, Fuller slide rules W. F. Stanley, Keuffel & Esser,
Title: Comment on the Fuller Listings
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Paper analyzes the data generated in the in the previous paper (JOS Vol 5, No. 1 p25) and concludes that more Thacher rules have survived than Fuller rules but the Thachers are valued 4-5 times higher
Keywords: Thacher, Fuller, Fuller slide rule listings,
Title: Letters: More on Routledge
Author: Knott, John V
Summary: Letter describes two booklets by Routledge and his engineering rule
Keywords: Routledge J, British Library.
Title: Letters: On Buying a Slide Rule
Author: Hanson, Palmer O.
Summary: Letter describes the difficulty of purchasing a K&E Log-Log Duplex Decitrig slide rule at the University of Minnesota in 1946 because they were reserved for veterans because the bookstores were able to charge an additional fee for veterans.
Keywords: University of Minnesota, K&E Log-Log Duplex Decitrig
Title: The Market Report
Author: Editor
Summary: Article describes the sale of slide rules at various auctions
Keywords: Cologne Auction,
Title: Explanation of the Back Cover Sketch
Author: Babcock, Bruce
Summary: Paper describes the illustration that originally appeared in William Oughtred's "Circles of Proportion and the Horizontal Instrument etc"., published in 1660. This illustration appears on the back cover of this volume of the JOS
Keywords: Oughtred W., Circles of Proportion and the Horizontal Instrument etc.,
Vol. 5, No. 2, October 1996
Title: Editorials and News
Author: Editor
Summary: Introduction to the Issue
Keywords: Lawrence slide rule
Title: The June Meeting in Oakland
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Overview of the sixth Annual Meeting of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Annual Meeting of the Oughtred Society
Title: Second International Meeting
Author: Hopp, Peter
Summary: Overview of the Second International Meeting, August 16-18 1996, Cambridge, England
Keywords: Second International Meeting, yellow book
Title: Scheduled Meetings and Shows
Author: Editor
Summary: Listing of meetings and shows for 1997
Title: The Dietzgen Company
Author: Aldinger, Henry
Summary: Article examines the history of the Eugene Dietzgen Company and their slide rules.
Keywords: Dietzgen E., Dietzgen Company, Engineer's slide rule,
Title: Some Distinctive Features of Dietzgen Slide Rules
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Article describes some of the distinctive and innovative features found with Dietzgen slide rules.
Keywords: Dietzgen, Mack Improved slide rule, Dietzgen Mannheim, self adjusting stator, Dietzgen Model 1762, Micromatic Duplex, Microglide Duplex,
Title: Dietzgen Patents, Runners and Log-Log Scales
Author: Otnes, Robert K.
Summary: Article discusses patents listed on Dietzgen slide rules, some held by other companies. Photographs of selected Dietzgen slide rules are included
Keywords: Dietzgen patents, Dietzgen runners, K&E, Log-Log scales
Title: Dietzgen Calculation Devices
Author: Otnes, Robert K.
Summary: In addition to slide rules, Dietzgen marketed a line of calculation devices (planimeters, integrators, elaborate slide rules and calculators, which are discussed.
Keywords: Dietzgen, Kuttner's Rekoning Machine, Burkhardt's Rekoning Machine, Liebniz, Bunzel Rekoning Machine
Title: Concluding Remarks on Dietzgen Slide Rules
Author: Editor
Summary: Comparison of Dietzgen with the major companies operating in the US
Keywords: K&E, Dietzgen, Post, Pickett
Title: The Pilot Balloon Slide Rule
Author: Feazel, Bobby
Summary: Excerpts taken from the book entitled The Measurement of Upper Winds by Means of Pilot Balloons, which involve use of a slide rule
Keywords: Pilot Balloon slide rule,
Title: Solving the Keuffel & Esser Catalog Problem
Author: Garcelon, David C.
Summary: Article develops the relationship between the date and edition numbers of Keuffel & Esser General Catalogs to the actual number of General Catalogs that K&E issued. A table of K&E General Catalogues is included.
Keywords: Keuffel & Esser Catalog, K&E
Title: Illustrations in the Centerfold
Author: editors
Summary: An explanation of the nine illustrations that refer to other articles in this issue.
Keywords: Catalogue of Eugene Dietzgen Co., Rotarule, K&E model 4071T, Pilot Balloon slide rule, Thomas Dixon Engineer's rule, General Hannyngton slide rule, Lawrence Engineering slide rule,
Title: Lawrence Engineering Service - A Tale from an American Small Town
Author: Babcock, Bruce
Summary: History of Lawrence Engineering Service and George Lee Lawrence
Keywords: Lawrence G. L., Lawrence slide rule, Lawrence engineering Service
Title: Otis-King - Conclusions?
Author: Hopp, Peter
Summary: A comprehensive list of numbers of Otis King calculators produced.
Keywords: Otis King Calculators,
Title: Slide Rule Hunting in Ireland
Author: Schuitema, IJezebrand
Summary: Description of searching for slide rules in Ireland
Keywords: Thos. Robinson & Son, Ltd., flour calculator
Title: Iwanamatic 1650 and the Votsch-varient
Author: Schuitema, IJezebrand
Summary: Discussion of the Iwanamatic slide rule
Keywords: Iwanamatic circular slide rule, Logomat,
Title: The Thomas Dixon Engineer's Slide Rule
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Outline of the use of the pre-cursor Thomas Dixon Engineers slide rule, with drawing.
Keywords: Dixon T., Dixon Engineer's slide rule, cursorless
Title: A Visit to the Deutsches Museum
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Report on a visit to the Deutsches Museum in Munich, Germany
Keywords: Faber A.W., A.W. Faber-Castell, Aristo-Werke, circular slide rules
Title: Wollaston's Equivalents Slide Rule
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: A description of the actual use and operation of this historically important instrument.
Keywords: Wollaston's Equivalents Slide Rule,
Title: Letter: Some questions about the history of specific slide rules
Author: Schwartz, Benjamin L.
Summary: A series of questions about specific slide rules
Keywords: Cal-Tape, Halden Calculex, Cajori
Title: Letter: Some questions about collecting slide rules
Author: Mitton, Ken
Summary: A series of questions about specific slide rules
Keywords: Pickett N1010-T
Title: Letter: Some questions about John L. Novotni, slide rule maker
Author: Bond, Evelyn Novotni
Summary: Author is the daughter of John L. Novotni and would like information about his slide rules
Keywords: Novotni J.L., Novotni Weight Slide Rule
Title: The Internet
Author: Editors
Summary: Some interesting web sites for slide rule collectors
Keywords: Internet
Title: Publications of Interest
Author: Lerner, Aaron B.
Summary: Author: reviews a number of books including A Treatise on the Steam Engine by J. Farey, Calculus by Luc de Brabandere, Calculi - Images of Computing in Olden and Modern Times by Bernard Korte and Directions for Using Thacher's Calculating Instrument by E. Thacher
Keywords: Farey J., Brabandere, d. L., Korte B., Thacher E.
Title: Camera Technology
Author: Editor
Summary: Tips for photographing slide rules
Keywords: photographing slide rules
Title: The Market Report
Author: Editor
Summary: Comments on the cost and availability of slide rules and calculators
Keywords: market for slide rules
Vol. 6, No. 1, March 1997
Title: The Oughtred Society
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Comments on the status and management of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Oughtred Society, numeracy, meetings
Title: Dennert & Pape and Aristo Slide Rules 1872-1978
Author: Dennert, Hans
Summary: This article is intended to enable slide rule collectors to date their Dennert & Pape, D&P, DUPA and Aristo slide rules (with drawings)
Keywords: Dennert & Pape, D&P, DUPA, Aristo, System Darmstadt, trademarks,
Title: T. S. Emblem Series - Oral Histories
Author: Barnes, Colin
Summary: Oral histories taken surrounding the Technical Sales (London) Ltd, which supplied slide rules under the T. S. Emblem name
Keywords: Emblem T.S., Unique
Title: The Astronomical Scales of Oughtred's Calculator - A Detective Story
Author: Slater, Derek
Summary: Article outlines the possible uses of the "inner scales" of Oughtred's circular calculator to tell time by the stars.
Keywords: Oughtred, Whipple Museum
Title: K&E Instrument Manuals
Author: Otnes, Robert K.
Summary: This article is a discussion of collecting K&E instruction manuals.
Keywords: K&E, instruction manuals, Cox W., Breckenridge W. E., Weinbach M. P., Kells L. M.,
Title: Two Scarce K&E Rules
Author: Sauer, Robert J.
Summary: The article attempts to identify two early K&E slide rules.
Keywords: K&E 4066, extra slide,
Title: A Circular Slide Rule in the Shape of a Ring
Author: Joss, Heinz
Summary: Article describes an unusual circular slide rule in the shape of a ring. Photo included.
keyword: circular slide rule, ring shaped
Title: Some Specialty Slide Rules
Author: Schwartz, Benjamin L.
Summary: This article describes several special-purpose slide rules in the Author's collection (drawings included).
Keywords: Lawrence Printer's Proportional Rule, Weems aerial navigation computer, Spirule root-locus calculator, Taylor relative humidity measurement scale,
Title: A K&E Slide Rule for Planer Work
Author: Babcock, Bruce E.
Summary: Article describes planers, their history and the slide rules used to increase the efficiency of their use.
Keywords: Frederick Taylor slide rule, Barth's slide rule, Gisholt Time Computer, Richardson G.W., Cincinnati Planer slide rule, slide rule for planer work,
Title: The Voith Slide Rule and Mechanical Pencil Combination
Author: Chamberlain, Edwin J.
Summary: Article describes the operation of this unusual mechanical pencil -slide rule. (Photos included.
Keywords: Voith slide rule, Schauer slide rule
Title: British Thornton - A Slide Rule Manufacturer of Manchester England
Author: Knott, John V.
Summary: A history of British Thornton slide rule is outlined
Keywords: Thornton A.G., British Thornton, Manchester, Calculex
Title: The British Thornton Slide Rule
Author: Knott, John V.
Summary: Article describes the development of logos for the company. It also describes the manufacture of British Thornton slide rules and the entry of BT into teaching projects.. A photograph is included.
Keywords: British Thornton slide rule, Precision Instrument Company, P.I.C.,
Title: Unique Slide Rules
Author: Hopp, Peter , Barnes, Colin and Knott, John
Summary: Article describes the history of the Unique Slide Rule company of Brighton, England. It also describes the patterns of slide rules related to their date of manufacture. Cross section drawings of Unique slide rules are included, along with three tables of characteristics.
Keywords: Unique Slide Rule Ltd., Snodgrass B. , Jiffy slide rule Unique 5/10, dualistic
Title: A Five-Piece Combination Gauging Rod and Slide Rule
Author: Wyman, Thomas
Summary: Article describes an unusual gauging tool, with photographs included
Keywords: Gauging tool, Knight R., Branan's Rule,
Title: Slide Rule Watches
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Article describes a number of slide rule watches, with photos included
Keywords: Breitling, Heuer, Mondia, Sieko, Selectron, Citizen WR100, Globa
Title: Slide Rule Photography
Author: McCully, H. M.
Summary: The article provides the basic information needed to successfully take photographs of slide rules.
Keywords: photographing slide rules,
Title: Letter: Dietzgen issue
Author: Kujovich, Larry
Summary: Note from current president and CEO of Dietzgen Corporation
Keywords: Dietzgen Corp.
Title: Letter: Lawrence Slide Rules
Author: Hopp, Peter M.; Barnes, Colin; Green, David
Summary: Letters received by the Author: on the popularity of Lawrence Slide Rules overseas
Keywords: Lawrence slide rules,
Title: Letter: Binding issues of JOS
Author: Baron, Raymond
Summary: Suggestion for binding JOS
Keywords: Journal of the Oughtred Society
Title: Book Reviews
Author: Editor
Summary: Books reviewed include The Complete Collector's Guide to Pocket Calculators by Ball, Guy and Bruce Flamm and Exceptional Scientific and Engineering Works of Art by Christie's South Kensington
Keywords: Ball G., Flamm B., Christie
Vol. 6, No. 2, Fall 1997
Title: The Oughtred Society
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Comments on the status and membership of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Oughtred Society
Title: June and September Meetings
Author: Chamberlain, Ed; Wyman, Thomas
Summary: Comments on the 7th Annual Meeting of the Oughtred Society, June 28th 1997 held in Palo Alto and the 3rd International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, September 12th, 1997, held in Stein/Nurenberg, Germany
Keywords: Oughtred Society Meetings, International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors
Title: Further Notes on the Operation of Gunter's Rules
Author: von Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: Discussion of the book "Die Gunterscale by Ludwig Jerdmann, 1888" and its use in navigation. Illustrations included.
Keywords: Gunter's rules, Jerdmann L.,
Title: Electrical Wireman's Combined Gage and Calculator
Author: Feazel, Bobby
Summary: Describes a rule made by Herbert Lutz that combines a wire gage and a slide rule for calculation. Photos included
Keywords: combined wire gage and calculator, Herbert Lutz slide rule,
Title: The RHS Calculator
Author: Weinstock, Daniel
Summary: Description of a rare cylindrical slide rule, produced by R. H. Smith that looks like a miniature version of a Fuller. Photos are included
Keywords: RHS calculator, cylindrical slide rule, cylindric logarithmic scale, Fuller, Smith R. H.
Title: William Cox on the Sector
Author: Stanley, Philip
Summary: Description of the role William Cox played in producing "The Compass", a monthly journal produced by K&E from 1891 to 1894, and an article on sectors that he wrote.
Keywords: The Compass, Cox W., Gunter E., English sector, Keuffel & Esser
Title: The Sector
Author: Cox, William
Summary: This is an article of sectors published by William Cox in "The Compass", a K&E publication, in the 1890s. In it he describes how sectors are used.
Keywords: Cox W., Gunter E., sector, K&E
Title: Elmer A. Sperry and His Calculator
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: This article discusses Sperry and Sperry-like pocket calculators and how they operate. Drawings and photos included
Keywords: Sperry E. A., pocket calculators, Boucher calculator, K&E Model IVa, Lange G., Dennert & Pape
Title: The Soho Rule
Author: Wess, Jane
Summary: Discussion of the Soho rule, the first use of a slide rule for the construction of steam engines
Keywords: Soho sliding rule, Watt J., Farley J., Routledge, Bevan, Boulton M., Boulton and Watt Manufactury, Cajori F., Donkin's slide rule, Donkin B.,
Title: Measuring the Volume of Logs: The Timber Contenting Slide Rule
Author: Bready, James and Babcock, Bruce
Summary: Describes some of the slide rules made to specifically determine the volume of wood in logs and how they were used.
Keywords: Timber contenting rule, Aston T., Coggeshall, Dring & Fage rule, Dollond, Hawney
Title: U.S. Army Air Corps Aerial Dead Reckoning type E-6B
Author: Sanik, Paul
Summary: Article describes the background and use of the aerial dead reckoning computer used from the mid 1930s to the present. The use of the instrument is also discussed.
Keywords: Aerial Dead Reckoning Computer, K&E, Dalton P., Weems, Jeppesen, Sanderson Films, E-6B, circular slide rule
Title: Dating Otis-King Slide Rules
Author: Barnes, Colin
Summary: Another example of dating the Otis King cylindrical slide rules. Table included
Keywords: Otis King, serial number prefix
Title: Fuller's Telegraph Computer
Author: Barnes, Colin
Summary: Poem taken from one of three Palmer-Fuller rules in the Whipple Museum of the History of Science at Cambridge
Keywords: Poem, Palmer-Fuller, Whipple Museum
Title: The Roylance Electrical Slide Rule
Author: Feazel, Bobby
Summary: Discussion of K&E No. 4133 Roylance Electrical Slide Rule and it use
Keywords: K&E No. 4133, Roylance Electrical Slide Rule
Title: Joseph Halden & Co.- A Slide Rule Manufacturer of Manchester, England
Author: Knott, John V.
Summary: History of Joseph Halden's life and the Calculex, his circular slide rules
Keywords: Halden J., Calculex, circular slide rule, Thornton A. G., J. Halden's & Co Ltd..,
Title: Did the Great War Leave Its Mark on Slide Rules?
Author: Rodger Shepherd
Summary: How World War I affected slide rule sales in England
Keywords: World War I, Mannheim
Title: Rotating Mechanism for Classroom Instructional Slide Rules
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Description of a rotation device created by K&E that allowed the 6 to 8 foot classroom slide rules to be rotated in demonstrations of their use. Photograph included
Keywords: K&E rotator
Title: The Richardson-Gilson Connection
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Explores the connection between George Washington Richardson and the Gilson Slide Rule Company
Keywords: Richardson G. W., Gilson Slide Rule Company. The Slide Rule Simplified
Title: The System Wern Slide Rule
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Explores the invention of the System Wern slide rule which solves the problem of decimal point placement.
Keywords: System Wern slide rule, Wern calculator
Title: Book Reviews
Author: Fischer, Joachim
Summary: Review of a book in German, Rechenschieber- eine Dokumentation ( Title: translated as Slide Rules: A Documentation) by Dieter von Jezierski, John Davis & Sons (Derby) Ltd., A Chronology of Slide Rule Production, by Colin Barnes and Scientific Instrument Making in Manchester 1870-1940 by Jenny Wetton
Keywords: Cajori, Jezierski D. v., Wetton J., Barnes C.
Title: The American Scientific Instrument Market
Author: Giordano, Raymond V.
Summary: A Summary: of the activities of thirty dealers across the United States who responded to a written survey
Keywords: West Sea Company, The Gemmary, The Rational Past, Scientique, Lynn Harding, Packrat Antiques, Skip Solberg, Perceptions, Antique Scientifica,
Vol 7., No.1, Spring 1998
Title: Letters: K&E Slide Rules
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Comments on the extensive matrix of all K&E slide rules in an article by Wayne Feely ( Chronicles of the Early American Industries Association, V 49 No. 2)
Keywords: K&E Slide rules
Title: Market Report
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Results of three auctions handling scientific instruments
Keywords: Napier's Bones, Becker Auction, Skinner Auction, Christie's Auction
Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring 1998
Title: The Oughtred Society
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Comments on the status of membership of and gifts to the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Oughtred Society
Title: Meetings
Author: Catt, Cyril
Summary: Overview of the first meeting of the Australian slide rule enthusiasts held in Sydney, February 7, 1998
Keywords: Australian slide rule enthusiasts
Title: Meetings
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Comments on a meeting of the Portland OR slide rule collectors held in Portland on February 21, 1998. Also outline of the meetings of the Oughtred Society to be held in Palo Alto June 27th and Edison NJ on October 3rd 1998. The 4th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors will be held in Huttwil, Switzerland October 14-16, 1998
Keywords: 1998 Meetings planned
Title: The Dempster RotoRule
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Details on this slide rule provided by twelve current collectors. Photos included
Keywords: Dempster RotoRule Model AA, Dempster J. R., Vinyllite, Roto Rule, Pickett Model 110
Title: Notes on Frederick Post Slide Rules
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: What is presently known to the author about Frederick Post Slide Rules? Photos included.
Keywords: Frederick Post Slide Rule, Dieterich-Post, DIEPO, Faber A.W., Dennert & Pape, Boucher Calculator, Sexton's Omnimetre, Halden Calculex, Ritow slide rule, Hemmi slide rule, Ross Middlemiss,
Title: Napier and the Computation of Logarithms
Author: Fischer, Joachim
Summary: Napier's work on logarithms, namely on the numerical treatment of their constituents. All Napierian ideas, theorems, and proofs are presented here in modern terminology.
Keywords: Napier, Logarithms,
Title: Blundell-Blundell Harling- W.H. Harling Slide Rules; A Brief History of Blundell Harling Limited
Author: Soole, Peter
Summary: Discussion of the history of W.H. Blundell slide rules, photos included.
Keywords: W.H. Harling slide rules, Blundell Harling slide rules, Bakelite slide rules, PVC slide rules, GEON, Astralon, Darvic PVC, Janus Dual-faced slide rules, Classmate 812, Academy Duplex 905, Reitz, ? Reitz, Super Duplex, Academy 302 Log/Log Blundell-Harling Classmate 812, Blundell-Harling Academy Duplex 905, Blundell-Harling Reitz, Blundell-Harling Super Duplex 809, Blundell-Harling Academy 302 LOG/LOG
Title: The Mechanical Engineer
Author: De Cesaris, Bob
Summary: Discussion of the "Mechanical Engineer", a pocket calculator, and its operation, with reproduced advertisement.
Keywords: Mechanical Engineer, Fowler Company, Fowler "Twelve-Ten",
Title: Some Facts and Impressions on Chinese Slide Rules
Author: Meulen, Pierre Vander
Summary: Some observations on Chinese Slide Rules, with photographs.
Keywords: Chinese slide rules, Flying-Fish 101, 102, 1003, Pickett N4-ES scales, Aristo,
Title: Slide Rules of the Stanley Rule & Level Company
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: The purpose of the paper is to draw the attention of readers to slide rules that were available through American Manufacturers. Information on the measuring and slide rules was produced by Stanley Rule & Level Company.
Keywords: Stanley Rule & Level Company, Routledge-type slide rule, Hogg J., Coggeshall's hinged rule, Hogg slide rule,
Title: Dating the Otis King: An Alternative Theory Developed Through Use of the Internet
Author: Lyon, Richard F.
Summary: Discussion of the relationship of serial numbers and their accompanying letters to dates of manufacture. A chart accompanies the article
Keywords: Otis King Patent Calculator, dating Otis King
Title: Slide Rule Decimal Point Location Methods
Author: Chamberlain, Edwin
Summary: Paper surveys various methods proposed and used to fix the location of the decimal point in slide rule calculations.
Keywords: Decimal point location, Post Versatrig slide rule manual, Cox characteristic or digit count method, Pickworth digit count method, Richardson places method, Slater decimal point shift method, Stanley characteristic method, Clason 10s count and place count method, Charles Hoare scales, Kamm decimal-keeping scales, Faber registering cursor, Keuffel & Esser decimal pointer indicator, Hemmi digit registering cursor, Moore decimalizer, Schaeffer G. D., Cherney M, Eckel A. F., Smidl J., Christen C., Latshaw C. E., Morse G., Gilmore H., Dickson C.
Title: Analysis of a Gilson Circular Rule
Author: Grable, Ross
Summary: Discussion of the Gilson circular slide rule, with photographs
Keywords: Gilson circular slide rule,
Title: : A Golden Age 4071T by Keuffer & Esser
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Discussion of the K&E Model 4071T and the period that produced it.
Keywords: Cox W., K&E Model 4071T
Title: : Letters : Comments on rarity
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Comments on an article by Wayne Feely on K&E slide rules
Keywords: Feely W., slide rule rarity, K&E,
Title: : Letters : E.A. Bräuer's logarithmic dividers
Author: Joss, Heinz
Summary: Comments on an instrument that can be used to add logarithms but is not a slide rule.
Keywords: E.A. Bräuer's logarithmic dividers
Title: : Letters: Search for the Existence of an Analog Calculating Instrument
Author: van Asbeck, Erwin
Summary: Search for an instrument or nomogram to calculate all the angles involved in a nonregular spherical triangle
Keywords: Analog calculating instrument
Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall 1998
Title: The Oughtred Society and the Fall Issue
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Comments on the Journal of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: JOS
Title: Meetings: Report on the June Meeting in Palo Alto
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Report on the 8th Annual meeting of the Oughtred Society, held June 27th 1998 in Palo Alto
Keywords: Oughtred Society Annual Meeting
Title: Meetings: Report on the October Meeting in Huttwil
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Report on the 4th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors on October 14-16, Huttwil, Switzerland
Keywords: 4th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors.
Title: Oughtred on Gauging - 1633 AD
Author: Editor
Summary: Notes on Oughtred and his publication on gauging
Keywords: Oughtred, gauging
Title: The New Artificial Gauging Line or Rod - Excerpts
Author: Oughtred, William
Summary: Excerpts on an article published by William Oughtred in 1633 on gauging or measuring the contents of a barrel using his inventions
Keywords: Oughtred W., gauging
Title: Two Early Slide Rules
Author:: Rees, Mark
Summary: This article describes two early slide rules made only 13 years apart and draws parallels and distinctions between them. Illustrations accompany article
Keywords: Gauger's slide rule, Rowley J., Carver I., Everard T., Cook T., Allen E.,
Title: Review: Paul Zoller on the Soho Rule (Engineer's rule)
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Review of an article on the Soho slide rule from the Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society
Keywords: Zoller P., Soho rule, engineer's rule
Title: Some Notes on Rules from the Former Soviet Union
Author: Barnes, Colin
Summary: A discussion of Soviet slide rules, both straight and circular, and the meaning of the maker's marks.
Keywords: Soviet Union, straight slide rules, circular slide rules, slide rule logos
Title: Review1998 Membership Survey of Pocket Watch Type Rules
Author: Hopp, Peter
Summary: A survey of the number and 15 types of pocket watch calculators held by members in 1998
Keywords: Halden's Calculex, Fowler, Boucher, Carpentier, Mascot, Small, Sperry, Molter
Title: An Interview with Jack Burton and Gordon Anthony: The End of the Slide Rule Era at Keuffel & Esser - Part 1
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: A 1992 interview with Jack Burton, VP of Marketing for K&E and Gordon Anthony, manager of the San Francisco branch of K&E
Keywords: K&E, Jack Burton, Gordon Anthony,
Title: Slide Rules by Molter
Author: Von Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: Molter was the maker of instruments previously attributed to Schact & Westrich
Keywords: Schact & Westrich, Halden Calculex
Title: Lalanne's Glass Slide Rule and an Associated Instruction Book
Author: Sauer, Robert J.
Summary: A discussion of Lalanne's glass slide rule, invented by Léon Lalanne in 1851, with illustrations attached.
Keywords: Lalanne L., glass slide rule, Elliott and Sons,
Title: American Slide Rule Instruction Books Before 1890
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: A discussion of the types of slide rule instruction books available in the US before 1900
Keywords: Coggeshall rules, Gunter rules, Mannheim slide rule, Routledge Engineer's rules Soho engineers rules, sliding Gunters, gauging or spirit rules, Belcher, Knapen, Riddel, Sylvester.
Title: The W.H. Harling, Ltd. Company
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: A discussion of the W. H. Harling Ltd., a small slide rule company and the types of slide rules that they produced, with illustrations.
Keywords: W. H. Harling Ltd.,
Title: A Brief History of the W. H. Harling, Ltd. Company
Author: Stevens, Peter
Summary: Overview of the history of the W. H. Harling Company.
Keywords: W. H. Harling Ltd., Blundell Rules, Ltd., A. G. Thornton, W. F. Stanley
Title: Crafting Scale Rules by Hand - An Historical Note
Author: Goodson, David
Summary: A detailed description of the production methods employed for engraving scale rules by hand, with accompanying photos.
Keywords: W. H. Harling Company, Blundell Rules, dividing engine, Goodson A. D., Stevens P., Soole P.
Title: Common Graduation and Early U. S. Slide Rules
Author: Aldinger, Henry
Summary: Discussion of common graduation, the practice of copying an original rule, quadrant or protractor..
Keywords: Belcher Brothers, Stanley Rule & Level Co., J & J.H. Walker, H. Chapin, L.C. Stephens & Co., Willis Thrall
Title: Fowler's Pocket-Watch Type Calculators
Author: Hopp, Peter M.
Summary: Discussion of pocket watch calculators made by Fowler. A summary of models accompanies the article.
Keywords: Fowler artillery calculator, circular slide rule, universal calculator, "12-10" calculator, Magnum calculator, Fowler circular slide rule/junior calculator
Title: Short Topics: Reprints of the Paper by Joachim Fischer
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Availability of a paper on how Napier computed his table of logarithms.
Keywords: Napier, logarithms,
Title: Short Topics: The Logarithms of Joss Burgi
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Describes the work of Joss Burgi, an independent discoverer of logarithms, and how he used the base number 1.0001 to develop them.
Keywords: Burgi J., Waldvogel J.
Title: Short Topics: A Tale of Three Slide Rules
Author: Soltis, Robert Alan
Summary: Describes how, over thirty years, he obtained three K&E Log Log Duplex Decitrig slide rules.
Keywords: K&E Log Log Duplex Decitrig slide rule
Title: Letters: Looking for information on Règles Almanach slide rule
Author: Turner, A.J.
Summary: Author: requests any information on this French slide rule made between 1834-5
Keywords: Règles Almanach slide rule
Title: An Introduction to Articles on Dutch Contributions to Slide Rule History in the 20th Century.
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: Describes the work of K. Kasper in designing a sewage slide rule. He managed to design a method of calculating sewage culverts based on slide rule scales. A description of the use of this rule
Keywords: . Kasper K., Aristo, system Kasper,
Title: An Introduction to Articles on Dutch Contributions to Slide Rule History in the 20th Century. No. 1 - K. Kasper and his Sewerage Rule
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: Describes the work of K. Kasper in designing a sewage slide rule. He managed to design a method of calculating sewage culverts based on slide rule scales. A description of the use of this rule
Keywords: Kasper K., Aristo, system Kasper, Kasper slide rule
Title: The Slide Rule in College
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Discovery of humor about in back issues of pre-1975 Stanford University humor magazines, with cartoons.
Keywords: Humor, cartoons, Stanford.
Title: The Marketplace
Author: Blankenhorn, Rick
Summary: This article provides a Summary: of the general level of activity in the major marketplaces.
Keywords: eBay, Oughtred Society, Scientific instrument shows, Christie's auction, Sotheby's auction, David Stanley auctions, Portobello Road Dealers, Newark shows, Ardingly shows
Title: European Organization of Slide Rule Collectors
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: A report on the attempts to organize the European slide rule collectors
Keywords: European organization of slide rule collectors
Title: A Note to Author's
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Comments on style and text transmission format for articles submitted to the Journal of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Journal of the Oughtred Society, Author's
Vol. 8, No. 1, Spring 1999
Title: The Spring Issue
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Outline of JOS articles, meetings in 1999 and 2000
Keywords: Oughtred Society Meetings 1999, 2000
Title: The Molter Slide Rule
Author: Shepherd, Rodger and von Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: Detailed description of the Molter slide rule, a "relatively rare" watch pocket slide rule, with photos
Keywords: Molter W., Molter slide rule, circular, watch pocket,
Title: Is "Gauging" an Archaic Practice?
Author: Sauer, Robert J.
Summary: The article confirms that, based on items for sale in scientific instrument catalogs, the practice of "gauging" continued well into the 20th century. Drawing accompany article
Keywords: Stanley Rule and Level Co., Dring and Fage, Prime and McKean, Brombacher, Tagliabue G. , gauging
Title: More on the Capacity of Barrels
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: The article describes an unusual tape measure designed to estimate the capacity of barrels of casks based on the circumference at the widest point. Photos accompany article
Keywords: barrel capacity tape measure,
Title: The French Lalanne Glass Slide Rule
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Description of two additional French Lalanne Glass slide rules discovered by Author:
Keywords: French Lalanne Glass slide rule, Elliott W.
Title: Pickett & Eckel Slide Rule Timeline
Author: Reichelt, Bruce
Summary: A timeline for the Pickett and Eckel Slide Rule Company
Keywords: Pickett & Eckel, Pickett R., magnesium slide rule, Deci-Point, aluminum slide rule, Eckel A.,
Title: Letters: A Strange Fellow Collector
Author: Joss, Heinz; von Jezierski, Dieter; Schiller, Hans
Summary: Availability of official and legal versions certain German publications from the Authors
Keywords: Official German publications
Title: Letters: An Early Example of a W. H. Harling Rule
Author: Barnes, Colin
Summary: Description of a Harling rule in Author's collection
Keywords: Harling W. H., W.H. Harding Rule
Title: Letters: Comments on Richardson and Gilson Rules
Author: Aldinger, Henry
Summary: Comments on metal washer from a Gilson Midget slide rule
Keywords: Richardson, Gilson
Title: Letters: Derivation of Oughtred's Formula
Author: Miller, Robert C.
Summary: Comments on the formula used by Oughtred in his book "The New Artificial Gauging Line or Rod" .
Keywords: Oughtred, New Artificial Gauging Line or Rod,
Title: Letters: Another American Slide Rule Book
Author: Stahl, Fred
Summary: Calls attention to an 1824 publication entitled "A Treatise on Gunter's Scale and the Sliding Rule" by George Curtis.
Keywords: Curtis G., slide rule books
Title: Reviews
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Two books are reviewed; Slide Rules-Their History, Models and Makers, by Peter M. Hopp and Trigonometric Delights, by Eli Maor
Keywords: Hopp P. M., Maor E.
Title: The Whythe Complex Slide Rule in Fuller Style
Author: Whythe, D. J.
Summary: The article describes the complex numbers slide rule designed by D. J. Whythe around 1960, with drawings.
Keywords: Whythe T. J., Fuller, W. F. Stanley & Co.
Title: An Interview with Jack Burton and Gordon Anthony: End of the Slide Rule Era at Keuffel & Esser - Part II
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Continuation of an interview with two former K&E employees and has their comments on the early history of making rules at K&E
Keywords: Burton J., Anthony G., K&E
Title: How D&P and K&E Made Slide Rules
Author: Dennert, Hans
Summary: Photograph of pantograph and description of how it was used to cut the divisions on slide rules
Keywords: pantograph, K&E, D&P
Title: Long-Scale Slide Rules
Author: Chamberlain, Edwin J.
Summary: The history of long-scale slide rules is described with definitions of terms used to describe them.
Keywords: long-scale slide rules, Oughtred W., Cajori F., Molburne, Brown, Horner, Ward J., Scott B., Facini B., Lambert J.H., Clairaut J.B., Nicholson W., Fuller J. F., Fuller-Palmer, Nystrom Calculator, Thacher E., Everett J.D., Manheim A., Fuller Spiral Calcualtor, Fuller G., Darwin G. H., Smith R. H., Paisley J. R., Artur J. F. , Seyffert O., Goulding cursor, Unique Pioneer Long Scale, Hemmi 201, Gridiron slide rules, Hannyngton Extended slide rule, Cherry slide rule, Proell's Pocket Calculator, Gilson Slide Rule Company, Richardson Direct Reading slide rule, Kolesch Co., Richardson & Clark, Gilson Pocket Slide Rule, Cooper slide rule, Lurie A.N, Wang Y., Charts and table slide rules, Goodchild Mathematical Chart, Triangular Rule , LaCroix and Ragot Graphic Table, MacMillan Table Slide Rule, Circular slide rules, Calculigraphe, Sexton's Omnimetre, Gilson Atlas, Ross Precision Computer, Appoullot spiral, Logomat spiral, Alro spiral, Otis King, R.H. Smith Calculator, Lafay A, Lafay Helice a Culcul, Nestler, Kooler Calculator, Giken M, Tape slide rule, Paisley Calculator, Thacher Calculating Instrument.
Title: Faber-Castell Model Numbers
Author: von Jezierski, Dieter and Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the system that Faber Castell used for their slide rules (with chart)
Keywords: Faber-Castell model numbers, Faber
Title: Adolph Keuffel and the Later K&E Slide Rules
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: A discussion of Adolph Keuffel and the US patents he was responsible for.
Keywords: Keuffel A., Keuffel C., K&E patents, K&E
Title: Articles on Dutch Contributions to Slide Rule History in the 20th Century-No. 2 - F. J. Vaes
Author: Schuiterna, IJzebrand
Summary: Discussion of the contributions of Franciscus Johannes Vaes to slide rule history. Drawings accompany article
Keywords: Vaes F J., Dutch,
Title: The "Vade Mecum Slide Rule" designed Expressly for the Timber Trade by George Bousfield
Author: Rees, Jane
Summary: Discussion of the history of George Bousfield and the slide rule he designed for the timber industry, accompanied by drawings of his slide rule and a detailed description of the rule and its use.
Keywords: Vade Mecum Slide Rule, Bousfield G., Timber slide rules.
Title: Direct Reading Frequency Response Slide Rule
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Description of a very special-purpose calculating device for computing gain in dB (decibels) and phase in degrees as a function of frequency which may or may not be a "slide rule"
Keywords: Direct Reading Frequency Response Slide Rule, logarithmic slide rule
Title: The Market Place
Author: Blankenhorn, Rick
Summary: Comments on buying and selling slide rules.
Keywords: eBay,
Vol. 8, No. 2, Fall 1999
Title: Oughtred Society Meetings
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: An overview of the 5th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, Cambridge England August 20-21 1999 and outlines of meetings to be held in 2000
Keywords: International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, Oughtred Society
Title: George Fuller and His Slide Rule
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: A brief overview of the life of George Fuller
Keywords: Fuller G., Thompson J., Fuller slide rule
Title: Slide Rule Accuracy
Author: Catt, Cyril
Summary: Discussion on the accuracy of slide rules and the relevance of significant figures
Keywords: slide rule accuracy, significant figures
Title: The Gunter Rule
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Discussion of the Gunter Cross Staff (drawing on cover of issue) and the Gunter slide rule.
Keywords: Gunter Cross Staff, Gunter E., Gunter Rule, line of numbers, dividers, Oughtred W., Allen E.,
Title: Robertson's Slide Rule with Runner - 1788
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Describes the Robertson slide rule, one of the first to have a runner and how it is used.
Keywords: Robertson slide rule, Montaine W., Robertson J., Nairne E., sliding Gunters, Blunt T., Mannheim A. , Soho, Lenoir, Zoller P.
Title: The Slide Rule in France -1815 (Translation from French)
Author: Jomard, M.
Summary: Description of a calculating rule, used in England, and called a sliding rule: proceeded by some reflections on the state of English industry, in April, 1815.
Keywords: Edme-François. Jomard, Scheffelt rules, Gunter, Lambert, Lenoir, Jones W., Wollaston W. H., Artur J. F., Gravet-Lenoir,
Title: The Pickett and Eckel Paper Slide Rule of 1943
Author: Mosby, Al
Summary: Discussion of paper slide rules made during WW II because of metal shortages.
Keywords: Pickett J., paper slide rules, Deci-Point "Demonstrator",
Title: Articles on Dutch Contributions to Slide Rule History in the 20th Century: No. 3 - R.E.P Wolthekker and His Road Curvature Slide Rule
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: Discussion of a road curvature rule designed by R.E.P. Wolthekker
Keywords: Wolthekker R.E. P., road curvature slide rule, Dutch,
Title: An unusual Russian Machinists' Rule
Author: Maack, Dennis
Summary: Discussion of an unusual Russian Machinists slide rule, with photos included.
Keywords: Russian, logarithmic rule, machinists rule,
Title: An Interview with Jack Burton and Gordon Anthony: End of the Slide Rule Era at Keuffel and Esser - Part III
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Discussion of aspects of manufacturing ant K&E.
Keywords: K&E, Burton J., Anthony G., end of slide rules, Hemmi, TI,
Title: Triangular Metal Slide Rule
Author: Excerpt from the 1900 K&E Catalog
Summary: Photos and patent for triangular slide rule developed by W.L.E. Keuffel
Keywords: K&E, triangular metal slide rule, Keuffel W. L. E.
Title: Slide Rules for Calculating Radiographic Exposure
Author: Burns, J.E
Summary: Article discusses slide rules specially designed to calculate some of the performance variables for new X-ray sets.
Keywords: X-ray, Rontgen, Wehnelt penetrameter, Schall & Son slide rule, Cavendish Electrical Co., Eastman Kodak slide rule, Friel-Sturdy slide rule, Ansco Slide rule, Philips Circular slide rule
Title: An Interesting Fowler Textile Calculator
Author: Bready, James
Summary: Article discusses a small Fowler Calculator in need of repair
Keywords: Circular slide rule, Fowler Textile Calculator, Fowler H.
Title: Cattle Gauge Slide Rules
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Article discusses slide rules specially designed to estimate the usable yield from the carcass of certain animals on the hoof.
Keywords: Cattle Gauge slide rule, Ewart Rule, Ewart J., Chesterman circular slide rule
Title: The Number e
Author: Maor, Eli
Summary: Article discusses the origin of the number e
Keywords: Newton, Leibniz, Napier, Descriptio, Bernoulli,
Title: Pocket-Watch Slide Rules
Author: Hopp, Peter M.
Summary: Article defines terms of pocket-watch slide rules to differentiate between
vest-pocket slide rules, pocket-watch calculators and pocket-watch slide rules and
discusses their history, with photos and chart.
Keywords: Pocket-Watch slide rules, Laurence Lord's Calculator, A.E.M. Boucher
Calculator, Vest Pocket slide rule, Small, Charpentier, Fowler Calculator, Sperry E.A.,
Fowler H., Halden J., Elliott Bros. Waddington, Stanley W.F., Steward J. F.,
Negretti & Zambra, Manlove, Alliott & Fryer, Schacht u. Westerich, Wichmann,
Molters, Keuffel and Esser, Dietzgen E., Queen & Co., Henri Chatelain, Calculigraphe,
M&P, Meyrat & Perdrizet, Cercle á Calcul, Lafond, Pedos, Calculex,
Title: Bach and the Slide Rule
Author: Steinbaugh, Gary
Summary: Discussion of the use of slide rules in the development of organs
Keywords: Rensch R., Bach J. S., organs, pipe scaling slide rule
Title: Slide Rule Competition in Texas High Schools
Author: Gabbert, Mike
Summary: Discussion of the slide rule competition in Texas high schools
Keywords: High school, slide rule competition,
Title: An Article from the Past on Log-Log Slide Rules
Author: Pletts, J. St. Vincent
Summary: The reproduction of an article on slide rules published in 1921, followed by some comments by Bob Otnes clarifying some details
Keywords: Pletts J. S.V., Log-Log slide rule,
Title: How to make Pictures of Slide Rules with a Digital Camera
Author: van Herwijnen, ir. H.
Summary: Describes ways to take good photographs of slide rules using a digital camera
Keywords: digital camera, Photoashop photographing slide rules,
Title: More on the Molter Slide Rule
Author: Shepherd, Rodger and von Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: Reports on six specimens and four variants of the Molter slide rule, with a table included.
Keywords: Molter slide rule
Title: Arithmographe par M. Gattey
Author: Editor
Summary: A drawing from 1816 of a circular slide rule may be the first such rule to have two disks, each with a logarithmic scale
Keywords: circular slide rule, M. Gattey, Arithmographe
Vol. 9, No. 1, Spring 2000
Title: Mid-America "Kring" Stages Another Successful Meeting
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Report from the second annual Mid-America Slide Rule Collectors Meeting in Kansas City, MO April 22, 2000
Keywords: Mid-America Slide Rule Collectors Meeting,
Title: Oughtred Society Activities
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Location of Oughtred Society meetings in 2000; Search for volunteers for a calculation competition between one of more persons with slide rules.
Keywords: Oughtred Society Meetings
Title:: A.W. Faber Castell Slide Rules - The Relationship Between Date of Manufacture and Indication of Brand Name, Model Number, and Model Name
Author: Venetsianos, Panagiotis
Summary: A chronological list of the different types of brand (logos) and model indications on Faber and Faber-Castell slide rules
Keywords: Faber, Faber-Castell slide rules, logo
Title: On Mandrels and Electroforms - The Making of Molded Slide Rules at the Keuffel & Esser Company
Author: Soper, Joseph
Summary: Describes the process used by K & E for making molded slide rules
Keywords: Keuffel & Esser Co., Mandrels, Electroforms
Title: The Market Report
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Discusses the David Stanley 35th International Tool Auction
Keywords: Stanley D.
Title: What is it?
Author: Ford, Graham
Summary: Describes a small, cylindrical steel slide rule and requests suggestions about its use.
Keywords: Slide rule for grill
Title: A Challenge to Oughtred Society Members
Author: Castleberry, Clay
Summary: A challenge to members to share their treasures with members of their communities.
Keywords: Oughtred Society, slide rule exhibits,
Title: Slide Rules and Slide Rule Type Devices
Author: Murtagh, Donald F.
Summary: Describes some of the slide rules he has collected since he was issued an E-6B Computer during WWII
Keywords: E-6B Computer, Curta, Otis King, Stevens Rally Indicator Model No. 25
Title: A Letter Regarding the Molter Slide Rule
Author: Joss, Heinz.
Summary: Response to an article in JOS, v 8, n1 on Molter slide rules.
Keywords: Molter slide rule
Title: Operations Analysis and the 20th AF Slide Rules of WWII - August 1944 to September, 1945
Author: Green, Alex E.S..
Summary: Describes his work for the USAF in 1945. He designed and built a slide rule system with a universal frame but specially designed computing charts, used in various aspects of aerial bombing. Diagrams of the computing charts included.
Keywords: USAF, bombing slide rules, designing slide rules, military slide rules, Flight Engineer's Computer, Bomb Plot Computers, Force and Bomb Load Computers, LeMay C. E.
Title: Two "Log Spiral" Devices
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: The K&E Logarithmic Spiral Curve and the Tyler Slide Rule are described, and the underlying concept common to both is explored.
Keywords: K&E Log Spiral Curve, Tyler slide rule, Cox W.
Title: The Back-Light Screen Projection Slide Rule
Author: Francis, Jay
Summary: Describes two, Italian-made projection slide rules he discovered and describes their operation.
Keywords: Projection slide rule, Filotecnica Salmoiraghi,
Title: Unique Use for Slide Rule as Advertisement
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: A photoengraved zinc slide rule produced to advertise a photoengraver.
Keywords: slide rule in advertising, Odhams Photo Engravers
Title: The Robinson Calculator
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Describes a Robinson watch-type calculator used in the textile industry.
Keywords: Robinson Calculator
Title: Errors in Manufacturing of the Pickett C19 Collins Radio Microwave Slide Rule
Author: Francis, Jay
Summary: Errors in the Pickett C19 slide rule are described.
Keywords: Pickett C19 slide rule, Collins Radio, Rockwell International
Title: Two Unusual Types of Trigonometric Scales
Author: Mosand, John
Summary: Describes two systems of trigonometric scales that differ significantly from the "standard".
Keywords: trigonometric scales, Australian W&G, British Thornton, K&E
Title: Modeling Slide Rule Standard Deviation
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Article is based on computer simulation to analyze the accuracy of multiplications performed using the C and D scales on a 25 CM rule
Keywords: slide rule accuracy, computer analysis,
Title: A Qualitative Analysis on a Quantitative Device
Author: Freudiger, Shannon; Freudiger, Michael; Koppany, Robert
Summary: Describes the K&E Analon slide rule, a tool for dealing with physical qualities having both size and dimension
Keywords: K&E Analon slide rule,
Title: Wages Calculating Machine -Made by John Davies & Son of All Saints Works, Derby
Author: Knott, John
Summary: Extract from "The Engineer", a 1905 publication, describing this calculator made by John Davies & Son, Derby, England
Keywords: Wages Calculating machine, John Davies and Son,
Title: A Circular Slide Rule to Calculate Production Data for Safety Matches
Author: Joss, Heinz
Summary: Describes a circular slide rule designed to calculate the production rate in millions of matches per 10 hours, based on the number and diameter of the trunks on the one hand and the match size on the other.
Keywords: Oerlikon-Buhrle, circular slide rule, matchstick slide rule, Schnellmann O.,
Title: Mystery Pocket-Watch Calculators
Author: Hopp, Peter M.
Summary: Describes patents for pocket-watch calculators, the majority of which seem never to have been made.
Keywords: Boucher, Newton H.E., Lefevre H., International currency watch, Halden's Calculex, Wilson E, Anderson F. J., Sperry E. A., Eastwood W., Brotherton H., Brotherton F., Robinson F., Dyson, Moko Lightning Calculator, Lafond Calculator, Calculigraphe, circular slide rules
Title: Gilson Slide Rules - Part I - The Small Rules
Author: Aldinger, Henry & Chamberlain, Ed
Summary: Describes the various types of Gilson slide rules known and shows the evolution in Gilson slide rule design, with photographs.
Keywords: Gilson Slide Rule Co., Gilson Pocket slide rule, Gilson Midget slide rule- Type I Version I, Gilson Midget Slide Rule-Type I, Version II, Gilson Midget Slide Rule - Type II, , Gilson Midget Slide Rule - Type III Version I, , Gilson Midget Slide Rule - Type III - Version II, , Gilson Midget Slide Rule - Type IV - Version I, , Gilson Midget Slide Rule - Type IV -Version II, , Gilson Midget Slide Rule - Type V, Gilson Midget Slide Rule - Type VI - Version I, Gilson Midget Slide Rule - Type VI - Version II, Gilson Midget Slide Rule - Type VI - Version III, Gilson Commercial Calculator
Title: Henry F Aldinger, Jr. - An Autobiography
Author: Aldinger, Henry
Summary: Gives a brief overview of his life and interests.
Keywords: Aldinger H.
Vol. 9, No. 2, Fall 2000
Title: Hans Dennert (1926-2000)
Author: Editor
Summary: Obituary for Hans Dennert, the last owner and manager of Dennert & Pape Aristo-Werk KG
Keywords: Dennert & Pape, Aristo, Dennert H.,
Title: Sixth International Meeting a Resounding Success
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Report on the 6th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors in Ede, The Netherlands.
Keywords: Dutch Circle of Slide Rule Collectors
Title: Oughtred Society Meetings in 2001
Author: De Cesaris, Robert
Summary: Outline of Oughtred meetings in 2001
Keywords: Oughtred Society meetings
Title: Binding Copies of the JOS
Author: Wyman, Thomas
Summary: Where and how to bind copies of the JOS
Keywords: Journal of the Oughtred Society, binding JOS issues,
Title: Symposium in Greifswald in September 2000
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Trip report on symposium on the development of computer technology
Keywords: Development of computer technology
Title: And One Thing Led to Another...
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: The history of the beginning and evolution of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Oughtred Society origin,
Title: Market Report for the June Meeting
Author: Bready, James
Summary: Highlights of the slide rule auction held after the June meeting
Keywords: slide rule prices
Title: The Oughtred Society Website
Author: Editor
Summary: The notice that the Oughtred Society website is up and running (www.oughtred.org)
Keywords: Oughtred Society website
Title: The Beginning Collector
Author: van Herwijnen, Herman
Summary: Outline of how one should start to collect anything, including slide rules, and how to rank them
Keywords: slide rule collecting
Title: A Poor Man's Guide to Searching for Slide Rules in England
Author: Tidy, Hugh
Summary: Discussion on the sources of slide rules in England
Keywords: slide rule sources, car boot sales, antique fairs, antique shops, and auctions
Title: Slide Rules for Underwater Activities
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: Slide rules designed for calculating decompression time during diving and echo sounding.
Keywords: sport diving, circular slide rules, decompression, echo sounding.
Title: Thousands of Rules and Millions of Bytes Later - The Slide Rule Universe and Other Internet Stories
Author: Shawlee, Walter
Summary: How the internet aids slide rule collecting.
Keywords: Slide Rule Universe, internet, eBay, Hemmi, Sphere Research, Wired magazine,
Title: The Artillery Graphical Firing Table: A description of a specialized Slide Rule
Author: Santa-Pau, Federico Ramírez
Summary: Describes how artillery graphical firing tables are used
Keywords: Artillery graphical firing table, M43, military slide rules,
Title: Ivory, Bone or Plastic
Author: Hopp, Peter
Summary: Describes how we can identify whether a slide rule is made from ivory, bone or plastic with reasonable certainty
Keywords: ivory, bone, UV determination, composition of slide rule, Bakelite,
Title: Book Review: A Journey Through Three Centuries, by Dieter von Jezierski (Translated by Rodger Shepherd)
Author: Chamberlain, Rodger
Summary: Book delves deeply into the history of the slide rule, including construction details and manufacturers.
Keywords: history of slide rule, slide rule construction and manufacture, von Jezierski D.,
Title: Book Review: Calculating on Slide Rule and Disc - 2 X 3 ...approximately 6" - Portrait of an era, by IJ Schuitema and Herman van Herwijnen
Author: Editor
Summary: Book illustrates most slide rules. Discusses slide rule collecting in general and information on slide rule companies and individual designers.
Keywords: slide rule history, slide rule collecting, Schuitema IJ., van Herwijnen H.,
Title: Book Review: The Slide Rule Gazette, Inaugural Issue
Author: Editor
Summary: Gazette runs 81 pages and consists of 13 articles and color plates of slide rules
Keywords: slide rule history, slide rule collecting , UK Slide Rule Circle, UKSRC
Title: Book Review: Office Collectibles by Thomas Russo
Author: Editor
Summary: The subject matter covers a wide range of things found in the office, including calculation devices
Keywords: slide Calculation devices, calculators
Title: Letters: Slide Rule Errors
Author: Miller, Robert C.
Summary: Comments on article by Bob Otnes (Vol 9, N. 1)
Keywords: slide rule errors, A.W. Faber 379
Title: A Tablet Slide Rule by Julius Billeter, Zurich
Author: Joss, Heinz
Summary: Describes a tablet slide rule made in 1887 that is equivalent to 13 feet (4 meter) slide rule
Keywords: tablet slide rule, Billeter J.
Title: The Sun Hemmi System of Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Scales
Author: Borchers, Brian and Cotter, Noël H.
Summary: Discusses a system of scales for trigonometric and hyperbolic functions which was used by Sun Hemmi in several of its slide rules
Keywords: slide rules, Sun Hemmi, Trigonometric, hyperbolic Hemmi 153
Title: Taylor, Taylorism, and Machine-time Slide Rules
Author: von Jezierski, Dieter and Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Description of Machine-time slide rules, a special-purpose type of slide rule that played an important part in industrialization during the twentieth century. They were based on pioneering work of Frederick Taylor.
Keywords: Taylor F. W., Barth slide rule, Barth K. G, machine-time slide rule, Taylorism, Faber-Castell model 348, Dietzgen Industrial Slide Rule model 1751, system Winkle,
Title: Slide Rules of the Frederick Post Company
Author: Ross, Paul and Hume, Ted
Summary: Discusses the source of slide rules sold by the Frederick Post Company and includes a table of Post slide rules.
Keywords: Hemmi Keisanjaku, Hemmi slide rules, Hughes-Owen Company, Geotec, Versalogs, Versatrigs, Hemmi date code, Post model numbers, Post 1452 Multiphase Mannheim slide rule, Post 1451 Pocket Versatrig, Post 1461 Pocket Versalog
Title: Gilson Slide Rules - Part II - The Large Rules
Author: Aldinger, Henry and Chamberlain, Ed
Summary: Focuses on large diameter Gilson circular slide rules
Keywords: Gilson, Gilson Atlas Calculator, Gilson Apex slide rule, Gilson Binary slide rule, Commercial Calculator, Gilson R., circular slide rules, Gilson Atlas slide rule Type I, Version I, Gilson Atlas slide rule Type I, Version II, Gilson Atlas slide rule Type II, Gilson Atlas slide rule Type I, Version III
Title: Thoughts on Japan, Deming, Quality and the Statistical Quality Control Slide Rule
Author: Craven, Bruce
Summary: A brief history of statistical quality control and its first use in Japan.
Keywords: Statistical quality control, SQC, Deming W. E., Japan, SQC slide rule, Picket Model 6, Picket Model 6T, Picket & Eckel
Title: Relay/Ricoh Slide Rules
Author: Ross, Paul
Summary: Some "odd" Hemmi slide rules are described
Keywords: Hemmi/Relay, Ricoh, Bamboo,
Vol. 10, No. 1, Spring 2001
Title: Message from Tom Wyman, President
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Contributions of Bob Otnes
Keywords: Otnes B.
Title: New on the OS Website
Author: Matthews, Kate
Summary: Update on OS website
Keywords: Oughtred Society website
Title: The Faber Slide Rule Manuals by Pickworth
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Discussion of slide rule manuals written by C. N. Pickworth and the sequence in which the various manuals were published. A table of Faber slide rule manuals accompanies the article.
Keywords: Pickworth C N, Faber A. W., Faber-Castell, Cooper H. O., Faber slide rule manuals
Title: Pickett from a Manufacturing Perspective
Author: O'Leary, Michael P.
Summary: Discussion of theories on how Pickett made their slide rules
Keywords: Pickett slide rules, manufacturing,
Title: A Slide Rule for Wire Drawing Calculations
Author: Andrews, Howard W. & Schure, Conrad
Summary: Description of a slide rule made specifically to calculate the number of pulls on a wire to achieve the desired length or area,
Keywords: Spencer Wire Company, wire drawing, Thornton A. G., Spencer-Taylor Wire Die Draft Calculator.
Title: Keuffel & Esser - 1880 to 1899
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Discussion of Keuffel & Esser slide rules during this period - Part 1 - describing the various catalogs.
Keywords: Keuffel & Esser, Dennert & Pape, Fuller Spiral slide rule, Cox W., Tavernier-Gravet engineer's rule, Gunter rule, Mannheim rule, common slide rule, framed cursor, Thacher
Title: Classic Reprint: The "Duplex" Slide Rule
Author: Editor
Summary: Reprint from the Scientific American, August 12, 1893.
Keywords: Cox W., K&E, Cox Duplex slide rule, Dennert & Pape
Title: Sikes's Hydrometer and Related Slide Rules
Author: Vander Meulen, Pierre
Summary: Description of the use of a hydrometer and the use of a comparative slide rule to determine proof
Keywords: Sikes's hydrometer, spirit, proof spirit, Clark's hydrometer, Sikes B., spirit-related slide rule, proof slide rule,
Title: The Load Adjuster: It Looks Like a Slide Rule, But Is It?
Author: Hans, Mortimer
Summary: Description of the use of an aircraft load adjuster and the history of their manufacture.
Keywords: E-6B Flight Computer, Load Adjustors (aircraft), Cox & Stevens Aircraft Corporation, Revere Transducers,
Title: An Article from 1815 on a Circular Slide Rule
Author: Wells, Francis (translator)
Summary: An article form the Bulletin de la Société D'Encouragement pour l'Iindustrie Nationale in 1815 on circular slide rules.
Keywords: French circular slide rules, Gattey Arithmographe
Title: Letters: On Faber Log-Log Scales
Author: Kugel, Gunter
Summary: Response to letter by P.C. Hanson's letter entitled The A. W. Faber 379: Were the Log-Log Scales Improperly Made?
Keywords: Faber S. W., Log-log slide rule,
Title: Letters: On the K&E Log Spiral Slide Rule
Author: Abrahams, Peter
Summary: Response on an article by Rodger Shepherd on the K&E Log Spiral slide rule
Keywords: Shepherd R, log spiral slide rule, Mr. Dale,
Title: Letters :On Machine-Time Slide Rules
Author: Maack, Dennis
Summary: Response to an article by Jezierski and Shepherd (JOS 9:2, Fall, 2000) on Taylor machine-time slide rules.
Keywords: Taylor machine-time slide rules
Title: Two German Wages Calculating Machines
Author: von Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: Two German wage calculating machines are described
Keywords: Drehbarer Rechenschieber (rotating slide rule), Beyerlen A., Rechenrad (calculating wheel), Faber A. W., Davis J., Knott J.,
Title: Norbert Wiener and the Slide Rule or How American Mathematicians Came of Age
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Excerpt from a book by Norbert Wiener on the use of mathematics and mathematicians to solve ballistic problems in WW I.
Keywords: ballistics, slide rules, WWI
Title: Financial Slide Rules
Author: Lazarus, Gary
Summary: Discussion of the importance of specialized financial slide rules and how they are used.
Keywords: financial slide rules, Faber-Castell FC 152/81, Faber-Castell FC 111/22
Vol. 10, No. 2, Fall 2001
Title: Tenth Anniversary Issue
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Brief history of the first decade of the Journal of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Journal of the Oughtred Society, JOS
Title: Kilderkins, Hogsheads & Dipping Rods: A Brief History of the Slide Rule
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Brief history of the slide rule. This is a modified reprint of an article published in the 2000-2001 issue of Imprint, published by the Association of the Stanford University Libraries
Keywords: Napier J., Gunter E, Oughtred W., Coggeshall H., Everard T., Farmar F. C., Routledge J., Watt J., Soho rule, Roget P. M., Keuffel & Esser, Mannheim A., Dixon T., Thacher S., Dennert & Pape, Hemmi, Sun-Hemmi, Cox W., Thacher E., Fuller, Rotorule, Dempster J. R., Dietzgen E., Engineering slide rule,
Title: K&E Culture: The Story Behind the "Bronze Buckle"
Author: Soper, Joe
Summary: Attempt by K&E in the 1970s to increase creativity at K&E facilities
Keywords: Bergenty D., K&E,
Title: "Wages Calculators" or Rim Slide Rules?
Author: Shepherd, Rodger & Fluhr, Zachary
Summary: Four "wages" slide rules and a new nomenclature for this class of slide rules
Keywords: Wasserman slide rule, Jorgensen Pencil cup, Small calculator, rim slide rules, wages calculator
Title: The Faber-Castell Taschenrechner (TR): A Pocket Calculator Combined with a slide rule
Author: von Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: The response by Faber-Castell to the introduction of pocket calculators
Keywords: Faber-Castell, pocket calculator, Faber-Castell Taschenrechner (TR3):
Title: Mathematics on the Moon - The "Apollo" Pickett
Author: Freudiger, Michael; Freudiger, Shannon; Hawthorn, Patrick; Koppany, Robert
Summary: Article describes the slide rule carried on the first five Apollo flights; the Pickett 600-ES
Keywords: Pickett 600 ES slide rule, Apollo Moon Flights,
Title: Handicapping Derby Thoroughbreds: Edward's Minit, Race-O-Matic, and Kel-Co II Slide Rules
Author: Finstuen, F.
Summary: The purpose of this article is to present a description and demonstration of slide rules for handicapping thoroughbred horse races.
Keywords: Edward's "Minit" handicapper, Super Race-O-Matic, Kel-Co Improved Class Calculator
Title: John Suxspeach's Catholic Organon or Universal Sliding Foot Rule, or The First Slide Rule Patent
Author: Hopp, Peter M.
Summary: This article explores the reasons why John Suxspeach received the first patent for a slide rule 130 years after Oughtred invented it.
Keywords: Suxspeach J., Macleay Museum, Parker B., Oughtred W.
Title: The Norton and Sperry Bombsights
Author: Baron, Raymond
Summary: Discusses two WWII bombsights as unusual analog computing devices
Keywords: Norton bombsight, Sperry bombsight, WWII, Pardini A.L.,
Title: Wittgenstein and His Calculating Devices
Author: Joss, Heinz
Summary: Article discusses the history and operation of the "Tesa Maximatic", a circular slide rule made in Switzerland and its inventor Gérard Francis Wittgenstein.
Keywords: Wittgenstein G.F., Tesa Maximatic, circular slide rule, Juvenia Montres SA, watch slide rules, French Stephens' Log Log Suprématic, Tesa Ltd., Jedermann circular slide rule,
Title: Description of Two Unmarked Slide Rules of Probable French Origin
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Article describes two unusual slide rules, one with two slides and the other a 50 cm slide rule. Both are thought to be French.
Keywords: Two-slide rule, survey calculations, Gravet-Lenoir, French,
Title: The 30th Edition of the Keuffel & Esser Catalogue - 1900-01
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: This the second of a multiple-part series on the subject of Keuffel & Esser slide rules during the period 1880 to 1915. This article concentrates on 1900-1901
Keywords: K&E Catalogue, Keuffel W. L. E., Thacher Calculator, Fuller slide rule, Charpentier Calculator, Boucher Calculator, Mannheim Slide Rules, Universal rules, Triangular rules, Stadia rules, Colby's rules, sewer rules, horse power rules,
Title: The K&E Universal Slide Rule
Author: Otnes, Bob & DeCesaris, Bob
Summary: This article discusses the Keuffel and Esser Universal slide rule
Keywords: K&E Universal slide rule, prototypes, Keuffel W. L. E.
Title: The Keuffel & Esser Triangular Slide Rule
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: This article discusses the Keuffel and Esser Triangular slide rule designed by W. L. E. Keuffel
Keywords: K&E Triangular slide rule, Keuffel W. L. E.,
Title: The Evolution of the 4092
Author: Matthews, Kate
Summary: This article follows the evolution of Keuffel and Esser duplex 4092 slide rule from its introduction to the various changes and refinements it experienced over time.
Keywords: K&E Duplex 4092 slide rule,
Title: Numeracy and the Slide Rule
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: This article reflects on the loss of numeracy among those who, in the absence of the handheld electronic calculator, would otherwise have used a slide rule.
Keywords: numeracy and slide rules,
Title: The Saturday, June 30, 2001, 11th Annual Oughtred Society Meeting
Author: Koppany, R
Summary: Article reviews the events and happenings at the annual meeting
Keywords: 11th Annual Oughtred Society Meeting.
Title: The Sheppard Duodecimal Slide Rule
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Article describes the Sheppard Duodecimal slide rule, made for computing areas in square feet or volumes in cubic feet in duodecimal form.
Keywords: Sheppard F. H., Sheppard Duodecimal Slide Rule,
Title: The Spiral Slide Rule
Author: Fuller, George
Summary: The article was excerpted from Nature, Vol 20, May 8th 1879.
Keywords: Spiral slide rule, Fuller G.,
Title: The Keuffel and Esser "American Slide Rule"
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Article describes the layout of a K&E slide rule with the designation of "American", possible because it was the first slide rule K&E actually made themselves.
Keywords: K&E American Slide Rule,
Title: Calculating Using the Diagonal Scale
Author: Sieber, James L.
Summary: The article describes the use of diagonal scales to carry out addition and subtraction.
Keywords: diagonal scale,
Title: The International Meeting of Slide Rule and Mechanical Calculators, Munich, September 2001
Author: van Poelje, Otto
Summary: Description of the international meeting held in Munich on this date.
Keywords: The International Meeting of Slide Rule and Mechanical Calculators
Title: Letter: Request for Information
Author: Ponick, David A.
Summary: Description of an antique classroom demonstration slide rule purchased on eBay. Author: looking for information about it.
Keywords: classroom demonstration slide rule.,
Title: News and Reviews
Author: Editor.
Summary: Table of contents from issue 2, 2001 of the UK Slide Rule Gazette
Keywords: UK Slide Rule Gazette
Title: A Note to Authors
Author: Editor.
Summary: Outline of how articles should be written for the Journal of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Journal of the Oughtred Society
Vol. 11, No. 1, Spring 2002
Title: From the President
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Author describes the contributions of Rodger Shepherd to the Oughtred Society. He also comments on the inclusion of articles about mechanical calculators into the JOS.
Keywords: Shepherd R., mechanical calculators
Title: From the Editor
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Comments on the 7th Annual European Slide Rule and Calculator Meeting.
Keywords: van Poelje O., Bready J.,
Title: Newton's Polynomial Solver
Author: Sangwin, Christopher J.
Summary: Describes a method of Newton for approximating roots of polynomial equations using slide rules
Keywords: Newton I., Collins J.,
Title: Three American Printed Page Logarithmic Calculating Scales
Author: Chamberlain, Edwin J.
Summary: Article on printed page logarithmic scales, a variant of the "gridiron" type of slide rule.
Keywords: logarithmic scales, gridiron-type slide rule, K&E, Loewe, Clairault J B, Hassler, Hannyngton, Cherry, Billeter, Thacher, Roget, Everett, Goodchild Mathematical Chart, Harrison W.,
Title: Printed Logarithmic Calculating Scale by Loewe
Author: Holland, Peter
Summary: Article on printed page logarithmic scales by Loewe and represents an intermediate stage at the beginning of the era of industrially manufactured slide rules in Germany.
Keywords: logarithmic scales, gridiron-type slide rule, Loewe, Dennert & Pape, Farber A.W., Nestler, Reiss,
Title: Aristo Slide Rule Production in Bavaria
Author: Dennert, Irene
Summary: Describes the history of Aristo slide rule production in Bavaria, from the Author's presentation at the International Slide Rule Meeting in Munich, September 15 2001 with photographs of the manufacturing process...
Keywords: Dennert H., Aristo, Dennert J.C., Aristo Scholar, Aristo Studio, Dennert G.,
Title: La Règle à Calcul: Lenoir, Gravet-Lenoir and Tavernier-Gravet Slide Rules
Author: Wells, Francis and Wyman, Tom
Summary: The role of the French in developing and refining slide rule design has not received the attention it merits. This paper traces the role of Etienne Lenoir and his son in the development and production of French slide rules.
Keywords: French slide rules, Lenoir, Gravet-Lenoir, Tavernier-Gravet, Mannheim A., Watt J.,
Title: Early French Slide Rules in Various Collections
Author: Otnes, Bob and Schure, Conrad
Summary: Article summarizes information collected from members by the Oughtred Society on French slide rules
Keywords: French slide rules, Type I Runner, Type II Runner, Soho B style slide rule, Lenoir slide rule, Gravet-Lenoir Mannheim slide rule, Tavernier-Gravet Soho slide rule, Guy instruction book,
Title: A Slide Rule for Radiation Calculations
Author: Andrews, Howard W.
Summary: Describes the design and manufacture of slide rules based on Planck's Law for the convenient calculation of various numbers associated with the radiation of an object.
Keywords: Maxwell, Hertz, Planck M., Einstein A., Thornton A. G., Admiralty Research Laboratory,
Title: Teaching the Slide Rule
Author: Batcher, William
Summary: Article offers some teaching suggestions on using a slide rule in the classroom.
Keywords: Oughtred W, Napier J., Newton I., Pepys S., mathematical terms, Gunther's rule, teaching slide rule
Title: Albert Nestler: Innovation and Quality
Author: Craenen, Guus
Summary: This article covers the Nestler Company and its slide rules, as well as the company's prehistory and dating of their slide rules.
Keywords: Nestler A, German period, Faber-Castell, Dennert & Pape, Beck T., Dennert & Pape, Reitz system, Darmstadt system, Anagit (plastic), Astralon (plastic), concrete slide rule, Maarschalkerwaart M van, Hemmi, Hewlett-Packard, Deutsches Reichs Patent (DRP), Peter H.-H., cursor, logo,
Title: Letter to the Editor
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Indexing JOS
Keywords: Oughtred Society, Gazette, Kring, RS-Brief,
Title: The Voltage Drop Slide Rule by C. C. Moler
Author: Aldinger, Henry & Otnes, Bob
Summary: Discussion of an Electric Line Calculator patented by Charles C. Moler
Keywords: Moler C, Electric Line Calculator, Dennert & Pape, Aristo, Brown & Sharp gauge,
Title: The Aristo Electronic Calculators
Author: Mosand, John
Summary: Discussion of Aristo electronic calculators
Keywords: Aristo, Dennert & Pape, electronic calculator
Title: Two Unusual Early Slide Rules
Author: Knight, Robert
Summary: Concerns two early slide rules that may have been intended for timber measurement
Keywords: timber measurement, Coggeshall's rule, Wingate E, Mary Rose, Carpenter's rule, timber line, Chr. Cole Rule, T.F. Rule, two-slide rule, Digges L.,
Title: The Lightning Calculator - Bonham, Hook and Pangborn
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Article, adapted from a paper read before the International Slide Rule Meeting, held in Munich, attempts to sort out information about dial adders made by a number of different companies
Keywords: Bonham and Schram Company, Calculator Company, Pangborn Calculator, Lightning Calculator Company, Hook W., Pascal B., Lightning Adding Machine, Smallwood Calculator Company, Grand Rapids Lightning Calculator, Los Angles Lightning Adder
Title: Two Tavernier-Gravet Slide Rule Systems
Author: von Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: The article is offered as a contribution to the evolving understanding of slide rules
made by Tavernier-Gravet slide rules with système Béghin and système Lallemand
Keywords: French slide rules, Tavernier-Gravet slide rules, système Béghin, système
Lallemand, Béghin slide rule, Béghin A., folded scales, Lallemand slide rule,
Title: One Man's Collection
Author: O'Leary, Michael P.
Summary: Author: gives his opinion on the why and how of collecting slide rules.
Keywords: Pickett, Hemmi, Faber-Castell 62/83N
Title: The Slide Rule and Early Astronaut Training
Author: Soper, Joe
Summary: Some observations of the training of pilots during their early training in the Test Pilot Training School. Some of these pilots went on to the NASA program as astronauts in training
Keywords: NASA, astronaut training,
Vol. 11, No. 2, Fall 2002
Title: The 8th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors -IM2002
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Comments on the 8th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, held in England
Keywords: IM2002, Otis King, 8th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors
Title: The East Coast Oughtred Society Meeting
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Comments on the 6th Annual Eastern Regional Meeting of the Oughtred Society, held in Hightstown, New Jersey
Keywords: 6th Annual Eastern Regional Meeting of the Oughtred Society
Title: Mea Culpa
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Comments on the lateness of this JOS issue
Keywords: Journal of the Oughtred Society
Title: The Fowler Calculators - a Catalogue Raisonné
Author: Blankenhorn, Richard and De Cesaris, Robert
Summary: The article provides a catalog of known models of Fowler calculators with descriptions
of their cases and photographs of selected models.
Keywords: Fowler calculators, Fowler W. H., circular slide rules,
Title: Book Review: Discussing Chemistry and Steam, The Minutes of a Coffee House Philosophical
Society 1780 - 1787 by Trevor Levere and Gerald L'E. Turner
Author: Wyman, Thomas
Summary: Book Review
Keywords: Coffee House Philosophical Society, Levere T., Turner G. L.'E., Nicholson W.,
Title: The Remarkable Hemmi 22
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Description of the SUN-HENNI Model 22, a slide rule comprised of only two pieces,
with accompanying photograph
Keywords: Sun-Hemmi Model 22,
Title: 101 Things to Do on a Wet Afternoon
Author: Rath, Wendy
Summary: Exploring Newton's assertion that equally spaced parallel lines of numbers could be employed for the extraction of roots of polynomial equations, using surplus slide rules,
Keywords: Newton I.,
Title: Frederick H. Leubuscher and K&E Salisbury Products, Inc
Author: Soper, Joe
Summary: This article covers the history of the K&E Salisbury Plant in Lakeville, CT and
Fred Leubuscher's role in making it happen.
Keywords: Leubuscher F. H., K&E, Keuffel A. W.,
Title: Tavernier-Gravet Slide Rules: a Chronology of Cited Examples
Author: Venetsianos, Panagiotis
Summary: This article is offered as a contribution towards the evolving understanding of
Tavernier-Gravet and related slice rules. It calls attention to eight key references and lists
the T-G rules that are cited in these references.
Keywords: Lenoir E., Gravet-Lenoir, Tavernier-Gravet,
Title: The 31st (1903) and 32nd (1906) Editions of the K&E Catalogue
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: This is the third article in a series by this Author on the early Keuffel & Esser
catalogs and slide rules, with reproduced pages from both catalogs.
Keywords: K&E catalogues, reckoning machine, Burkhardt arithometers, Autirith, Goodchild
Mathematical Chart, Boucher Calculator, Webb's Stadia rule, Sperry Calculator,
Title: The Conceptual Logarithmic Dividing Engine
Author: O'Leary, Michael P.
Summary: An explanation of the logic behind the logarithmic dividing engine and how all the
mechanisms involved work in concert.
Keywords: logarithmic dividing engine,
Title: The Keuffel & Esser Logarithmic Dividing Engine
Author: O'Leary, Michael P.
Summary: A description of how the author "adopted" and restored a Keuffel & Esser Logarithmic Dividing Engine, with photographs. .
Keywords: K&E logarithmic dividing engine, American Precision Museum (Windsor VT), Alteneder T.,
Title: The Meilike "Calculators"
Author: Aldinger, Henry and Otnes, Bob
Summary: Description and use of the Meilike calculator, a forerunner of the mechanical calculator.
Keywords: Meilike C. A., Meilike calculator card index, index book
Title: Shadows of the Atomic Age
Author: Maor, Eli
Summary: Article about Rudolph Stiefel, uncle of the Author. He was a refugee from Nazi Germany, who contributed greatly to the development of computers.
Keywords: Truman H. S., Albert Nestler slide rule, Ollendorff F.,
Title: Neither Straight, Circular nor Cylindrical: The Ring Binder Slide Rule of Franckh, Stuttgart
Author: Joss, Heinz and Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Article about origin and operation of a Ringbuch Rechenscheiber (ring binder slide rule), a device which is designed for carrying out multiplication, division, roots and powers, with photographs included.
Keywords: ring binder slide rule, nonograms, Thiel,
Title: Thomas Fowler's Ternary Calculating Machine: How a 19th Century Inventor's Departure from Decimal Presaged the Modern Binary Computer
Author: Glusker, Mark
Summary: Article describes a large, wooden calculating machine, built in 1840 by Thomas Fowler, which may have been one of the first uses of lower bases for computing machines.
Keywords: Fowler T., DeMorgan A., Babbage C., de Colmar T., Arithmometer, von Leibnitz G. W., Torrington Museum and Archive,
Title: "Ratcliffe" - Mathematical Instrument Making in the Area
Author: Hopp, Peter M
Summary: Article describes the history of Ratcliffe, in the Stepney area of London, and the history of the growth of instrument making in the area.
Keywords: Instrument making, Ratcliffe, Shaswell T., Cumberford N., Bissaker R., Penny J.., Smith P., Swetman J., Suxspeach J., Lekeux R., Garrard T., Parnell T., Browning J., Clerk J., King J., Elliott W., Tustian T., Spenser W., Spenser A., Penny W., Hughes J., Crogger N., Walker F., Tustian T., Hemsley H.,
Title: Custom Officers and the London Docks
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Photograph of gaugers at work on the London Docks is described and discussed.
Keywords: gaugers, London docks, gauging, Queen's pipe,
Title: The Easterly Rafter Slide Rule or a Man and His/My Slide Rule
Author: Castleberry, Clay
Summary: The discovery of an Easterly slide rule led the Author to search the history of the unusual slide rule
Keywords: Easterly J.I., Easterly rafter calculator, Easterly rafter framer, Pickett 1082-ES
Title: Miscellaneous
Author: Editor
Summary: Article discusses multiplication by quarter squares
Keywords: multiplication by quarter squares, Napier's bones
Title: American Planimeters
Author: Bob Otnes
Summary: Discussion of some American planimeters, with photographs.
Keywords: Amsler J., Planimeters, K&E, Laisco, Willis planimeter, Trill Planimeter, Lippincott planimeter, Ashcroft planimeter, Bushnell-Coffin planimeter , Durand radial planimeter, Foxboro linear radial planimeter, Bailey Meter Co planimeter, American Meter Co. non-radial planimeter
Vol. 12, No. 1, Spring 2003
Title: Message From the President
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Comments on the expansion of the JOS to include articles on mechanical calculators
Keywords: mechanical calculators
Title: The Oughtred Society West Coast 13th Annual Meeting/Show/Auction
Author: Editor
Summary: Outline of annual meeting plans for the 13th Annual Meeting/Show/Auction in Palo Alto, CA
Keywords: Oughtred Society annual meeting
Title: International Meeting IM2003 in Amsterdam
Author: van Poelje, Otto
Summary: Outline of 2003 International meeting plans
Keywords: IM2003, International Meeting
Title: Book Reviews - The Collector's Library -The Measure of All Things by Ken Alder, Reinventing the Wheel by Jessica Helfand, Calculating on Slide Rule and Disc "2 X 3...approximately 6 by IJ Schuitema and H. van Herwijnen and A treatise of Such Mathematical Instruments as Are Usually Put Into a Portable Case by John Robertson (a reprint of the 1775 Third Edition)
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Article reviews four recent publications
Keywords: Alder K., Hefland J., van Herwijnen H., Robertson J., book reviews
Title: Five Pickett Electronics Slide Rules
Author: Borchers, Brian
Summary: Five Pickett slide rules especially designed for electronics calculations are described.
Keywords: Pickett N515-T, Pickett N531-ES, Pickett N535-ES, Pickett N1020-ES, Pickett N16-ES, Cleveland Institute of Electronics, Capitol Radio Electronics Institute, Chan Street, National Radio Institute,
Title: Textile Slide Rules - Special-Purpose Calculators for a Major Industry
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: This article points out the remarkable variety of slide rules that were designed for use in the English textile industry
Keywords: Cartwright E, Slater W, Gleave J, Routledge-type, Fowler & Company, Pickworth's Patent Cotton Cloth Computer, Soho type rule, Lord's Cotton Cloth Coster, Casartelli & Son, Everite Tailor's Rule, Hogg rule, Glaser W. H.,
Title: The M.& P. Patent
Author: Editor
Summary: Illustration from a French patent obtained by MM Meyrat & Perdrizet on a pocket watch size slide rule
Keywords: Meyrat & Perdrizet, pocket watch slide rule
Title: Snipes and Poppers: A Collectors Introduction to Buying and Selling on eBay - Part One: How to Buy
Author: Matthews, Kate
Summary: The article, the first of two, focuses on buying slide rules on eBay
Keywords: eBay, sniping, popping
Title: How Does Analon Work
Author: O'Leary, Michael P.
Summary: This article describes the K&E Analon slide rule and the similarities and differences between it and more typical slide rules.
Keywords: K&E Analon
Title: Suxspeach (Continued)
Author: Hopp, Peter
Summary: This article adds two further examples of John Suxspeach's Catholic Organon and some information from which one can deduce the background behind the development of this idiosyncratic device.
Keywords: Suxspeach rules, Cartwright J.,
Title: A Most Unusual K&E Slide Rule
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: This article is about a truly rare K&E slide rule which appears to have been developed for engineers who worked in the design and fabrication of large structures.
Keywords: K&E, slide within a slide, Mannheim, two-slide,
jos-index-v12-n1-2003-item11 -page25.txt
Title: Keuffel & Esser Slide Rules 1909
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: This article continues the review of K&E catalogs with a description of the contents of the 33rd (1909) edition
Keywords: K&E catalog, Reckoning machines, Thacher calculator, Fuller slide rule, Sperry's pocket calculator, K&E's pocket calculator, Mannheim slide rules, K&E polyphase slide rules, duplex slide rules, Universal and metal slide rules, Webb Stadia rules, Reckoning Machine, Sperry slide rule,
jos-index-v12-n1-2003-item12 -page33.txt
Title: Lightning Subtraction
Author: McFarland, David D.
Summary: Discussion of the Lightning Adding Machines, which could also subtract, and how they work. The other main concern of the article pertains to the history of the academic discipline of sociology.
Keywords: Lightning Adding Machine, Burroughs adding machine, Comptometer adding machines, Monroe four-function calculator, sociology, Ogburn W. F., Giddings F. H., Bonham W.R., Hook R.W., subtraction by addition of complements, Pascal B., Treviso arithmetic, Soroban, Calculator, linked registers,
Title: A Comprehensive Hemmi Slide Rule Catalog
Author: Ross, Paul
Summary: This article attempts to list every Hemmi-brand slide rule that was available to the general public. This doesn't include Hemmi slide rules sold under another brand (e.g Post Versatrig)
Keywords: Hemmi slide rules, Hemmi 1002 Circular slide rule, Hemmi p36; 2/1; 81/3; P425
Title: The Computing Board: An Ambitious All-Purpose Calculating Device and Some Similar Concepts
Author: Williams, Bruce O. B.
Summary: Description of the use of this unusual computing device.
Keywords: The Computing Board, Yang W., Engineering Designs Co., Wheildon W. M., Goodenow F. I.,
Title: The Groesbeck Adder (1870)
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: A description of the Groesbeck Adder, a dial adder operated with a stylus, dials in a row, no clearing mechanism, but with no subtraction
Keywords: Groesbeck Adder, Groesbeck J.,
Title: The Cox Lathe Gear Computer
Author: Andrews, Howard and Schure, Conrad
Summary: A description of the Cox Lathe Gear Computer, its operation and use.
Keywords: Cox Lathe Gear Computer, Cox W., Niles Tool Works, Ramsden, Wilkinson, Maudsley,
Vol. 12, No. 2, Fall 2003
Title: IM2003 - A Memorable Event
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Comments on the 9th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, held in Amsterdam
Keywords: The 9th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors
Title: IM2003 - Slide Rules at a Gathering of the Oughtred Society, the reckoning may be dead or logarithmic, but the conversion is always right on the mark
Author: Tudor, Silke
Summary: A newspaper article about a meeting of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Oughtred Society
Title: The September 2003 Symposium in Greifswald
Author: Editor
Summary: Table of contents of a symposium held in Greifwald, Germany September 12-14, 2003
Keywords: 2nd Greifwalder symposium zur Entwicklung Rechentechnik
Title: The UK Slide Rule Circle
Author: Barnes, Colin
Summary: Comments on the formation and publication of the UK Slide Rule Circle, an informal group of slide rule enthusiasts
Keywords: UK Slide Rule Circle, Skid Stik, Slide Rule Gazette
Title: Book Review: The Slide Rule, Technical Cultural Heritage
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: Review of a book by IJzebrand Schuitema
Keywords: Schuitema I., slide rule history
Title: Rod Lovett's Website
Author: Editor
Summary: Website review
Keywords: Lovett R., website,
Title: The Incredible Curta -"A Nifty Thing"
Author: Staff
Summary: A comparison of the Curta calculator with some other mechanical calculators
Keywords: Curta, Piano Arithmometre, Leibniz wheel, Colmar T.d., Millionaire Calculator, MADAS,
Title: Keuffel & Esser Slide Rules - 1913
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Last in a series of articles discussing the K&E slide rules and calculators from 1881 to 1913. This covers pages 292 to 308 of their 1913 catalogue.
Keywords: K&E, Keuffel & Esser, Peerless Reckoning Machine, Fuller, Sperry Calculator, K&E Calculator, Polyphase slide rule, Polyphase Duplex, circular fraction adder, Mannheim, Stadia slide rules, Nordell Sewer slide rule,
Title: Lang's Grain Density Caliper-Slide Rule Combination
Author: von Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: With two slide rule operations the operator could calculate two factors that were important in determining the varieties of grain most suitable for further breeding.
Keywords: Faber A. W., A. W. Faber-Castell, Lang H, caliper, grain density,
Title: The Evolution of the K&E 4088-2 and 4088-3 Slide Rules
Author: Babcock, Bruce E.
Summary: Discussion of the origin and development of the K&E Polyphase slide rule, with photographs..
Keywords: K&E Polyphase slide rule, K&E 4088-2, K&E 4088-3
Title: Twin Slide Rules? The K&E 4088 and the Post 1458
Author: Babcock, Bruce E.
Summary: Comparison of the K&E 4088 and the Post 1458 slide rules
Keywords: K&E 4088-3, Hemmi/Post 1458,
Title: Addition and Subtraction with Slide Rules and Allied Instruments, Part I
Author: McFarland, David D.
Summary: This article focuses on the addition and subtraction of decimal numbers with slide rules..
Keywords: addition, subtraction, Cajori F., Giddings F.H., Clark J. J., Burgess and Sauerberg, Hills J., Bishop C., Barth C. G., Direct Reading Richardson, Addiator, ALCO Personal Calculator, Kuebler C., nomograph, nomography, Pickett Simplex Math Rule N901
Title: Snipes and Poppers: A Collector's Introduction to Buying and Selling on eBay- Part Two - How to Sell
Author: Matthews, Kate
Summary: The article offers readers the basic knowledge needed to sell slide rules on eBay including how to photograph slide rules, preparing your listing, writing your listing and pricing strategies.
Keywords: eBay, selling slide rules, popper, snipes,
Title: Just Popping Along
Author: Matthews, Kate
Summary: Article describes the Author's success on EBay selling a padlock.
Keywords: eBay, popper, selling slide rules,
Title: The Boucher Style Pocket Calculator
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: The article describes the origin and description of the Boucher pocket calculator and its operation.
Keywords: Boucher A.E.M., Boucher Calculator, Gilson circular slide rule, Calculiagraphe HC, Dieztgen E., Boucher 1, Boucher 2, Boucher 3,
Title: The Demise of the Slide Rule (and the Advent of its Successors)
Author: van Poelje, Otto
Summary: Description of the transition from slide rules to electronic calculators. It considers the actual usage of the slide rule, the performance of calculating instruments and the evolution of electronic calculators.
Keywords: ANITA MkVII, Friden EC-130, Mathatron, HP9100A, Sharp EL-8, HP 35 , HP48, CORDIC, HP65Texas Instrument, HP Solver,
Title: Textile Slide Rules - A Supplement
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: This article, a follow-up on the Author's previous article on Textile slide rules, focuses on textile slide rules produced more recently
Keywords: Faber-Castell 57/74, George Hatterley & Son P 3969 77, Aristo-Textil Nr. 930 System Beck, Phildar Volumail circular slide rule, Aristo Nr. 80125 Textile Rule, Pickworth Patent Cotton Cloth Computer
Title: Who Remembers What a Slide Rule Is?
Author: Langland, Connie
Summary: Excerpt of an article published by the Author: in the Philadelphia Inquirer
Keywords: Philadelphia Inquirer, Langland C., Gotlib L., slide rule
Title: The Imperial Equalisation Slide Rule
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Article describes a slide rule designed to facilitate the conversion of Ale gallon, corn gallon and wine gallon to the imperial gallon
Keyword: Long J., imperial gallon, wine gallon ale gallon corn gallon,
Title: Instructions for Author's
Author: staff
Summary: Method of putting references into articles in the JOS
Keywords: JOS, Author's, references
Title: A Binary Based Slide Rule
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Article postulates designing a simple slide rule for binary arithmetic.
Keywords: binary slide rule,
Title: Der Rechenuhr
Author: Andrews, Howard W.
Summary: Article describes the operation of an unusual circular slide rule used with a lathe.
Keywords: Schacht & Westerich, rechenuhr, circular slide rule
Title: A Slide Rule to Handle Five Factors Simultaneously
Author: Conrad Schure
Summary: Article discusses a special-purpose slide rule used for determining the flow of air and gas in pipes, in accordance with a formula devised by Dr. Pole.
Keywords: Tavernier-Gravet, Pole, five factors slide rule,
Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring 2004
Title: President's Message
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Comments on the long-range planning for the society
Title: From the Editor
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Copyright questions about the JOS
Keywords: copyright,
Title: Book Reviews-100 Jahr Dennert & Pape, Aristo-Wert, Hamburg by Dennert & Pape; A Source Book for Rule Collectors by Phillip E. Stanley
Author: Editor
Summary: This is a review of a book on the history of Dennert & Pape written in 1962, and a source book for slide rule collectors
Keywords: Dennert & Pape, 100 Jahr Dennert & Pape, Aristo-Wert, Hamburg, Stanley P. E., A Source Book for Rule Collectors
Title: Miscellaneous Rules
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: The subject of this article is relatively modern 10 and 11 inch rules produced in Great Britain
Keywords: 10 and 11 inch rules,
Title: A U.S. Navy Radar Slant Range Computer
Author: Hans, Mortimer
Summary: Discusses the origin and use of a slant range computer before on-board computers were available.
Keywords: slant range computer, U.S. Navy, Theo. Alteneder & Sons
Title: Miscellaneous Rules II
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: The subject of this article is a Lilley & Sons slide rule, similar to one made by D&P for K&E
Keywords: Lilley and Sons, D&P, K&E,
Title: Slide Chart Calculators - A Modest Proposal
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: The focus of this article is the wide range of special-purpose cardboard and plastic
calculating devices distributed by many companies, beginning in the 1930s for promotional and
advertising purposes.
Keywords: slide chart calculators, promotional calculators, parallel resistance calculator,
aluminum circuit calculator, Perrygraf Corporation, P/E ratio, Dividend and Commission Calculator,
Bellview Spring Design Calculator, IWA Slide Charts, TAD Products Corporation,
Datalizer Slide Charts, Blundell Harling Group, M.H. Mear & Co., Gas Flow Calculators,
Pipe Flow Calculators, Fearns-Mear, Tensor Calculator, Concise Company Ltd.
Title: Gunter Rules in Navigation
Author: van Poelje, Otto
Summary: This article addresses the Gunter rule, with its background, its scales, and its
application in navigation at sea.
Keywords: Gunter E., Standard Gunter Rule, Kepler, Napier J., Briggs H., knots, Gunter's
quadrant, Galileo, dividers, Meridional scale, Bowditch, Rules for navigation, Wingate E.,
Plain-Scale, Aspley Plain-scale, Hollandia Plain-Scale, t' Vliegend Hart Plain-Scale, Boerhaave Plane-Scale
Title: Miscellaneous Rules III
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Article discusses a Soho or Engineer's type slide rule probably made in Great Britain from 1850 to 1940
Keywords: Soho, Engineer's type rule
Title: Long-Scale Slide Rules Revisited
Author: Chamberlain, Edwin J.
Summary: This article reviews the historical development of long-scale slide rules, defines the different categories and formats, and presents many examples. Charts of slide rules included.
Keywords: Cajori F., Fowler's Long-Scale, Tavernier-Gravet Long-scale slide rule, Calculigraphe pocket watch slide rule, Nestler Präzision, Oughtred W., Forster W., Delamain R., Brown J., John Brown Spiral slide rule, Sutton spiral slide rule, Ward J., Scott B., Adams G., Facini B., Lambert J. H., Robertson sliding Gunter slide rule, Clairaut J. B., Nicholson W., Donn Navigation Rule, Delamoriniere and Delaveleye, Mannheim, Praux E., Tavernier-Gravet, Lallemand T-G slide rule, Palmer A., Fuller J. E., Fuller-Palmer, Nystrom Calculator, Hassler F. R, Hannyngton's gridiron slide rule, Aston & Mander, Cherry's gridiron slide rule, Fuller cylindrical slide rule, Billeter gridiron slide rule, Dixon's Combined Circular, Spiral, Multi-Index Slide Rule, K&E, Dietzgen, Stanley W. F., Fuller Calculator, Smith Calculator, Thacher E., Thacher cylindrical slide rule, Daemen-Schmid, Loga, Billeter, Scofield-Thacher Engineer's slide rule, Texas Magnum, Solberg S, Francis J, Nestler Precision #27/9, Post Ritow Long slide rule, Unique Pioneer Long-scale, Hemmi #201, Proell's gridiron Pocket Calculator, Australian Slide Rule, Pickworth, Calculigraph, Gilson Slide Rule Company, Cooper, Richardson Direct Reading slide rule, Gladstone's "Cross Gauge", Marotti "Lagartabla" gridiron, Logaritmal, Lurie A N, Richardson, Wang Y, Appoullot "Logz" circular slide rule, Goodchild Mathematical Chart, LaCroix and Ragot Graphic Table, Dumesnil C, MacMillan Table Slide Rule, Knowles "Calculating Scale", circular slide rules with circular scales, Troger, Gilson Binary, Atlas circular slide rule, Scott circular slide rule, Clairault circular slide rule, Boucher Calculigraphe, Dempster Rota-Rule, Pickett and Boykin, Unique "Dial Calculator", Sexton "Omnimetre #6 (Companion), Gilson Atlas, Logomat "V&G Nr. 816", Alro "Commercial" slide rule, Concise "M.V. Douglas, Felsenthal Altitude Correction Computer, Fuller helix "Calculator", Frederick Post Co., Otis King pocket cylindrical slide rule, R.H. Smith Calculator, Lafay A., Troger cylindrical slide rule, "Helice a Calcul-No2", Loga Rechenwalze, Nestler rechenwalze, Kooler Calculator, Giken M, Schneider E., "Reciloga", Paisley slide rule, Paisley "Calculator", tape slide rule, Thacher Calculator,
Title: Renard's Preferred Numbers
Author: van der Salm, Simon A. M.
Summary: Article discusses preferred numbers, discovered by Charles Renard in 1877, and their history.
Keywords: Renard C., preferred numbers, Aristo NZ Rules,
Title: Note to Authors
Author: Editors.
Summary: Standardizing bibliographic references
Keywords: bibliographic references
Title: A Man and His Slide Rules - Tools for a Lifetime
Author: Matthews, Kate
Summary: Article discusses Boyd Stewart, who discovered the wonder of slide rules in 1918 and used them until his death in 2004.
Keywords: Soho, Engineer's type rule, Stewart B.,
Title: The Hasselblatt Slide Rule System
Author: Leipala, Timo
Summary: Article discusses the life of Arthur Hasselblatt, who designed the first slide rule made in Russia.
Keywords: Hasselblatt slide rule, Hasselblatt A.,
Title: The Amazing "P" Scales
Author: Mosand, John
Summary: Article discusses the introduction of the Pythagorean scale (P) to the Rietz layout of the Darmstadt System and how it is used.
Keywords: Faber-Castell, Pythagorean scale, Aristo 0906LL, Aristo MultiTrig,
Vol. 13, No. 2, Fall 2004
Title: In Memoriam - Herman van Herwijnen
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: Obituary of Herman van Herwijnen
Keywords: van Herwijnen H,
Title: Announcements
Author: Staff
Summary: Announcements of Oughtred Society meeting schedule for 2005 and the introduction of the Oughtred Society swap sheet online
Keywords: Oughtred Society meetings, Swap Sheet,
Title: Book Reviews
Author: Borchers, Brian, Craenen, Guus, and Otnes, Bob
Summary: Books reviewed: The History of Mathematical Tables: From Sumer to Spreadsheets
by M. Campbell-Kelly, M. Croarken, R. Flood and E. Robson; Nestler Buch (in German); Dictionnaire
des fabricants français d'instruments de mesure du XVth au XIX siècle by
Franck Marcelin (in French)
Keywords: Campbell-Kelly M., Croarken M., Flood R., Robson E., Marcelin F.
Title: IM 2004 in Bad Driburg, Germany
Author: Kuehn, Klaus
Summary: Review of this years International Meeting of Slide Rule and Calculator Machine Collectors in Germany
Keywords: IM 2004,
Title: Letters
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Letters on Ed Chamberlains article on "Long-Scale Slide Rules Revisited
Keywords: Long-Scale slide rules, Wyman T.,
Title: Letters
Author: Zeldes, Nathan
Summary: Letter on promoting Oughtred Society Membership
Keywords: Oughtred Society membership
Title: Announcing the Oughtred Society Slide Rule Reference Manual
Author: Hume, Ted
Summary: Announcement of the availability of this reference manual
Keywords: Oughtred Society Slide Rule Reference Manual
Title: A Landmark Acquisition: The Keuffel & Esser Company Slide Rule Collection Comes to the MIT Museum
Author: Douglas, Deborah G
Summary: History of the acquisition of the K&E slide rule collection by MIT.
Keywords: MIT, K&E slide rule collection, InteliCoat
Title: A.W. Faber Model 366 - System Schumacher A Very Unusual Slide Rule
Author: von Jezierski, Dieter; Zerfowski, Detlef and Weinmann, Paul
Summary: This article describes the Schumacher slide rule which has unusual scale divisions and configuration. This is because it is based on a totally different mathematical concept other than logarithms. It also describes the use of this slide rule.
Keywords: Schumacher System, Schumacher J., Faber A. W.,
Title: The Hemmi 22: Revisiting "A Dandy Little Slide Rule"
Author: Castleberry, Clay
Summary: Article describes the Hemmi 22, an unusual slide rule made of sandalwood.
Keywords: Hemmi 22, Ritlow Merchant's Log Log slide rule, Easterly Rafter Calculator, sandalwood
Title: The Museum of Early Engineering Technology
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Article Description of a little museum in Connecticut that has an extensive collection of slide rules.
Keywords: Museum of Early Engineering Technology, Westbrook CT,
Title: H. W. Kearns & Co. Ltd. - Machine Time Computer by Fowler
Author: Blankenhorn, Rick
Summary: Article describes an unusual Fowler calculator.
Keywords: H. W. Kearns & Co. Ltd., Fowler Calculator, machine time computer
Title: The Duplex Slide Rule
Author: William Cox
Summary: Article reprinted from "The Compass", November 1891 p63, which gives one of the first descriptions of the duplex slide rule.
Keywords: Cox W., duplex slide rule, inverted scale, The Compass,
Title: A Note on the Inverted Scale
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: The article compares the use of the inverted scale in a duplex slide rule to the use of an inverted scale on 18th century gauging rules. He also describes how the gauging scale was used.
Keywords: Inverted scales, Cox W., malt gauging scales, Cook T.,
Title: Diagonals and Transversals: Magnifying the Scale
Author: van Poelje, Otto
Summary: Article discusses the design of scales to improve the scale-reading precision
beyond the physical limits to fineness and visibility of scale markings.
Keywords: Gunter Rule, diagonals, transversals, dividers, astrolabe, Nuñez P., Vernier P.,
Title: The Bead Unbaffled
Author: Flom, Gary and Heffelfinger, Totton
Summary: Article focuses on the history and use of the abacus, with examples of addition, subtraction multiplication and division.
Keywords: Abacus, Roman hand abacus, bead abacus, Chinese abacus, suan pan, soroban, stschoty, abacus use
Title: An 1880 American Slide Rule for Students
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Article describes a basic slide rule made by Stephens & Company in 1881 that was designed especially for carpenters and joiners. Excerpts from the accompanying manual are included.
Keywords: D. H. Stephens & Company, Riddell R., carpenter, joiner, slide rule for students
Title: The Slide Rule and the Steam Engine Indicator
Author: Babcock, Bruce E.
Summary: Article describes how, near the end of the 18th century, advances in the use of slide rule for manipulating data were paralleled by advances in the use of devices for collecting data. One of the instruments that played a major role in the need for accurate data was known as an engine analyzer. The workings of the indicators are described.
Keywords: James Watt's Indicator, Macnaught's Indicator, Richard's Indicator, Southern J., Thompson Indicator, Bushnell Indicator, Simplex Indicator, Tabor Indicator, horsepower, K&E Duplex 4135, K&E Power Computing Slide Rule, Cajori, Robertson-Thompson indicator, Hudson's Horsepower Computing Scale,
Title: A. M. Stephenson and His Adder (1873)
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Article gives the history, as it is known, of Archibald M. Stephenson and his mechanical adding machine.
Keywords: Stephenson A M, Stephenson Adder, adding machine
Title: The Calculator of Claude Perrault
Author: Otnes, Bob and Venetsianos, Pano
Summary: This article is the first in a series on the subject of "slide bar" adders or calculators. This includes a translation (from French) of a 1700 work on Perrault's work.
Keywords: Perrault Adder, Kummer, Young, Fowler, Troncet, Rhabdological Abacus, Perrault C,
Title: A Memorable Slide Chart
Author: Zeldes, Nathan
Summary: Reminiscences by the Author: on a slide chart he used in the 1960s while building his own radio gear.
Keywords: Allied Coil Winding Calculator, Allied Radio Corporation, Perrygraf Company
Vol. 14, No. 1, 2005
Title: Computer History Museum: The Site of Oughtred Society's Annual Meeting
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Review of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Computer History Museum,
Title: Announcing: The Oughtred Society Award and Call for Nominations
Author: van Poelje, Otto E
Summary: Rollout of the Oughtred Society Award, which will be presented each year to someone who has made outstanding contributions to the community involved with slide rules and historical calculating instruments at large.
Keywords: Oughtred Society Award
Title: Dutch Circle Has Expanded in Focus and Name
Author: van Poelje, Otto E
Summary: Name change to Dutch Circle for Historical Calculating Instruments (Kring Historische Rekeninstrumenten)
Keywords: Kring, Dutch Circle
Title: Letter from Otto van Poelje
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: Comments about the author's article "Diagonals and Transversals: Magnifying the Scale"
Keywords: Kring, Dutch Circle
Title: Book Review -
Author: Borchers, Brian
Summary: Review of book When Computers Were Human by David Alan Grier
Keywords: Grier A.,
Title: The Oughtred Society Swap Sheet is Now Online
Author: Flom, Gary
Summary: Article outline how to access the swap sheet
Keywords: Oughtred Society Swap Sheet,
Title: Article of Interest in the Current Issue Bulletin of the SIS
Author: Editor
Summary: Article outlines several articles of interest to JOS readers in the Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society
Keywords: Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society
Title: How Slide Rules Won a War
Author: Green, Alex E. S.
Summary: This article is a supplement to a previous JOS article by the same Author: that gave technical details about a two-dimensional programmable slide rule system. Author: describes purpose-made slide rules to solve military problems in WWII
Keywords: Firing error indicator, WWII, military slide rules, LeMay C, Offset Bombing Computer, Bomb Plot Computer, Force and Load Computer, Radar Resolution Computer, Turn Computer, Shoran Computer, Teller E., Operation Olympic, Atomic Bomb,
Title: Slide Rules in the Classroom -An Anecdotal Report
Author: Huff, Paul R.
Summary: The use of slide rules in high school to reinforce understanding of some of the basic mathematical rules for logarithms in and interesting and fun way.
Keywords: High School uses, teaching slide rule,
Title: Getting Hooked on Slide Rule - A Classroom Tale
Author: Rutzen, Dagmar
Summary: The use of slide rules in seventh grade to strengthen math skills.
Keywords: strengthen math skills, teaching slide rule,
Title: Non-logarithmic Slide Rules
Author: Sangwin, Christopher J.
Summary: The article describes how slide rules capable of multiplying two numbers can be designed not using logarithms.
Keywords: Nelson's rule, non-logarithmic slide rule,
Title: Hemmi's 50-Centimeter Slide Rules
Author: Salomon, Warren
Summary: The article lists and describes ten models and their variants, which is the entire known line of Hemmi's commercially available 50cm slide rules. JOS Plus publication
Keywords: Hemmi, 50cm slide rule, simplex rules, Hemmi modes 50-20, Hemmi models 70, 70b, 70c, 70d, 96, 154, 200, 201, 275, 275a, 279, 279a, 279b, 2670,
Title: The K&E 4110 Power Trig Slide Rule Revisited
Author: McCoy, Clark
Summary: Article builds on an earlier JOS paper (JOS 2:1 1993) by Osborne I. Price on the K&E Power Trig slide rule no. 4110.
Keywords: K&E Power Trig 4110, Annapolis Slide Rule, Kells L. M., Kern W. F., Bland J. R., Tyler J.,
Title: Adriaen Vlacq and Ezechiel de Decker: Dutch Contributors to the Early Tables of Briggsian Logarithms.
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: Article describes the contribution of Adriaen Vlacq and Ezechiel de Decker to the early Briggsian logarithmic tables.
Keywords: logarithmic tables, Gunter E., de Decker E., Vlacq A., Napier's bones, Briggs H., Napier J., Arithmetica Logarithmica, Canon Triangulorum, Trigonometria Britannica, Logaritmorum Chilias Prima,
Title: On the Evolution of K&E Vector Slide Rules
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith
Summary: Article follows the evolution of K&E's first vector slide rule in the 1920s to the end of production in 1972
Keywords: vector slide rule, K&E 4093-3, K&E 4083-3, McCoy C.,
Title: Don't Panic, Nothing Can Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong...
Author: Zowtiak, John M.
Summary: Reminiscences of an engineer who needed to rely on his slide rule during and Engineer-In-Training (EIT) exam when his electronic calculators failed.
Keywords: Engineer-In-Training, EIT, trig table,
Title: The Schnellkalkulator System Block: A Mechanical Nomographic Table
Author: Rudwoski, Werner H.
Summary: Article describes the workings of a Schnellkalkulator (quick calculator), a mechanical nomographic device, used to determine the cutting time of machine tools.
Keywords: nomographs, nomography, Schnellkalkulator (quick calculator), System Bloch, Hahn & Kolb, machine tools, Bloch G,
Title: A Short History of the Festus Manufacturing Company and its successor, the Acu-Rule Manufacturing Company, Makers of the Acu-Rule and ACUMATH Slide Rule
Author: Keane, George E.
Summary: Article describes the history of the Festus Manufacturing Company which became the Acu-Rule Manufacturing Company
Keywords: Festus Manufacturing Company, Acu-Rule Manufacturing Company, Acumath slide rule, Slide Rule and Scale Manufacturing Co.,
Title: Slide Rules with Hyperbolic Functions
Author: Robinson, William K.
Summary: Article describes the history of hyperbolic functions and the slide rules with hyperbolic scales.
Keywords: Kremer G., Mercator G., Riccati V. R., de Foncenex D., Lambert J. H., electrical engineer, hyperbolic functions, K&E 4093-3, K&E 4083-3, Patrick Mark IV, Hemmi 153, Aristo 0972, Graphoplex 691a, Reiss 3227, Flying Fish 1200, Pickett N4-p, Blundell JV56 Multi-Log Vector Duplex,
jos-index-v14-n1-2005-item20-page 63.txt
Title: The Aristo Scholar Series
Author: Mosand, John
Summary: Article describes the history of Aristo Scholar series of slide rules during the period 1948-1975
Keywords: Aristo, Aristo Scholar, Aristo 902; Aristo 0906LL, Aristo 90183
jos-index-v14-n1-2005-item21-page 64.txt
Title: Journal of The Oughtred Society Guidelines for Authors
Author: editor
Summary: List of guidelines for Authors
Keywords: Journal of the Oughtred Society, Author: guidelines
Vol. 14, No. 2, 2005
Title: President's Message
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Outlined the accomplishments of the Oughtred Society in the past year.
Keywords: Slide Rule Reference Manual, Oughtred Society Swap Sheet, redesigned brochure,
Title: Book Reviews
Author: Borchers, Brian and Otnes, Bob
Summary: Three books were reviewed., A Treatise of Mathematical Instruments by John Robertson, Searching for 18th- and 19th-Century Patents on the Patent Office Website by P. E. Stanley and Tides: A Scientific History by David Edgar Cartwright.
Keywords: Cartwright. D. E., Robertson J., Stanley P.E.
Title: Mr. K. Kasper - In Memoriam
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: Obituary of K. Kasper
Keywords: Obituary, Kasper K.
Title: Prosthaphaeresis
Author: Borchers, Brian
Summary: The word prosthaphaeresis comes from the Greek words for addition and subtraction. It is a little known method for performing multiplication and division with table lookups and additions and subtractions
Keywords: Prosthaphaeresis.
Title: UK Slide Rule Circle Sponsors Well-Attended International Meeting, IM 2005
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Overview of the 11th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, held in Cambridge, England October 21st and 22nd, 2005
Keywords: UK Slide Rule Circle, International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors
Title: The Oughtred Society East Coast Meeting, November 11-13, 2005
Author: Wyman Tom; Gotlib, Louis and Chamberlain, Ed
Summary: Overview of the Oughtred Society East Coast meeting at MIT Museum in Cambridge, MA.
Keywords: Oughtred Society East Coast Meeting, MIT Museum
Title: Letters
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Comments on an article by Otto van Poelje (JOS 13:2 2004) on design strategies for improving scale-reading precision. Expressed the need for better indexing of Journal of the Oughtred Society.
Keywords: scale-reading precision, indexing
Title: The Oughtred Society Hall of Fame: Presentation of Awards and Fellowships
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: Establishment of an Oughtred Society Hall of Fame. Fourteen members were inducted into the Hall of Fame and 38 elected as Fellows of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Oughtred Society Hall of Fame,
Title: The Oughtred Society Swap Sheet Online
Author: Flom, Gary
Summary: Rollout of the Swap Sheet on the Oughtred Society website
Keywords: Oughtred Society Swap Sheet
Title: The Slide Rules of Reverend William Flower
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Article describes the history and operation of the W. Flowers Project, a slide rule which was the most sophisticated and versatile slide rule that had been created in 1768.
Keywords: Flowers W., Officers Instrument, Artificers Instrument
Title: The Kentish Slide Rule
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Article describes the history and operation of a Kentish slide rule, which may be considered the ultimate early 19th century "engineering slide rule"
Keywords: Kentish T., Dring & Fage,
Title: Archimedes -His Approach Towards Logarithms
Author: Holland, Peter
Summary: Author examines the way in which Archimedes may have introduced the basic idea of logarithms, as supported by his work in his Sandreckoner
Keywords: Archimedes, Sandreckoner
Title: John Davis and Sons (Derby) Ltd.
Author: Barnes, Colin
Summary: The history of this firm, a supplier and manufacturer of scientific instruments, including of slide rules and which can be traced back 170 years, is outlined.
Keywords: Davis J., Dennert & Pape, celluloid slide rule, Dunlop-Jackson slide rule, Dr. Yokota's slide rule, Stelfox slide rule, Jakin's slide rule, Stokes rule, Davis slide rule, Vickers machine gun rule,
Title: Designing Three Variable Slide Charts
Author: Lee, Leighton III
Summary: The author outlines a practical method rather than a highly mathematical technique, to solve engineering problems that have simple formulas but units of measure that have to be converted. This involves designing and building a slide chart with three variables.
Keywords: variable slide charts, design,
Title: Aristo's Further Development of the Darmstadt System
Author: Mosand, John
Summary: The article discusses the design and development of Aristo's Darmstadt system of slide rules
Keywords: Darmstadt System, Aristo 967, 967D, 967 U, 0968, Aristo 0972 Hyperlog, Faber-Castell 1/54 Darmstadt,
Title: The Navigation Scale, Improved by B. Dunn
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: The author discusses the well-documented variant of the Gunter rule as developed in 1764 and 1772 by Benjamin Donn
Keywords: Donn B., Gunter rule, navigation, Donn rules,
Title: Years become Shorter - Like the Logarithmic Distances on a Slide Rule
Author: Rudowski, Werner H.
Summary: The author muses over a possible parallel between our growing old and a logarithmic scale.
Keywords: logarithmic scales, aging
Title: Other Men and Their Slide Rules
Author: Hopp, Peter
Summary: The author, inspired by the article A Man and His Slide Rule - Tools for a Lifetime, by Kate Matthews (JOS v13, n1 p54), was prompted to examine whether other collectors had similar collections and whether US collections differed from British or European collections. He focused on UK engineering professionals in the same time period.
Keywords: Stancey G., Tidy H., Whittle F., Wallis B., Edwards F. D., Jeans J., Cook G. H., Fessenden R.,
Title: The Oughtred Society Slide Rule Reference Manual
Author: Hume, Ted
Summary: A brief description of a slide rule reference manual available from the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Oughtred Society Slide Rule Reference Book
Title: A Decade After The End: A Slide Rule Instruction Book Published in 1984
Author: McFarland, David D.
Summary: The article discusses a new Russian language slide rule instruction book published in 1984, intended for technical people who would be performing actual calculations.
Keywords: Slide rule instruction book, HP-35 calculator, Khrenov and Vizirov rule book,
Title: Thou Preparest a Table Before Me
Author: Kannenberg, Lloyd
Summary: The article suggests that mathematical tables are as obsolete and therefore as collectible as slide rules
Keywords: Logarithmic tables, Mathematical tables
Title: The Keuffel & Esser Building in New York City
Author: Flom, Gary
Summary: The article reviews the history of the Keuffel & Esser Building at 127 Fulton Street in NYC, one of the best preserved and distinguished 19th century buildings in that city.
Keywords: Keuffel & Esser Building
Title: Interview with Gerd Keuffel
Author: Flom, Gary
Summary: The article is the result of an interview with Gerd Keuffel, great-grandson of Wilhelm Johann Dietrich Keuffel, co-founder of the Keuffel & Esser Company
Keywords: Keuffel G.,
Title: Chinese Vector Slide Rules
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith and Robinson, William K.
Summary: This article concentrates on the numerous Vector slide rules produced in China from the 1930s until the end of production in the 1980s.
Keywords: Chinese vector slide rules
Title: The Crichlow Slide Rule
Author: Borchers, Brian
Summary: This article discusses the Crichlow circular slide rule, developed for computations arising in antiaircraft artillery
Keywords: Crichlow R., circular slide rule, antiaircraft slide rule
Vol. 15, No. 1, 2006
Title: "Pioneers of the Oughtred Society
Author: Wyman, Thomas.
Summary: List of original members of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Oughtred Society pioneers
Title: The Oughtred Society Award 2006: Call for Nominations.
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: Call for nominations for the Oughtred Society Awards
Keywords: Oughtred Society Awards
Title: Hans Bethe: Physicist and Slide Rule User
Author: Editor
Summary: Obituary of Hans Bethe excerpted from the Economist.
Keywords: Bethe H.,
Title: Politics, Poetry, and England's Customs and Excise.
Author: Wyman, Thomas
Summary: Discussion of Thomas Paine and Robert Burns and their lives as excise officers. Photos of the slide rule and dipping rod used by British excise agents. Keywords: Thomas Paine, Robert Burns, Adam Smith, Alcohol content, gauging, tax collector, Customs and Excise, four-slide boxwood slide rule, Brannen rule, excise officers,
Title: The Beginning Collector.
Author: Matthews, Kate
Summary: Discussion on buying and selling slide rules, valuation terms.
Keywords: value, price, television valuation, Nestler (23), A. Mann's slide rule
Title: Slide Rules and Problematical Recreations.
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Discussion of Litton Industries 1960s booklets entitled Problematical Recreations.
Keywords: Litton Industries, Problematical Recreations
Title: Aristo Special Models.
Author: Mosand, John
Summary: History of Dennert & Pape/Aristo's 500 "special" slide rules. Some photos.
Keywords: Aristo, Valmet, Aristo 940 Stahlbeton System Gottsch, Charvos-Roos, Klawun, Wichmann, Ahrend, Cleveland Institute of Electronics, Christiani slide rule, Dennert & Pape, military, Lagermatten slide rule, Nautical-Astronomical Universal slide rule, Nelting R.
Title: J.H. Bair's Adder.
Author: (No Author:).
Summary: Describes mechanical calculator with photo.
Keywords: Bair J.H., adder, Locke adder.
Title: Slide Rules are...Music to My Ears.
Author: Rance, David G...
Summary: Collection of slide rules related to acoustic world of music.
Keywords: Acoustic rules, Faber-Castell, Scaling slide rule for organ pipes, system Rensch, Topfer J.G., Rensch R., ESSO, Kodak, Bitzer, Blundell Harling, note tracker slide chart, P5731, Davies P, AXiS, IWA piano & harpsichord builders, TF 65/2, Taylor's formula, Fenner K, Petit & Fritsen, carillon builders aid for tone ranges, campanologists, St. Paulus & Petrus Church,, Alro, Lawrence Engineering Service, 9-K music transposer, George Lee Lawrence, Lawrence Slide Rule Company, Lawrence Engineering, Oxford University Press, musical slide rule, musical note calculator, Brice & Delineavant, musician's slide rule, Mechanical musicalc, Blundell Harling music slide charts (P3679, P5012, P5206, P5812), barber shop harmony calculator
Title: The Demise of the Slide Rule.
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Newspaper column from 1982 about slide rules.
Keywords: slide rule demise
Title: A "Universal" Stadia Slide Rule: the Shanghai Slide Rule Factory Model Number 1005.
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith
Summary: Discussion of the Stadia slide rule, its use and the model 1005 made by the Shanghai Slide Rule Factory, with photos.
Keywords: Kissam P., Kissam Stadia K&E (4143 or 68-1486), K&E (4100), civil engineering, Sun Hemmi, Shanghai Slide Rule Factory (1005).
Title: The Spring Design Slide Rule Calculator.
Author: Konshak, Michael.
Summary: Discussion of spring design slide rules, with photos.
Keywords: Wallace Barnes/ASC, Wallace Barnes Slide Charts, torsion springs, Associated Spring Corp (ASC), Connecticut Spring Corp.(CSC), spring data calculator, J.B. Carrol Company, Pickett (1025, 1072, 1090-ES, 1100), Acu-rule, Acumath, Conner Spring Corp. (1090-ES), ASC Helical Spring Design Computer. M.H. Mear & Co.(circular), K&E Bellville Spring Washer Computer (BSWC), K&E (68-1892 K12), Analon (68-1400).
Title: China Paper Face Slide Rules - K & E Knockoffs.
Author: Castleberry, Clay
Summary: Approaches used in China in the 1940s-1960s to copy the Keuffel & Esser 4083-3 Log Log Duplex Vector without violating the copyrighted original. Keywords: the Keuffel & Esser (4083-3), China Paper Face Rule, black scales, United Instrument Factory, Lixue Slide Rule Craft Group, Liu Quiglin
Title: Lologs and Illologs.
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Conversations with Joseph E. Deitzgen on the Deitzgen log-log slide rule. Discussion of E. Chappell's book "Five-Figure Mathematical Tables, 1915", with appendix of chronology.
Keywords: Deitzgen E., Deitzgen J.E., Chappell's Tables, cologs, illogs, lologs, John Davis & Son, K&E Deci-Lon (68 1100).
Title: Richardson and Gilson.
Author: Konshak, Michael
Summary: History of the relationship between George W. Richardson (Richardson Rule Works) and Claire A. Gilson (Gilson Slide Rule Company).
Keywords: Richardson G. W., Gilson C. A., International Correspondence School (I.C.S.), Richardson Direct Reading Slide Rule, Pantocrat, keyholes, celluloid, aluminum, stainless steel, Richardson Rule Works (1776, 1812, 1865, 1917), J.H. Weil and Co., Gilson Slide Rule Company models, Midget, Binary, Atlas, circular slide rule, Slide Rule Simplified, Fagen D.W., Post, Dietzgen, Dieterich-Post.
Title: Tens' Complement Arithmetic.
Author: Borchers, Brian
Summary: Discussion of the numerical labels on many mechanical adding machines and how to use them to carry out subtraction using tens complement arithmetic, with photo.
Keywords: Felt and Tarraant Comptometer, Hoffritz Adder.
Title: Reverse Polish Notation for Electronic Calculators.
Author: van Poelje, Otto E..
Summary: Discussion of the use of Reverse Polish Notation in computers and calculators.
Keywords: Lukasiewicz J., Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), Hewlett-Packard (HP-25, HP-28, HP-35, HP-48), Oughtred W., Gunter E., Forth, PostScript, Friden EC-130, Texas Instrument (SR-50), Algebraic Operating System (AOS), Sanyo Scientific Calculator (CZ-2901)
Title: Anecdotes about Logarithms.
Author: Rudowski Werner H.
Summary: Two stories from H. Ahrens booklet Mathematiker-Aneckdoten.
Keywords: Kästner A.G., Rabener W., Rabener G., Fischer K., Vega's Tables of Logarithms.
Title: A Former Slide Rule Collector's Tale.
Author: Hume, Ted.
Summary: A memoir of the Author's interest in slide rule collection. He describes his early interest in Post slide rules.
Keywords: Post slide rules,
Title: A Pocket Slide Rule for Electronic Engineers: the Tianjin 6508.
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith.
Summary: Discussion of the only pocket slide rule known to the author to be designed for electrical engineer, with photos.
Keyword: K&E 4139 Cooke Radio, Pickett N-16, Sun Hemmi (266), Scientific Instruments (1580), Tianjin (6504 & 6508), Tianjin Slide Rule Factory.
Title: The Popular Post Versalog Slide Rule.
Author: Hume, Ted.
Summary: Discussion of the Post Versalog 1460, the favorite slide rule of members of the International Slide Rule Group.
Keywords: Post Versalog 1460, 1461, Hemmi (258), Hughes-Owens (1777) Versalog, Geotec (341-3010-Type 1b & 341-3012 -Type II), Post Versalog II), Teledyne-Post Versalog II (44CA-600).
Title: The Calculator of Claude Perrault.
Author: Venetsianos, Panagiotis and Otnes, Bob.
Summary: Discussion of "slide bar" adders and calculators and how they operate.
Keywords: Perrault Adder, Kummer, Young, Fowler, Troncet, Locke, McClellan, Perrault C., Coignard J.B., Rhabdological Abacus, (CNAM).
Title: The Flying Fish 1018 Gudermannian Slide Rule.
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith.
Summary: Discussion of the Chinese Shanghai Slide Rule Factory Flying Fish 1018 slide rule and its use, photos included..
Keywords: Sun Hemmi (153), Shanghai Slide Rule Factory Flying Fish 1018 Gudermannian.
Title: Some Remarks on Logarithms Apropos to Their Tercentenary.
Author: D'Ocagne, M.
Summary: Discussion of the discovery of logarithms by John Napier and how they are used.
Keywords: Logarithms, Kepler, Napier J., Naperian, Briggs H., Vlacq, Wingate, Gardiner, Callet, Andoyer, Wolfram, Sharp, Prony, Schentz,
Vol. 15, No. 2, 2006
Title: Congratulations Walter Shawlee!
Author: Wyman, Thomas.
Summary: Walter Shawlee II received the Oughtred Society Hall of Fame 2006 for his activities over the last ten years in attracting over half a million visits to his web site Slide Rule Universe.
Keywords: Oughtred Society Hall of Fame, Slide Rule Universe, Shawlee W. II
Title: A Short List of Slide Rule Exhibits and Other Public Activities
Author: Babcock, Bruce
Summary: A list of some 15 events of slide rule demonstrations from 1999 through 2005, who gave the demonstrations, and the venue of the exhibit.
Keywords: Babcock B., Castleberry C., Chamberlain E., Crowther P., De Cesaris, R., Flom G., Hans M., Kerr W., Maack D., McFarland D., Otnes R., Wyman T., Rance D., Rudowski W., Rodger R.
Title: The Oughtred Society Survey 2006 - Summary
Author: van Poelje, Otto; McCoy, Clark; Matthews, Kate
Summary: A summary of the 2006 Oughtred Society survey.
Keywords: Oughtred Society Survey Summary
Title: The Future of Slide Rule Collecting
Author: Wyman, Thomas
Summary: The author outlines ways to increase interest in slide rule collecting by holding slide rule exhibits, and gives examples of how past exhibits led to the formation of the Oughtred Society.
Keywords: Slide rule collecting, slide rule exhibitions,
Title: Pocketbook of the Gauge Marks by Panagiotis Venetsianos
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: This booklet, reviewed by the author, describes the "gauge marks" or constants imprinted on slide rules that are immediately available for calculations. This booklet describes the various gauge marks found on slide rules and a table for gauge mark names and their numerical values.
Keywords: Gauge marks, Venetsianos P.
Title: Is This The Mysterious Midget Fuller?
Author: Rudowski, Werner H.
Summary: Author describes a handmade Fuller-style slide rule and how it differs from a standard Fuller and other spiral slide rules.
Keywords: Midget Fuller, Fuller Slide Rule, Otis King, Smith R. H., spiral slide rule
Title: A 1595 Book Annotated by Oughtred is Offered for Sale
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Article describes a book entitled " One of the earliest works on bookkeeping annotated by William Oughtred" written by Nicolas Petri and "Englished" by William Phillip and printed in London in 1596
Keywords: Oughtred W., Petri N., Phillip W., bookkeeping
Title: Letters to the Editor: HP Calculators
Author: Maor, Eli
Summary: Responds to an article by Otto E. van Poelje on the problems of early HP calculators. He thought that cost was as much a problem as learning Reverse Polish Notation (RPN).
Keywords: van Poelje O. P., HP calculators, Texas Instrument, TI-25X, TI-89, TI-89, TI-92
Title: Letters to the Editor: The CURTA and Sports Car Rallies
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Outlines discussions with a former "navigator" of sports car rallies and why the Curta calculator was popular.
Keywords: Curta, sports car rallies,
Title: News from the Dutch Circle, the "Kring"
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: Describes the activities of the Dutch slide rule "Circle" and their periodical, "the MIR"
Keywords: Dutch Circle, Kring, the Mir, Slide Rule Catalogue online,
Title: Henry P. Aldinger, Jr. (1916-2006) an Appreciation
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: An obituary of Henry Aldinger and his contributions to the success of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Aldinger H. P., Oughtred Society,
Title: Alfred E. Busch 1914-2006
Author: Abstract from the New York Times
Summary: An obituary of Alfred E. Busch, former president of K&E
Keywords: Busch A. E., K&E,
Title: John Brown's Book and Spiral Slide Rule
Author: Hopp, Peter M.
Summary: Describes the resolution of the confusion of whether there was one, two or three John Brown(e)s who were instrument makers.
Keywords: Brown J., Browne J., Cajori, spiral slide rule,
Title: Locating the Center of Mass by Mechanical Means
Author: Sangwin, Christopher J.
Summary: Article discusses moment planimeters, mechanical devices with which it is possible to locate the center of mass of an irregular plane shape by mechanical and graphical means.
Keywords: moment planimeters, Roll Recording Wheel, Koizumi Linear Roller, Amsler Moment Planimeter, Integrator
Title: Modeling the Difference Engines of Charles Babbage
Author: Robinson, Tom
Summary: Author describes efforts to build models of Babbage's Difference Engine's #1 & #2 using Meccano, a child's educational construction system similar to Erector. He also discusses the methods of differences employed by Babbage
Keywords: Babbage, Difference Engine, Meccano
Title: The Gauge Mark Booklet
Author: Venetsianos, Panagiotis
Summary: Author discusses the role of gauge marks on slide rules and outlines his organization of the plethora of gauge marks found, their meanings and the numbers associated with them.
Keywords: gauge marks,
Title: The Oldest German Slide Rule
Author: Rudowski, Werner H.
Summary: Article describes a slide rule in a museum in Kassel, Germany that possesses a 1765-era ivory and silver rule purported to be the oldest existing slide rule manufactured in Germany
Keywords: German slide rule, ivory, Landgraf Karl, Partridge's Double Scale of Proportion, Gunter,
Title: Aristo End Braces
Author: Mosand, John
Summary: This article relates the end braces used on 25 cm Aristo slide rules to the period of manufacture.
Keywords: Aristo, end braces, Dennert & Pape, plastic end braces,
Title: System Wern Circular Slide Rule - A Collector's Dream Come True
Author: England, Gunnar
Summary: This is about slide rule collecting and a collector's dream come true. It is also about an interesting circular slide rule design, its development and background
Keywords: IWA 1638, System Wern ABC, Wern C., Wern G.
Title: Slide Rules - Gone but Not Forgotten
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Comments on a 2006 Scientific American article, When Slide Rules Ruled, by Cliff Stoll and the response to it about other slide rule memories
Keywords: Scientific American, slide rules
Title: How Well Known Were Slide Rules in Germany, Austria and Switzerland Before the Second Half of the 18th Century?
Author: Rudowski, Werner H.
Summary: Brief overview of the history of the introduction of slide rules into Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Author suggests reasons why slide rule use was slower in these countries.
Keywords: Biler D. J. M., Leupold J., Scheffelt M.
Title: Watch Your Ps and Qs - The Pythagorean Scales - Are They Worth the Effort?
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith
Summary: This article discusses the solution of the right triangle using Pythagorean scales. Author compares using the "P" and "Q" scales on a variety of slide rules and their ease of use.
Keywords: Pythagorean Scales, Hemmi, K&E, Scientific Instruments 1570, Darmstadt P, Faber-Castell, Flying Fish 1003
Title: Faber-Castell 2/84 and 2/84N Mathemas
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith
Summary: Author compares two Faber-Castell vector slide rules.
Keywords: Faber-Castell 2/84, Faber-Castell 2/84N Mathemas
Title: A Woman and Her Slide Rule
Author: Maor, Eli
Summary: Author, responding to JOS articles which only describe men and their slide rules describes a woman engineer (his wife) who used her slide rule throughout her career
Keywords: Women, slide rule
Title: How Long is One Foot?
Author: Rudowski, Werner H.
Summary: Author reviews the history of the length measurement, the foot, and describes how it was defined over time.
Keywords: linear measurement, foot - definition,
Vol. 16, No. 1, 2007
Title: President's Message
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Points covered were "Pano's Pocketbook of gauge marks, Beginner's slide rule kit, Salisbury Products division slide rules, and a list of meetings to be held in 2007.
Keywords: Beginner's slide rule, Pocketbook of gauge marks, Soper J.,
Title: Editorial Comment
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Comments on three articles in this issue on the development of slide rules in the 17th century and the importance of navigation to their development.
Keywords: Napier, Gunter, sliding Gunter
Title: The Oughtred Society Award 1007: Call for Nominations
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: A request that members submit nominations for the Oughtred Society Award.
Keywords: Oughtred Society Award
Title: Announcement
Author: McCoy, Clark
Summary: Article informs the membership that the book by Joe Soper, K&E Salisbury Products Division Slide Rules on the later years of K&E enterprise at the Salisbury Products Division is now available for purchase.
Keywords: K&E Salisbury Products Division
Title: Aaron Lerner - An Appreciation
Author: Gotlib, Louis
Summary: Reflections on the author's friendship with Aaron Lerner, an Oughtred Society member who recently passed away.
Keywords: Lerner A., slide rule collecting
Title: The Sliding Gunter - Who Was its Inventor?
Author: Rudowski, Werner H
Summary: Article examines the use of the term "sliding Gunter" and proposes a definition
Keywords: sliding Gunter, Bissaker R., Partridge S., Leupold J.,
Title: The Sliding Gunter - Reconstruction of the Partridge Scales
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: This article will argue that Partridge described a scale configuration which is different from the Sliding Gunters that were described and produced later. Also includes a transcription of Chapter 1 of Partridge's book on the "Double Scale of Proportion"
Keywords: Sliding Gunter, Partridge S., Double Scale of Proportion,
Title: The Sliding Gunter - Versions for Navigation at Sea
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: This article compares 26 actual specimens of Sliding Gunters used in navigation, with additional information provided by four books about Sliding Gunters. Examples of the use of the Sliding Gunters in solving navigation problems are included along with photographs of examples.
Keywords: Sliding Gunter, Partridge S., Double Scale of Proportion, Robertson Rule, National Maritime Museum, National Museums of Scotland, Mackay A., van de Moolen S., Norie J.W., Bowditch N., Colson N., Moore J.H., Robertson J., Seller J., Norwood M., Navigational slide rule,
Title: Tables of Quarter-Squares, Sociologic[al] Applications, and Contributions of George W. Jones
Author: McFarland, David D.
Summary: Tables of Quarter-Squares were once an alternative to logarithms for multiplication but their use declined around 1900. This article offers additional references, including examples of those tables and suggests some additional sources of their decline.
Keywords: Tables of Quarter-Squares, Jones G. W., mathematical tables, Campbell-Kelly M, Galton-Watson
Title: Annual Meeting of the Oughtred Society, June 30, 2007
Author: Editor
Summary: Overview of Annual Meeting
Keywords: Oughtred Society meeting
Title: Rules and Other Mechanical Calculating Devices in Aviation
Author: van Riet, Ronald
Summary: The article is an overview of the current use of E6B flight computers, still mandatory at every pilot's exam, both in the USA and elsewhere.
Keywords: aviation, E6B Flight Computer, Poolet's CRP, Aristo Aviat, Load Adjustors, Cessna Performance Computer, Wright R-9 Performance Computer, Simplified Flight Calculator, Dalton P,
Title: Slide Rule Tie Bars
Author: von Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: Article gives an overview of Swank slide rule tie bars.
Keywords: Swank, slide rule tie bar, Vernon, circular flight slide rule tie bar,
Title: On Cleaning a Slide Rule
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: The article explores some of the dangers of using cleaners on slide rules
Keywords: Goof Off, Goo Off
Title: The Faber-Castell 989 Komplex-Rechenplatte
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith
Summary: This article discusses the operation and limitations of the Faber-Castell 989 Komplex-Rechenplatte slide rule. JOS Plus article
Keywords: Faber-Castell 989 Komplex-Rechenplatte, oversized slide rule,
Title: The Ganga Ram Slide Rule
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: This article relates to the second of Ganga Ram's slide rules which he patented in 1885
Keywords: Ganga Ram Slide Rule, Ram G., scanting of timber, J. Tree & Co., strains on trusses
Title: John Brown, "Carpenters Rules"
Author: Hopp, Peter
Summary: This article outlines some of the editions of relevant books by John Brown(e) found in various museum and university libraries.
Keywords: carpenter-rule, joint-rule, Gunters-line, Brown J.
Title: The Report of the 2006 Survey Committee
Author: Matthews, Kate; McCoy, Clark; and van Poelje, Otto
Summary: Results of an Oughtred Society survey conducted in 2006.
Keywords: Oughtred Society survey
Title: Genaille's Rods
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Description of the use of Genaille-Lucas Rulers, a variation of the physical technique of Napier's Bones evolved in about 1885
Keywords: Napier's Bones, Genaille-Lucas Rulers,
Title: John R. Dempster's RotaRule Model AA: A Masterpiece in the Art of Slide Rule Design
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith
Summary: The article discusses the mechanical design, scales and some background on John R. Dempster the person and a listing of known RotaRules in private collections
Keywords: Dempster RotaRule, Dempster J.R., Eugene Dietzgen Company
Vol. 16, No. 2, 2007
Title: IM 2007: The Dutch Excel Again!
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Overview of the September 14th and 15th 2007 meeting of the Dutch Circle convened with the 13th Meeting of Collectors of Historical Calculation Instruments in Lelystad, Netherlands.
Keywords: Dutch Circle, Collectors of Historical Calculation Instruments
Title: The Oughtred Society Hall of Fame - Presentation of the Oughtred Society for 2007
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: Announcement of the winner of the Oughtred Society Award for 2007 - Rodney Lovett (UK)
Keywords: Oughtred Society Hall of Fame, Lovett, R.
Title: Oughtred's Last Book
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Discovery of the sale of an antiquarian book authored by William Oughtred.
Keywords: Oughtred W., Trigonometria,
Title: The Nystrom Calculator - The First Patented American Slide Rule
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Author describes his introduction to and search for a Nystrom Calculator for his collection. He outlines the history of John Nystrom and the evolution of the calculator, along with a description of its use.
Keywords: Nystrom Calculator, Nystrom J.,
Title: Recollections of a Pickett Industries Employee
Author: Boardman, Allan
Summary: A former employee of the Pickett Industries slide rule company describes his experiences while working for Pickett in the 1950s.
Keywords: Pickett Industries, Pickett slide rule
Title: Highlights of the A. J. Boardman Collection of Pickett Slide Rules
Author: McCoy, Clark
Summary: Description of the Pickett slide rule collection of Allan Boardman, a former employee of Pickett Industries. The collection mostly consists of slide rules randomly taken off of the production assembly lines for quality control purposes
Keywords: Pickett slide rules, Pickett model 2-T, 3-T, 4-T, Pickett 510-T -Business and Finance, Pickett Trainer Plastic, Pickett U.S. Air Force Aerial Photo slide rule, Pickett Model N904-ES, Pickett Circular Model 101C.
Title: More About Slide Chart Devices
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Article is a follow-up to the article "Slide Chart Calculators - A Modest Proposal" that appeared in the 2004 JOS
Keywords: Slide Chart Calculators, Omero, Life Assurance, horse racing, Stockulator
Title: Another Aristo End Brace
Author: Mosand, John
Summary: Response to an earlier article in 2006 JOS on Aristo End Braces
Keywords: Aristo end brace
Title: Quarter-Squares Revisited: Earlier Tables, Division of Labor in Table Construction, and Later Implementations in Analog Computers
Author: McFarland, David D.
Summary: Author outlines how Quarter Squares were in use both earlier and more recently than the era 1876 to 1951 he outlined in a previous JOS article (JOS 16:1 19-26)
Keywords: Quarter-Squares, Laundy S.L., Leslie J., Glaisher, Voisin, cuneiform tables,
Title: Benford's Logarithmic Distribution of Digits
Author: van der Salm, Simon A. M.
Summary: Discussion of the non-uniformly distributed leading digit when logarithmic calculations are carried out on a slide rule.
Keywords: non-uniformly distribution of digits, Newcomb-Bedford formula, Bedford F.,
Title: Stadia or Tacheometric Slide Rules, Part II
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith
Summary: Discussion of a specialized slide rule, the Stadia or Tacheometric vector slide rule, and a table of known examples. Author compares ease of use.
Keywords: Stadia slide rule, Tachemetric slide rule, vector slide rule, Faber-Castell 4/38, 1/38, 67/38, Cox Stadia circular slide rule, Dempster Rotarule Model AA, KB Stadia circular 360, K&E N4000, N4001, N4143/1468, Aristo 0958,
Title: The Gancher and Kodoma Adder
Author: Editor
Summary: Advertising photo and drawing of the Golden Gem Adder, patented by Kodama and Gancher
Keywords: Golden Gem Adder, Kodama N. H., Gancher A. I.
Title: Leibniz and His Logarithmic Calculating Cylinder
Author: Rudowski, Werner H.
Summary: Article describes documents discovered by the author, proving that Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz thought about logarithmical calculating devices as early as 1712
Keywords: Leibniz G. W., Clausthal-Zellerfeld H. B., Ripking M. B., Leibniz calculating cylinder, Ripking's Calculating Disk, Everard, Leadbetter, Coggeshall, Partridge, Leupold, Scheffelts, Biler
Title: A "Mystery" Calculator from the Far North
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Author describes an Exakta mechanical calculator in his collection that was made in Sweden
Keywords: mechanical calculator, Exakta,
Title: Arithmetic with Roman Numerals
Author: Kennedy, James G.
Summary: The article describes how the Roman system incorporates features permitting algorithms that make multiplication and division even easier than our place-value decimal system.
Keywords: Roman numerals, division, multiplication
Title: Slide Rule Doggerel
Author: Matthews, Kate
Summary: Nine Old Nerds doggerel is reprinted
Keywords: slide rule doggerel
Title: On Collecting, Preservation and Stewardship
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: The slide rule collector's role as steward is emphasized: not only physical storage, restoration and maintenance of the objects involved, but also building and integrating knowledge about the collectibles, and sharing this with the public.
Keywords: slide rule collecting, stewardship, Venn diagram,
Title: UKSRC
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Discussion of the publications of the UK Slide Rule Circle, e.g. Skid Stick and Gazette, are impressive publications that, except for the latest additions, are available on-line and fully searchable.
Keywords: UK Slide Rule Circle (UKSRC), Skid Stick, Gazette
Title: A Summary of Gauging Practices Employed by English Excise Officers
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Discussion of the use of Gauging slide rules by English excise officers. Author reprints a 16-page instruction booklet on gauging and gauging instruments, Cask-Gauging and Stock-Taking: Ullaging and Casting Rule Simply Explained (~ 1850)
Keywords: Gauging slide rules, Ullaging and casting rule, Leadbetter C., L. Lumley & Co.,
Title: My Engineering Tools
Author: Schweitzer, Bernie (as told to Otnes, Bob)
Summary: Author discusses slide rules gifted to the Oughtred Society by Dr. Schweitzer
Keywords: Spirule, the Spirule Company, the Smith Chart, Millimeter Wave System Calculator
Vol. 17, No. 1, 2008
Title: Boucher's Bouchers
Author: Conrad Schure
Summary: History and descriptions of the pocket-sized calculators designed by Alexandre Boucher, produced and marketed the latter part of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century.
Keywords: Boucher, Pocket-watch Calculator, Sperry, Fowler, Wichmann, K&E
Title: Early Drawings of Logarithmic Scales by Gunter and Wingate
Author: Otto E. van Poelje
Summary: Graphic reproductions from the early books on scales,
Keywords: Edmund Gunter, Edmund Wingate, Henrion, Gunter Scales, Aspley's Plain Scale, Proportion
Title: An Update on Log-Log Slide Rules Before 1910
Author: Tom Wyman and Bob Otnes
Summary: A timeline and collection of early papers relevant to the early history of log-log slide rules
Keywords: Napier, Ward, Petr M. Roget, Rooker, Thomson, Dunlop and Jackson, Yokota, Keuffel & Esser, K&E, Baxendale and Pugh
Title: Description of a New Instrument for Performing Mechanically the Involution and Evolution of Numbers
Author: Peter M. Roget, MD
Summary: Reprint of paper by the author, November 17, 1814
Keywords:Pascal, Gunter, Roget, Wollaston,
Title: Slide Rules for Rocketeers
Author: Michael Konshak
Summary: Slide rules used in model rocketry from 1959 through 1970 and their application
Keywords: NAR, National Association of Rocketry, William S. Roe, G. Harry Stine, Enerjet, Vernon Estes, Estes Industries, Lawrence, Pickett, Altiscope, NARAM,
Title: A Letter of 1638 From William Oughtred to Elias Allen
Author: Edited by Peter Hopp and Bob Otnes
Summary: In this 1638 letter, William Oughtred discusses changes that he wants made to a cross staff that Elias Allen is making under his direction. Includes relevant notes from the editors.
Keywords: William Oughtred, Elias Allen, Macclesfield Collection, Cambridge University Library,
Title: A Missing Gilson Midget?
Author: Clay Castleberry
Summary: A review of four Gilson Midget circular slide rules
Keywords: Gilson, Midget, Celluloid Enamel, Niles, Michigan
Title: Notes on Mechanical Fourier Analyzers
Author: Robert K. Otnes Ph.D.
Summary: A time line and applications of the work of Jean-Baptise-Joseph Fourier
Keywords: Fourier, Lord Kelvin, Henrici Harmonic Analyzer, Tide Predictor, Planimeters
Title: The Keuffel & Esser Roylance 4133 Electrical Slide Rule
Author: Richard Smith Hughes
Summary: A review and operation of the K&E 4133
Keywords: Roylance, Electrical, Electro Rules, Keuffel & Esser
Title: REED Riddle Solved!
Author: David G. Rance
Summary: A historical basis of Australian slide rules designed by Joseph Griffith Reed
Keywords: System Reed, Service Slide Rule, Australian Engineer, Electro
Title: Circular Slide Rules with Very Long Scales
Author: Edwin J. Chamberlain
Summary: A summary of a series of reports on many Circular slide rules using spiral scales.
Keywords: Atlas Spiral, Ross Computer, Thomas Brown, Richard Delamain, William Milburne, John Brown, Henr Sutton, Nicholson, Adams, J.B. Fearnley, Dixon, Sexton, Lilly, Gilson, Montaque Worman, ARC, Courvoiser Cercle a Calculs
Vol. 17, No. 2, 2008
Title: IM 2008 a Resounding Success
Author: Wyman, Thomas
Summary: Overview of the 14th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors (2008) at Royal
Leamington Spa (UK). Proceedings of the meeting are available
Keywords: I M S R C (2008), Ln Scale, Artillery Slide Rules, Bissaker Rule, Alcoholmeters,
Samuel Pepys, Bevan Slide Rule
Title: My Collection Has A New Home
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand
Summary: The author describes the journey he took to find a permanent home for his slide rule
collection, finally choosing the Arithmeum Museum in Bonn Germany.
Keywords: Arithmeum Museum,
Title: In Memoriam: Osborne Price (Sept. 30 1930-June 3, 2008)
Author: Editors
Summary: Obituary of Osborne Ingle Price, one of the original founding members of the
Oughtred Society
Keywords: Price O.I.,
Title: On A Mystery Slide Rule from the MIT Museum K&E Cabinet
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith
Summary: Author determined that the Mystery slide rule, outlined in an earlier JOS
publication (JOS Vol 14 No 1 P11) was a slide rule used for surveying. It was an exact copy of a
J. Kern Aarau Tacyheometric slide rule.
Keywords: MIT Mystery slide rule, K&E, surveying slide rule, K&E Statia 4100
Title: Sonne's Circular Slide Rule
Author: van Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: The author outlines the origin and history of Eduard Sonne's circular slide rule and
describes its use.
Keywords: Sonne E., circular slide rule,
Title: The Oughtred Society Hall of Fame
Author: Editors
Summary: Three Oughtred Society members, Otto van Poelje, Joe Soper and Panagiotis (Pano)
Venetsianos, have been honored by the Oughtred Society Awards Committee for their
outstanding contributions to the world community involved with slide rules and historical
calculating instruments.
Keywords: Oughtred Society Hall of Fame, Soper J., van Poelje O., Venetsianos P.
Title: On Abaci of Every Kind
Author: Maor, Eli
Summary: Article outlines the history of the abacus with examples shown from the author's
collection and photographs of larger examples.
Keywords: abacus, abaci, Chinese suan pan, Japanese soroban, Russian schotyi,
Title: Eli Maor's Latest Book
Author: Otnes, Bob (Reviewer)
Summary: The book The Pythagorean Theorem by Eli Maor is a pleasure for anyone with at
least a high school education to read.
Keywords: Pythagorean Theorem, Maor E.
Title: The Duplex Slide Rules of Faber-Castell
Author: van Jezierski, Dieter
Summary: Discussion of the development of the duplex slide rule by Faber-Castell and other
German manufacturers and how it was influenced by the requirements of the American market
and by K&E's patents and designs.
Keywords: K&E, duplex slide rules, Bissaker R., Partridge S., Dennert & Pape, Aristo, Nestler,
A.W. Faber, Babcock B., Cox W., Nestler model 29, K&E Log-Log Decitrig, Aristo model 966,
Dennert & Pape model DUFIX 955, Faber-Castell
Title: Diarist Samuel Pepys and Slide Rules
Author: Wyman, Thomas
Summary: Samuel Pepys, a 17th century polymath and diarist, was interested in scientific
instruments of the time, including slide rules, and engaged John Brown, a noted instrument
maker, to make him a slide rule for measuring lumber. Article describes comments Pepys made
in his diary about the slide rule and discusses the type of slide rule that Pepys could have
possessed and use.
Keywords: Pepys S., Brown(e) J., Circular slide rule, carpenter's rule, Napier's Bones, Napier's
calculating rods, Brown's spiral rule,
Title: Dr. Prince's Refracting Rule Made by K&E
Author: Castleberry, Clay
Summary: Discussion of a K&E non-slider rule made for the American Optical Company for
determining the approximate range of distance at which, for a specific age, one should read small
Keywords: Dr. Prince's Rule, K&E, American Optical Company
Title: Square Roots by Slide Rules and Other Means
Author: McFarland, David D.
Summary: Describes the principles underlying square root calculations and discuss various
computational aids built on those principles.
Keywords: Ogburn W.F., Hearh T.L.,
Title: Slide Rules, Sextants, and the Sky
Author: McConnell, Paul
Summary: The title examines instrumental milestones in aerial celestial navigation. It includes a
brief sketch of spherical trigonometry as applied to celestial navigation, a few diagrams, four
examples of the solution of the Navigational Triangle using different methods of computation,
and descriptions of a few additional slide rules and instruments for aviators. The Bygrave
Position Line Slide Rule remains the central subject.
Keywords: The Bygrave Position Line Slide Rule, celestial; navigation, sextants, airship
navigation, slide rules for airships, airplanes, space sextant
Title: Mystery Slide Rule from the K&E Cabinet at the MIT Museum
Author: Kugel, Günter
Summary: Discussion of the Mystery slide rule from the MIT museum including dating,
construction, and use.
Keywords: K&E, Mystery Slide rule, stadia-type slide rule, Dennert&Pape, D&P, Leemann's
stadia slide rule, Werner C., Dennert H., Kern J., Jourdan, Stambach, Douglas D., Oetling L.,
Wild/Kern stadia slide rule, , Gauss C.F., Goldschmidt, Aeschlimann H., von Jezierski D.,
Kleine K., Shepherd R.,
Title: Timber Rules and Their Use
Author: Manley, Ronald E.
Summary: An overview on the history and use of Timber rules.
Keywords: Timber rules, Mary Rose, Coggeshall H., Partridge, Pepys S., load tables, scaling
(proportional scales),
Title: Oughtred's Universal Ring Dial
Author: Staff
Summary: Review of the book Sundials - An Illustrated History of Portable Dials by Hestor
Higton, (2001) and the section pp77 William Oughtred and his designs, which describe several
of Oughtred's inventions in this area.
Keywords: Oughtred W., Higton P., Bleuler, Allen E.,
Vol. 18, No. 1, 2009
Title: The Erlang Dial Slide Chart for Telephone Exchange Traffic Blocking Probabilities
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: This paper highlights one of the many slide charts, the Erlang Dial , to uncover the
story on the industry, the technology and the mathematics behind this slide chart specimen.
Keywords: slide charts, Erlang Dial, analogue-graphical slide charts, telephone, Erlang A.K.,
Title: A Cautionary Tale
Author: Editor
Summary: The book Slide Rules and Submarines by Montgomery C. Meigs was reviewed. It
describes how American Scientists introduced new strategies into WWII submarine warfare but
lacks any discussion of the use of slide rules.
Keywords: Meigs M.C., submarines,
Title: Elektro/Electro Slide Rules: A Critical Evaluation
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith
Summary: This article discusses Electro slide rules, specialized rules useful to electrical
engineers in solving problems that are critical for any power distribution system; e.g. line
resistance, voltage drop, weight of copper wire and dynamo/generator and motor efficiencies.
Equations used for these determinations are outlined.
Keywords: Elektro/Electro slide rules, electrical engineers, Aristo model 815. A. G. Thornton
P.I.C. 981, Unique electrical slide rule, Faber-Castell 1/98, Dynamo efficiency, conductor
weight, conductor voltage drop,
Title: Dietzgen 10-Inch Duplex Log-Log Slide Rule Chronology Part I: to 1956
Author: Lodge, Ian
Summary: Article discusses the 10 inch Duplex Log-Log slide rules made by Dietzgen from the
1940s to 1956 and establishes the dates when Deitzgen introduced their first series of Log-Log
duplex slide rules,
Keywords: Dietzgen E., Dietzgen Decimal Trig Log-Log Duplex rule 1732, Dietzgen Vector
type Log-log rule 1735, Dietzgen Decimal Trig Log-Log rule 1733, Dietzgen Trig Type Log-
Log rule 1731, Dietzgen Vector Type Log-Log rule 1725
Title: Dietzgen 10-Inch Duplex Log-Log Slide Rule Chronology Part II: 1956 - 1973
Author: Lodge, Ian
Summary: Article discusses the 10-inch Duplex Log;Log slide rules made by Dietzgen from
1956 to 1973, e.g. the third and forth generation Micromatic and Microglide series of slide rules.
Keywords: Dietzgen N1731 Micromatic, Deitzgen N1732 Micromatic, Dietzgen N1725
Micromatic, Dietzgen N1733 Micromatic, Dietzgen N1731 Microglide, Dietzgen N1734
Title: Confessions of A Slide Rule Addict
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith
Summary: The author's reminiscences about how he got addicted to collecting slide rules.
Keywords: slide rule collecting,
Title: The Tens Carry: Remarks on Didier Roth's Multiplicateur et Diviseur á Réglettes
Author: Weiss, Stephen
Summary: One of the problems while constructing a mechanical multiplying machine or
instrument in the past arose with the tens carry. Here the author discusses a special tens carry
mechanism in and instrument for multiplying, which means there are no gears to perform the
Keywords: Roth D., instrument for multiplying,
Title: Function-Scale Proportion on a Slide Rule
Author: Moon, Marion
Summary: A discussion of the use of function scale proportions on a slide rule as outlined in two
versions of the book K&E Slide Rules. Several pages are presented with the basic approaches
Keywords: function-scale proportions, percentages, Pythagoras, P scale, square root,
Title: A Timepiece for the Time
Author: Castleberry, Clay
Summary: Article looks at Oughtred's development of the equinoctial ring dial, a cutting edge
timepiece for the year 1624.
Keywords: Oughtred W., equinoctial ring dial, Allen E., universal dial, double ring dial,
horological circle,
Title: Napier's Prontuarium
Author: Jannamorelli, Bruno
Summary: The author describes the Prontuarium by John Napier and recreated this calculating
device from wood and describes its use.
Keywords: Napier J., Prontuarium, calculating device, Napier's rods,
Title: The Boykin RotaRule
Author: Davis, W. Richard
Summary: This article describes the Boykin RotaRule, designed by Bernard C. Boykin. He gives
a brief history of Bernard Boykin and his slide rule and some of its features.
Keywords: Boykin B.C., Dempster RotaRule, Boykin RotaRule, Boykin Model 510, Boykin
Model 560,
Title: Those Decimal-Keeping Cursors?
Author: Castleberry, Clay
Summary: The author discusses the arrow-based cursors that occurred from 1900-1940 that
were supposed to provide a surefire method of keeping track of decimal points.
Keywords: decimal-keeping cursors, Hemmi, Stanley, Faber, K&E 4041
Title: The Otis King's Patent Calculators - Catalogue Raisonne
Author: Blankenhorn, R. C.
Summary: This article compiles a list of the different holder and cylinder scales and models.
Keywords: Otis King, Carbic Limited, Holder/Bottom scales,
Title: Calculating Instruments at the Smithsonian - In Memoriam
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: The author discusses calculating machines, including patent models, at the
Smithsonian that were on display in 1984 but unlikely to be seen by the public again anytime
soon. Photos accompany the descriptions.
Keywords: Smithsonian Institution, Baldwin, Shilt, Baldwin/Monroe, Felt & Tarrant
Comptograph, Henri Harmonic Analyzer, Manheim slide rule
Title: A Lucky Find: A K&E 4032
Author: Castleberry, Clay
Summary: A slide rule that the author suspects is a K&E Model 4032, a rare slide rule, is
Keywords: K&E Model 4032,
Title: A Good Slide Rule
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: The author discusses an unmarked Albert Nestler slide rule made about 1900-1920
with a magnifier.
Keywords: Albert Nestler, Stanley Magnifier
Title: Albert Nestler A.G. and the Pi Symbol
Author: Nestler, Juergen and Barnes, Colin
Summary: The exploration into the types of Pi symbol used on Albert Nestler slide rules is
Keywords: Albert Nestler slide rules, Pi symbol, Dennert & Pape, sphinx logo, Nestler dividing
Title: Book Reviews
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: Article reviewed the following books: The Erwin Tomash Library of the History of
Computing, an Annotated and Illustrated Catalog by E. Tomash and M. R. Williams; The
Schuitema Collection - A Gallery of Panels with Slide Rules and Disks by IJzebrand
Schuitema and Otto van Poelje;
Keywords: Tomash E., Williams M.R., Schuitema I., van Poelje O.
Title: The Lindholm Adder (1886)
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: This is a chapter in a book Early Key Driven Adding Machines with an Emphasis on
American Devices by Bob Otnes
Keywords: Adding Machines, Lindholm Adder, Otnes B.
Vol. 18, No. 2, Fall 2009
Title: President's Message
Author: De Cesaris, Bob
Summary: President describes the changes in the JOS with the retirement or Bob Otnes.
Keywords: Otnes B., De Cesaris B., Koppany B., van Poelje O.
Title: Introducing the new Editorial Team
Author: Koppany, Bob; van Poelje, Otto; Hume, Ted; Black, Don
Summary: Introduction of the new editorial team for the Journal of the Oughtred Society.
Keywords: Koppany B., van Poelje O., Hume T., Black D., JOS
Title: Medical Calculating Disc by Dr. A. Lips
Author: Bloemendaal, Peter M.
Summary: The instrument described claims to provide a more efficient method for routine clinical/chemical calculations in medicine, including body surface area, basal metabolism rate and kidney function,
Keywords: Bloemendaal P.M., Lips A., medical slide rule
Title: Pre-Announcement - The Oughtred Society 2010 Winter Meeting
Author: Hume, Ted
Summary: Early announcement of the February 20, 2010 meeting to be held in Las Vegas.
Keywords: Hume T., Oughtred Society Meeting
Title: Strange Variations
Author: Shawlee, Walter
Summary: Author describes some of the unusual slide rules and slide rule variations that collectors can focus on.
Keywords: Shawlee W., slide rule variations
Title: Pre-announcement - International Meeting IM2010 in Leiden, the Netherlands, September 17 & 18, 2010
Author: Hakkaart, Chris; van Poelje, Otto
Summary: Announcement of upcoming International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors in Leiden, the Netherlands.
Keywords: Hakkaart C., van Poelje O., IM2010
Title: Oughtred Society 2009 Annual Meeting
Author: McCoy, Clark; Wyman, Tom
Summary: Overview of Oughtred Society 2009 Annual Meeting held in Mountain View, CA.
Keywords: Oughtred Society, McCoy C., Wyman T.
Title: The Ewing/Apps Circular Engineers Slide Rule
Author: Schure, Conrad
Summary: Two circular engineers slide rules, circa 1860-1870, one owned by the author and one
found in the Science Museum in London are similar except for the names and addresses engraved one
the front; one with Ewing's name and address and one with Apps name and address.
Keywords: Schure C., Ewing Circular Engineers slide rule, Apps Circular Engineers Slide Rule,
Apps A., Ewing C.,
Title: Multitasking Slide Rule for the 1950s
Author: Castleberry, Clay
Summary: A Chadwick combination circular slide rule is described combined with a cigarette lighter and perpetual calendar.
Keywords: Castleberry C., Chadwik 7285 circular slide rule,
Title: Book Review - The Mathematics of the Heavens and the Earth: The Early History of Trigonometry by Glen van Brummelen
Author: Borchers, Brian
Summary: A Chadwick combination circular slide rule is described combined with a cigarette lighter and perpetual calendar.
Keywords: Castleberry C., Chadwik 7285 circular slide rule,
Title: Book Announcement - The Schuitema Collection by IJzebrand Schuitema and Otto van Poelje
Author: Schuitema, IJzebrand; van Poelje, Otto
Summary: The authors provide additional information, including where to purchase and download a free PDF copy.
Keywords: Schuitema, IJ., van Poelje O., The Schuitema Collection
Title: 15th Annual Meeting - IM2009
Author: Rance, David G.
Summary: A description of the 15th International Meeting of Slide Rule and Mechanical Calculator Collectors held on September 4-6 2009 in Greifswald, Germany
Keywords: Rance D., IM2009
Title: Many Formulas
Author: Alfeld, Peter
Summary: The main purpose of this article is to discuss what mathematical expressions can be evaluated using scales other than the C or D scales. It turns out that there are tens of thousands of such formulas and expressions. Included are tables of common scales, computational procedures, 14 ways to multiply, single variable conversion, two variable expressions, three variable expressions, Most calculations involve just multiplication and division.
Keywords: Alfeld P., slide rule formulas
Title: Non-decimal Slide Adders and the Carry
Author: Weiss, Stephen
Summary: Article describes how the small mechanical adders with parallel arranged and hook-shaped slots carried digits.
Keywords: Weiss S., Addiator Octadat, Addiator Sterling, Addimult Addmaster, Addiator Add-a Time, Addiator Astro, Addiator Sizematic, Addiator Rupee, Addimult Summator Rupee
Title: The Oughtred Society Awards 2009
Author: Kühn, Klaus
Summary: Article describes the contributions of the winners of the 2009 Oughtred Society Awards,
Werner Girbardt, Werner Schmidt Michael Konshak and Werner Rudowski. New Fellows of the Oughtred Society
in 2009 include Donald Black, Robert Adams, Jürgen Nestler and Ronald van Riet.
Keywords: Kühn, K., Girbardt W., Schmidt W., Konshak M., Rudowski W., Black D., Adams R.,
Nestler J., van Riet R.
Title: A 90th Birthday Cake Slide Rule
Author: Green, Alex E. S.
Summary: A birthday cake in the shape of a slide rule was used to celebrate the 90th birthday of the author by his daughter. The cake represents the ship length slide rule computer that Green designed at the behest of the Navy during WWII. The use of the slide rule is described.
Keywords: Green, A. E. S., Ship Length slide rule
Title: Book Review- A.W. Faber & A.W. Faber-Castell by Peter Holland
Author: van Poelje, Otto
Summary: The author's conclusion is that this booklet is a must-have for the serious collector
of Faber-Castell slide rules who already has knowledge of slide rules, scales and the Faber Castell brand.
Keywords: van Poelje O., Holland P., Faber, Faber-Castell
Title: Membership Report as of October 30, 2009
Author: McCoy, Clark
Summary: Review of the 2009 membership figures for the Oughtred Society
Keywords: McCoy C., membership figures
Title: The Log Log Scales on the D&P Elektro Slide Rule of 1919
Author: Otnes, Bob
Summary: The author describes a D&P Elektro slide rule he recently acquired and discusses
the similarity between it and a Nestler, which is consistent with the knowledge that there was
much interaction among the three German slide rule makers.
Keywords: Otnes B., Nestler, D&P
Title: The First Tables of Logarithms - A Brief Chronology
Author: Wyman, Thomas
Summary: The object of this article is to identify and briefly discuss the key publications
dealing with logarithms that appeared during the 20 years following the publication in 1614 of
John Napier's (1550-1617) seminal work. .
Keywords: Wyman T., Napier J., Briggs H., Gunter E., Wingate E., Vlacq A., logarithm tables
Title: K&E 4102 Surveyor's Duplex Slide Rule
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith; McCoy, Clark
Summary: The Surveyor's Duplex 4102/N412, discussed in this article is a true masterpiece of
slide rule design. The article discusses historical background and the slide rule's theory and operation...
Keywords: Wyman Hughes R.S., McCoy C., Surveyor's Duplex 4102/N412 slide rule,
Title: Suggestions for Dating pre-1920 Faber-Castell Slide Rules
Author: Catlow, Trevor
Summary: The article addresses some of the issues connected with dating of early A.W. Faber slide rules, before they started dating their rules in the 1920s.
Keywords: Catlow T., Faber-Castell, dating ,
Title: Suggestions Special Comments for Robert K. Otnes
Author: De Cesaris, Bob; von Jezierrski, Dieter; Wyman, Tom
Summary: Three tributes to Bob Otnes for his contributions to the Oughtred Society, the Journal of the Oughtred Society and to slide rule collecting in general...
Keywords: Otnes, B., De Cesaris, B., von Jezierski, D. Wyman T.
Title: Seeing the Light
Author: Sweetman, David
Summary: The author describes his first encounter with slide rules followed years later
with a clearer understanding of how they worked. He now advocates teaching high school
students the use of slide rules to increase their understanding of the accuracy and
precision of calculations, as well as the use and understanding of approximations and interpolations
Keywords: Sweetman D., Pickett 200 slide rule, Kemet Reliability Calculator, Arrow pinwheel calculator
Title: A Brief History of the Aristo Studio Slide Rule
Author: Mosand, John
Summary: To begin, Aristo and Dennert and Pape are the same company, Aristo simply became the
product name for the company in 1936. The Studio was Aristo's most successful slide rule, with
over two million made. The author describes some of the models and their history
Keywords: Mosand J., Aristo Studio Slide Rule, Dennert and Pape, Aristo 0968, Aristo 868,
Aristo 01068, Aristo 68/150
Title: The Worthington Centrifugal Pump Specific Speed Calculator
Author: Koppany, Bob
Summary: Author describes a calculator used for pump speed for various flow rates that he recently discovered.
Keywords: Koppany B., Worthington Centrifugal Pump Specific Speed Calculator,
jos-index-v18-n2-2009-Fall 2009 Supplement
Title: A Tribute to Robert K. Otnes
Authors: De Cesaris, Bob; von Jezierski, Dieter; Wyman, Tom; Barnes, Colin; Castleberry, Clay; Chamberlain, Ed; Cooper, Barbara; Flom, Gary S.; Giordano, Raymond; Green, Alex E.S.; Hans, Mort; Hume, Ted; Jones, Curtis; Kerr, Billy; Knapp, Ron; Koppany, Bob; Lisowski, William; Lyon, Dick; Maslowski, Peter; Matthews, Kate; McConnell, Paul; McCoy, Clark; McFarland, David D.; Owen, J.G.; Purcell, Bryan; Russo, Thomas A.; Sauer, Robert; Schuitema, IJzebrand; Schure, Conrad; Shepherd, Rodger; Teter, Winton; van Poelje, Otto; Williams, Michael J.;
Summary: Special comments about Bob Otnes from many of his friends at the Oughtred Society on his retirement from editor of the Journal of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: Otnes, R.K.,
Vol. 19, No. 1, Spring 2010
Title: Editorial
Author: Koppany, Bob
Summary: Editor describes the changes in the Journal of the Oughtred Society
Keywords: JOS, Koppany B.
Title: Square Root of 10 Folded Scales
Author: Moon, Marion
Summary: Author investigates the unique properties of the square root of 10 folding slide rules
Keywords: square root of 10 folding slide rules, Moon M., Unique Dualistic, Flying Fish,
Title: Invitation to IM2010 on 17-18th September in Leiden, The Netherlands
Author: Hakkaart, Chris; van Poelje, Otto
Summary: Outline of the Dutch KRING for this year's International Meeting of Collectors of Historical Calculating Instruments
Keywords: Hakkaar C., van Poelje O.
Title: A Brass Slide Rule by Dennert & Pape
Author: Rudowski, Werner H.
Summary: A discussion of the history and use of a very rare brass Dennert & Pape slide, made between 1879 and 1882
Keywords: Rudowski W.H., Dennert & Pape, brass slide rule
Title: If You Build It, They Will Come; Slide Rule Loan Program for Schools
Author: Konshak, Michael V.
Summary: The author describes his success in lending slide rules to elementary, middle and high schools and some colleges to encourage the lost art of Numeracy, the ability to manipulate numbers and common sense answers in their heads.
Keywords: Konshak M.V., loaner slide rules, Numeracy,
Title: Using Old Tools to Solve a Modern Problem; The Reintroduction of the Slide Rule to the Classroom
Author: Purcell, Bryan
Summary: The author gives an argument for the use of slide rules as a math tool throughout the educational process, not only to solve problems but also to act as a visual bridge to force the user to engage his mind, tie the concepts of the ideas, the data, and the formulae to the real world.
Keywords: Purcell B., slide rules in classroom,
Title: The Mystery of the Disappearing Bakelite
Author: Rance, David G.
Summary: Author describes the invention of Bakelite and its subsequent but limited use in slide rules. The Blundell Harling Ltd. company is highlighted.
Keywords: Rance D.G., Bakelite slide rule, Blundell Harling Ltd., BRL, Baekeland L. H., Stanley Fuller,
Title: Log Log Scale for Exponential Decay
Author: Jones, Curtis A.
Summary: Whenever the rate at which some physical property returns to equilibrium, an exponential process can be expected. The author describes how a Sterling No. 594 Decimal Trig Multilog slide rule can be used to easily calculate the exponential decay rate.
Keywords: Jones C.A., Sterling No. 594, exponential decay
Title: Book Review - "Joint Slide Rules" by Peter Hopp
Author: van Poelje, Otto
Summary: The scope of this subject is roughly summarized as slide rules with at least one hinge. The major part of this book is dedicated to a large number of actual specimens of joint rules, with many details on hinge construction, slide and scale design, makers and specific applications.
Keywords: Hopp P., van Poelje O., joint slide rules
Title: Early Cooperation between A.W. Faber and Dietzgen
Author: Holland, Peter
Summary: Author identifies seven slide rule models made by A. W. Faber and sold by Dietzgen between 1907-1912.
Keywords: Holland P., Faber A.W., Dietzgen
Title: Oughtred Society Fall East Coast Meeting 2009
Author: Gotlib, Louis
Summary: Description of the Fall 2009 Oughtred Society meeting held in Floram Park, N.J.
Keywords: Oughtred Society, Matthews, K., Gotlib L.,
Title: Public Display of Your Collection
Author: Castleberry, Clay
Summary: A reminder to all Oughtred Society members that it is important and easy to share our collections of slide rules and calculators with others.
Keywords: Castleberry C., Displaying slide rules and calculators.
Title: Who is your choice for an Award in 2010?
Author: Rance, David G.
Summary: An encouragement to all Oughtred Society members to nominate individuals) members and non-members) for Oughtred Society awards.
Keywords: Oughtred Society Awards.
Title: John R. Dempster, the Remarkable Dempster RotaRule and the Extraordinary Dempster Family
Author: Davis, W. Richard
Summary: This article contains new material about the RotaRule, its exceptional inventor, John R. Dempster, and a brief history of the Dempster family.
Keywords: RotaRule, Dempster J.R., Davis W.R.,
Title: Magnetic Slide Rules by ITAB
Author: Holland, Peter
Summary: This article discusses a small slide rule company ITAB (Internationaler Tabellenverlag) and its owner, Johann Dogogli. Magnetic slide rules by the ITAB company have the special characteristic that the slide is held in the open well by magnetic force while the slide with its scales is moved along the body.
Keywords: ITAB, (Internationaler Tabellenverlag), Dogigli J., Magnetic slide rule, Styropor thermal insulation slide rule, sand-lime calculator, Linde-Gascalculator,
Title: A Pickett N3T Variant
Author: Koppany, Bob
Summary: The author describes a yellow Pickett slide rule, labeled Pickett N3T, when it should be labeled Pickett N3-ES. It is rare but is it valuable?
Keywords: Koppany B., Pickett,
Title: Specialized Slide Rules for Electronic Engineers: A Critical Review; My world and Welcome to It.
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith
Summary: This article discusses electronic slide rules specifically designed to aid in the solution of inductive reactance, capacitive reactance and resonance frequency.
Keywords: Hughes R.S., K&E 4138, inductive reactance slide rule, capacitive reactance slide rule, resonance frequency slide rule. Sun Hemmi 256, Aristo 10175, Pickett N-515-T, Pickett N16ES, Concise 380, Sun Hemmi 266, Tianjin 6568 Squirrel.
Title: Calculating Disc by Benjamin Ayres (circa 1750)
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: The author describes an Ayres Calculating disc found in the Science Museum, University Museum of Utrecht (Netherlands), and how it was used.
Keywords: van Poelje O. E., Ayres Disc, University Utrecht
Title: The Aristo 920 Federfix-System Niemann
Author: Mosand, John
Summary: The Aristo 920 Federfix is a complex slide rule for the design of spiral springs
Keywords: Mosand J., Aristo 920 Federfix, System Niemann,
Title: A Very Early Lenoir Slide Rule
Author: Thomas, Marc
Summary: The author presents a slide rule made by Etienne Lenoir which was one of the first slide rules made in France. He describes how he dated the slide rule.
Keywords: Thomas M., Lenoir Slide Rule,
Vol. 19, No. 2 Fall 2010
Title: The Kemet Reliability Calculator
Author: Sweetman, David
Summary: The Reliability Calculator is a specialty circular slide rule used to calculate failure rate (in %/1000 hours) or MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures in Hours)
Keywords: Circular Slide rule, MTBF, Sweetman. D.,
Title: Building a Duplex Display Case for Duplex Slide Rules
Author: Wheeler, William E.
Summary: The construction of a display case for duplex slide rules using Acrylic sheets and a walnut frame, is described in great detail.
Keywords: slide rule display case, duplex slide rule, Wheeler W.,
Title: Sterling Slide Adders
AuthorAuthor: Riches, David M.
Summary: A number of mechanical non-decimal pocket adding machines, sold by Addiator, Addimult, Otto Meuter & Sohn, Unical, and Exactus, are described
Keywords: Addiator, Addimult, Sterling Addiator Arithma, Produx, Correntator, Exactus, Addometer, Otto Meuter & Sohn, Unical, Riches D.,
Title: Harold David Rueb (1939-2009
Author: DeCesaris, Bob
Summary: The obituary of an ardent collector of K&E slide rules.
Keywords: K&E slide rules, Rueb H, DeCesaris B.,
Title: A Pair of Old Austrian Calculating Rods in Bavaria
Author: Rudowski, Werner H.
Summary: A pair of 18th century, double-sided logarithmic "calculating rods" was discovered in the Bayerisches National Museum in Munich, Germany by the Author. He describes their use commercially, designed for merchants dealing with liquids and goods measured and sold according to their weight. He also reviews the history of calculating instruments in the 18th century to ascertain possible dates of manufacture for these rods.
Keywords: calculating rods, Austria, Bayerisches National Museum, Rudowski W.H.,
Title: The Evolution of K&E Slide Rules from 1922 to 1972
Author: Hughes, Richard
Summary: This article is a start to classifying K&E slide rules sequentially, from 1922 (when they started using serial numbers) to 1972, the last year K&E published a slide rule catalog. Since there were three "rollovers" of numbers (0-999,999), he describes the attributes of each serial number set that helps identify when it was manufactured.
Keywords: K&E, evolution, attributes, serial numbers, Hughes R.,
Title: 17th International Meeting of Collectors of Historical Calculating Instruments
Author: Editors
Summary: Announcement of the plans of the Oughtred Society to host the 17th International Meeting of Collectors of Historical Calculating Instruments. This will be held at MIT in Cambridge, MA September 23-25, 2011.
Keywords: Oughtred Society, the 17th International Meeting of Collectors of Historical Calculating Instruments,
Title: Pickett N2T Yellow Variant
Author: Lyss, Simi
Summary: Author describes a second "mislabeled" Pickett N3T yellow variant slide rule, described in an earlier article (JOC, Vol 19, n1, Page 46), that he found in his collection..
Keywords: Pickett N2T slide rule, Pickett N3T slide rule, lyss S.,
Title: French Calculating Disc - Montre Logarithmique
Author: van Poelje, Otto
Summary: This French calculating disc, designed by Maurice El-Milick in Paris is described in great detail, including construction, scales, and functions. It has limited use as a regular slide rule because there are only three circular scales. The user manual describes many more functions and can be considered the most interesting part of the Montre Logarithmique.
Keywords: Montre Logarithmique., van Poelje O., El-Milick M., circular slide rule, French
Title: Clark's Corner
Author: McCoy, Clark
Summary: Book Review - The Rule Book, Measuring for the Trades by Jane and Mark Rees. This book is a must have for anyone who is interested in measuring and calculating rules used in previous centuries.
Keywords: McCoy C., Rees, J., Rees M., The Rule Book, Measuring for the Trades, Book review
Title: Magnifiers
Author: Koppany, Bob
Summary: This article reviews the theory and history of optics and how it is applied in producing magnifiers for slide rules. A number of examples are included.
Keywords: Koppany B., slide rule magnifiers, Rotarule magnifier, Tavernier Gravet long rule magnifier, K&E 4091 magnifier, Post 1444 Magnifier, Faber Castell Magnifier Faber Castell magnifier doublet,
Title: Third Annual Oughtred Society Winter Meeting: An Outstanding Event
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: The third annual Oughtred Society winter meeting is described.
Keywords: Wyman T., Third Annual Oughtred Society Winter Meeting.
Title: Developing the Georgia Iron Works Hydraulic Slide Rule - Negotiating with Pickett & Eckel to Make a Special Slide Rule
Author: Konshak, Michael V.
Summary: Description of how Danford W. Hagler designed a specialized slide rule for use at the Georgia Iron Works to deal with problems associated with designing mining and dredge pumps. His design involved a special set of scales based on formulas unique to the industry, which eased the burden of calculations. Also detailed are negotiations with Pickett and Eckel on the manufacture of these rules.
Keywords: Konshak M.V., Georgia Iron Works Hydraulic Slide Rule, Pickett & Eckel, Hagler D., Hagler T., Hagler J.C.,
Title: In Honor of William Oughtred, 1575 - 1660
Author: Editors
Summary: A brief tribute to William Oughtred on the 350th anniversary of his death in 1660
Keywords: William Oughtred.
Title: The K&E Hudson 8
Author: McCoy, Clark
Summary: The article outlines how Frank Adorney and James Bland collaborated in the 1960s in the design of a K&E slide rule in which the scales of the Log Log Duplex Decitrig slide rule were rearranged.
Keywords: McCoy C.,K&E Hudson 8, K&E Deci-Lon, Adorney F., Bland J.R., Kells L., Kern W., Hudson 8,
Title: Use Your Slide Rule as a Cheap and Cheerful Wire Table
Author: Jones, Curtis A.
Summary: A simple way to find wire diameters from gage, using the "L" and "C" scales of your slide rule
Keywords: Jones C.A., wire gage, wire diameter, AWG,
Title: Mr. Milburne and the Serpentine Line
Author: Venetsianos, Panagiotis
Summary: This is an attempt to discover who "Mr. Milburne" was and why, being credited with the invention of the spiral logarithmic scales, so little of his work is known today.
Keywords: Venetsianos P., Hutton C., Cajori F., Ashmole E.,
Title: My First Electronic Slide Rule
Author: Sweetman, David
Summary: Author describes his first purchase of an electronic slide rule (HP-45) in 1974.
Keywords: Sweetman D., Electronic slide rule, Hewlett-Packard, HP-45, HP-35, RPN, Reverse Polish Notation, Casio FX-68
Title: Sharp EL-8, an Early Electronic Pocket Calculator (1970)
Author: van Poelje, Otto
Summary: Description of the Sharp EL-8 electronic calculator and how it was used.
Keywords: van Poelje O., Sharp EL-8, pocket calculator, integrated circuits, Sharp Corporation, electronic calculator,
Title: In Memoriam - Dr. Brian B. Lloyd, CBE, MA, DSc
Author: Rudowski, Werner
Summary: Personal remembrances of Dr. Brian B. Lloyd.
Keywords: Rudowski W., Lloyd B.B.,
Title: W&G: An Australian Slide Rule Manufacturer
Author: Sandie, R. Bruce
Summary: Outline of the White and Gillespie company, W&G, a printing company, was the largest of the five Australian slide rule manufacturers. They manufactured both circular and linear slide rules. A list of W&G slide rules known to the Author are included.
Keywords: Sandie R.B., White and Gillespie Pty.Ltd., W&G, Australia, circular slide rules, Model 707,
Title: W&G Details - Models 432 and 476
Author: Koppany, Bob
Summary: Photographs of W&G slide rules
Keywords: Koppany B., W&G 432, W&G 476
Title: Demonstration Model of the Résulta Adder
Author: van Noort, Huib
Summary: The Author built a dissected, see-through model of the Résulta BS-7 to
be able to view the internal mechanism of addition, subtraction, and ten-carry from different
perspectives. The workings are described in detail.
Keywords: van Noort H., Résulta Adder, mechanical calculators, Brüning P., Minerva, Résulta, Resulta,
Title: Kepler's Contribution to Logarithms and their First Application in Astronomy
Author: Purcell, Bryan
Summary: Although Johannes Kepler is mainly famous for the Three Laws of Planetary Motion,
this article connects Kepler to science and math well as exploring a way to examine his laws
and others in the classroom through logarithms.
Keywords: Purcell B., Kepler J., logarithms, astronomy,
Vol. 20, No. 1 Spring 2011
Title: Millions of Slide Rules Are Still Made Today. With Thousands of Variations (JOS Plus)
Author: Shawlee, Walter
Summary: Slide charts are inexpensive slide rules designed to carry out a specific task such as
metric conversion and profit conversion. Unlike traditional slide rules, these are still being
manufactured today, with current volume surpassing traditional slide rules in their "golden age".
A wide variety of these slide rules are discussed.
Keyword: Slide Charts, Perrygraf, American Slide Chart, Field J.W., Shawlee W.
Title: Faber Slide Rule Manuals by Pickworth - A Postscript
Author: Shepherd, Rodger
Summary: Author supplies some confirmation for the reasons that A. W. Faber hired Charles N.
Pickworth to write a manual in English for rules that Faber was marketing in England and the
Keyword: Pickworth C.N., slide rule manuals, A. W. Faber, Shepherd R.
Title: Colorful Slide Rules
Author: van Poelje, Otto E.
Summary: The use of color in slide rules, mostly for utilitarian reasons, is discussed.
Keyword: van Poeije, color use in slide rules
Title: Stadia Slide Rules a Good Show
Author: Castleberry, Clay
Summary: The Stadia is a method of measuring distances rapidly with a telescope and a
graduated rod. This article describes some of the stadia slide rules in the author's collection that
he displayed at a presentation on the History of Surveying and Stadia Surveying before a group
of California County Engineers.
Keyword: Castleberry C., Stadia slide rules, surveying,
jos-index-v20-n1-2011-item5-page9 txt
Title: A.W. Faber Model 343 - System Baur. Another Unusual Slide Rule
Author: Holland, Peter
Summary: The workings of this rare and unusual slide rule are described in an interesting and
understandable way.
Keyword: Holland P., System Baur, A. W. Faber 343,
Title: Determining K&E Slide Rule Production Dates, 1922 to 1976: A Beginning (JOS Plus)
Author: Hughes, Richard Smith and McCoy, Clark
Summary: K&E started numbering slide rules in 1922 for the quality control reasons and
numbered rules from 1-100,000, then rolling over, starting at 1 again. There were four rollover
series defined as series A (1922-42), series B 1942-56), series C (1956-68) and series D (1968-
76) and, with the help of this article, one can place a particular (mahogany only) rule in one of
the four serial number ranges and then extrapolate the year of manufacture from that..
Keyword: Hughes R.S., McCoy C., K&E, Production date, serial numbers
Title: IM2011 to Be Held in USA at MIT Campus in Cambridge, MA
Author Editor
Summary: Notice of the upcoming meeting of the International Meeting of Collectors of
Historical Calculating Instruments (IM2011), hosted by the Oughtred Society at MIT in
Cambridge, MA September 23-25, 2011.
Title: The Tacks, Cuff Links, and Even Belt Buckles
Author: Koppany, Bob
Summary: Rumination on unsuccessful attempt to obtain an engineer's belt buckle with a slide
rule on it from the manufacturer
Keyword: Slide rule belt buckle, Koppany B.,
Title: Oughtred Society 2010 Annual Meeting Featured Rare Items
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Report from the June, 2010 meeting of the Oughtred Society held in Mountain View,
Keyword: Oughtred Society 2010 meeting, Wyman T.
Title: The Fascinating Tale of the Fowler Magnum Pocket Slide Rule
Author: Purcell, Bryan
Summary: The history of the Fowler Circular pocket-sized calculator (slide rule) is outlined and
the history and operation of the Fowler Magnum Pocket Slide Rule is discussed in detail.
Keyword: Purcell B., Fowler W.H., Fowler H., circular slide rule, Fowler Magnum Long Scale
Title: Slide Chart Calculators
Author: Sweetman, David
Summary: The rule-of-thumb differentiation between a chart calculator and a slide rule is the use
of a cursor in the latter. The basic operation of chart calculators is described using three different
examples; e.g. a concrete calculator, a Simpson Casting Weight calculator and a Gamma
Radiation Exposure calculator.
Keyword: Sweetman D., slide chart calculators, concrete calculator, Simpson Casting Weight
calculator, Gamma Radiation Exposure Calculator
Title: Slonimsky's Multiplying Device, an Impressive Example for Applied Mathematics (JOS
Author: Weiss, Stephen
Summary: This article presents multiplying devices from the middle of the 19th century which
are based on the so-called Theorem of Slonimsky.
Keyword: Weiss S., Slonimsky H. S., Crelle A. L. Roubos P., Multipling Rods Slonimsky,
Joffe's Counting Bars, Slonimsky's Multiplying Device,
Title: Two Historical Instruments for Constructing Columns
Author: Rudowski, Werner H.
Summary: This article is a preface to the two following articles on instruments designed to find
the detailed dimensions for any height of a column. The author outlines the background of the
two following authors, Hans-Joachim Vollrath and Gergard G. Wagner and their interests in
architectural instruments.
Keyword: Rudowski, W. H., Vollrath H-J., Wagner G. G.,
Title: Nikolaus Goldmann's Architectural Rods
Author: Vollrath, Hans-Joachim (JOS Plus)
Summary: The University of Würzburg, in 1707, compiled a collection of mathematical
instruments used in architecture from the 16th and 17th centuries. It was sold to the Bayerisches
Nationalmuseum (BN), in Munich in 1877. Most of these instruments from Würzburg remained
unnoticed until the author starting studying the instruments and compared the present inventory
to the inventory from 1707. A number of the instruments and their use are described, with photos
and illustrations.
Keyword: Vollrath, H-J., Vitruvius, Goldmann N., Strurm L. C., Wolff C., Frerss J. E.,
Title: The "Instrumentum Architecturea" by Balthasar Neumann
Author: Wagner, Gerhard G.
Summary: This article give the background of Balthasar Neumann and describes his invention,
the "Instrumentum Architechuræ", a sector-like instrument that looks like a "proportionalzirkel",
a common analogous calculating instrument. The use of this instrument in the design of columns
is described.
Keyword: Wagner G. G., Neumann B., Instrumentum Architechuræ,
Title: The Chinese Jiangshi Slide Rule, a most unusual slide rule (JOS Plus)
Author: Robinson, William K.
Summary: This article describes the Chinese Jiangshi-type slide rule, a most unusual slide rule
and one of the first made in China designed and made for the Chinese electrical engineering
industry in the early 1940s. .
Keyword: Robinson W. K., Chinese Jiandshi slide rule, hyperbolic function slide rule,
Title: Aristo 40128: The Largest Pocket Slide Rule?
Author: Mosand, John
Summary: The Aristo 40128, a slide rule for dimensioning of steel wires, is described.
Keyword: Mosand J., Aristo 40128, Herman F. Heuel Consulting Engineers,
Title: Who Manufactured Post Slide Rules Before Hemmi? A Detective Story
Author: Ross, Paul
Summary: The author concluded, through an excellent analysis of data, that Post slide rules
before 1830 were made by Dennert & Pape in 1910, 1921 and between 1925-30 and were
probably the makers for the who period from 1910 to 1930, when Hemmi took over.
Keyword: Ross P., Dennert & Pape. Faber, Hemmi
Title: The Oughtred Society Awards 2010 & 2011
Author: Rance, David (on behalf of the OS Award Committee)
Summary: The OS Awards Committee has announced that the 2010 Award should go jointly to
Ted Hume and Peter Holland and that Fellowships should be awarded to David Riches, Jerry
McCarthy, Stephen Weiss, Jochen Konrad-Klein and Richard Davies.
Keyword: Oughtred Society Awards and Fellowships, Rance D., Hume T., Holland P., Riches
D., McCarthy J., Weiss S., Konrad-Klein J., Davies R.
Title: IM2010, An Outstanding Success
Author: Wyman, Tom
Summary: Discussion of the IM2010 Meeting held in Leiden, The Netherlands.
Keyword: Wyman T., IM2010 Meeting,
Title: Sub-Numbering on Keuffel & Esser Slide Rules
Author: Tarantolo, Paul J. Jr.
Summary: From time to time, K&E slide rules appear with scale numbering that is different from
that observed on most slide rule models. This article examines the history behind the use of this
extra numbering, called sub-numbers by K&E.
Keyword: Tarantolo, P., K&E, sub-numbering
Title: TGR Renascent Books
Author: Roberts, Gordon
Summary: This is a small publishing company in the UK set up by Oughtred Society member
Gordon Roberts and his wife Elizabeth. The express purpose is to bring mathematical texts from
15th, 16th and 17th centuries back into print. The aim of this company is to faithfully recreate the
pages just as they were read by our forebears. Their most recent work is the first English
translation (from Latin) of John Napier's seminal work on logarithms, a text which is
fundamental to the history of slide rules.
Keyword: Roberts G.,TGR Renascent Books, Napier J., logarithms,
Title: Building a Thacher
Author: Wolfson, Bob
Summary: The author describes the construction of a Thacher Slide rule after becoming aware of
Wayne Harrison's scales and David White's prototype on www.sliderulemuseum.com.
Keyword: Wolfson B., Thacher Slide Rule, Harrison W., White D.
Title: The Seldom-Seen K&E 4110 - A U.S. Naval Academy Slide Rule
Author: Wyman, Thomas
Summary: The article describes a rare K&E slide rule, probably exclusively produced for the
U.S. Navel Academy in the 1940s, and how it differs from other K&E slide rules from the same
Keyword: Wyman T., U.S. Navel Academy, Kells L., Kern W., Bland J.,
Vol. 20, No. 2 Fall 2011
Vol. 21, No. 1 Spring 2012
Vol. 21, No. 2 Fall 2012
Coming Later