Las Vegas 2008The Oughtred Society's first winter meeting was held in Las Vegas on February 23, 2008 and was a huge success! There were lots of new faces, as well as many regulars. Several authors in the Spring Bulletin have written about their experiences, so we won't discuss that any further. The next Winter Meeting will be February 21, 2009 in Las Vegas. Plan a vacation trip and also attend a good slide rule meeting! Please join us. You do not have to be a member of the Oughtred Society to attend. If any of the Vegas attendees have pictures they would like to share, please email them to osbulletin@gmail.com. Please enjoy the pictures! (Many thanks go out to Dick, Clay, and Bryan for these fine pics!) Robert De Cesaris, OS president, writes: The agenda, content, and overall organization of this meeting was outstanding and I wanted to again thank Richard Davis for all of the effort that he placed into organizing this very successful event. The Atomic Testing Museum set up a special display for our meeting of their radiation, atomic testing and other related rules and equipment to add to the ambience of our gathering. Our guest speaker, Prof. Ron Kathren, Professor Emeritus at Washington State University and retired Director of the US Transuranium and Uranium Registries, utilizing his long and distinguished history in the field of Health Physics, entertained the attendees with his presentation on rules and calculations related to Health Physics and Radiation Effects on the Human Body. His interest in environmental radioactivity, education and training and historical aspects of the radiological sciences was very evident in his presentation and added immensely to the day’s activities. The experimental format of the meeting, which provided considerable additional time in the meeting room after the auction, was very useful for carrying on lengthy and useful discussions with many members and in meeting new members and this option should be considered for all of our meetings. I personally had the opportunity to meet several dynamic and very interesting new members and renew acquaintances with several old friends. I am excited by the new energy and ideas that I experienced at the meeting and will continue to work with our Board to bring some of these top educational and publishing ideas to fruition.