Oughtred Society Annual Winter Meeting Registration
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[William Oughtred picture]

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Registration for the
Oughtred Society Winter Meeting
the weekend of March 1, 2014 at
the National Atomic Testing Museum,
Las Vegas, Nevada

Plans for the OS Winter Meeting, the weekend of March 1, 2014, have progressed extremely well. It should be a great meeting. Registrations are proceeding at a record rate. Cost is only $35. The meeting itself will run from about 8:30 am to 5:00 pm at our usual place, the very nice National Atomic Testing Museum which has easy parking and close access to a number of places for lunch. We are asking everyone who is thinking seriously about coming to the meeting to please REGISTER NOW so we can arrange sufficient facilities.

Hotel Accomodations:

We have negotiated with The Baymont Inn and Suites, Flamingo-Paridise (part of the Wyndham Hotels Group) at 4055 Palos Verdes Street, Las Vegas, NV 89119, which is only 2 blocks from the meeting site and one mile from the Strip. Our group rate is $54 per night, including taxes (very reasonable for Las Vegas!). There will be no resort or other miscellaneous fees, as are often charged by Las Vegas hotels. While some attendees may wish to stay elsewhere in Las Vegas, Richard Davis was able to negotiate this very favorable rate for us, and it will be nice to be able to be together. You can see the Baymont facilities on their Baymont Inn web site To make reservations, please call the hotel directly at 702-473-6400 and select #5 (Front Desk) when prompted. Then ask for the Oughtred Society group rate (do not register online!). This special rate will be available for any dates from February 27, 2014 through March 4.

Event Schedule

Friday, February 28: There will be an optional group dinner Friday evening at the Baymont Inn in a quiet private room where we can visit. There will also be an optional group dinner Saturday evening. Details later.

Saturday, March 1:

The Preliminary Agenda for the meeting will be:

8:00 AM Meeting opens for display setups, both personal and the ISRM exhibit, browsing, and visiting.
9:30 AM Welcome, introductions, OS business, and awards.
10:00 AM Presentations:

  • Prof. Dr. Bernard Zygelman of UNLV on John Napier and his Discovery of Logarithms
  • Prof. Joe Pasquale of UCSD with his excellent Slide Rule Seminar
  • Richard Smith Hughes on Specialty Slide Rules
  • Peter Holland from Germany reporting on the recent 2013 International Meeting in Berlin and the forthcoming 2014 International Meeting in The Netherlands.
11:30 AM Browsing, visiting, and entering bids on auction items.
12:00 PM Lunch at nearby restaurants
1:00 PM More browsing, visiting, and entering bids
2:30 PM The auction. Attendees bid on OS members excess slide rules.
3:00 PM More browsing and visiting, plus time for more buying, selling, and trading
4:45 PM Meeting ends.

Evenings: Optional group dinners will be held in a private room at the Baymont Inn
on Friday and Saturday evenings.

Sunday, March 2: For those who plan to remain in Las Vegas on Sunday, March 2, we are arranging a special group tour of Boulder Dam. Details will follow later. And we will arrange a breakfast meeting place as well.

Questions and Suggestions: If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact meeting chair, Dick Rose.
email: rarose[at]rose-vintage-instruments.com

Meeting Registration

The registration fee is a modest $35 per person, which will cover refreshments, the meeting room rental fee, and incidental expenses. If a spouse or other family members or friends will be attending the Saturday meeting itself, each person should be registered. No registration fee is required for those attending only the optional events on Friday or Saturday.

Paying by PayPal:

Use the drop down menu to register, then click the Add to Cart button. You will have the opportunity to continue shopping to renew your membership, buy past Journals, books, etc.

OS Winter Meeting Registration Las Vegas, NV
Upon receipt of your registration, we will send you an Email of acknowledgement. Later, as earlier noted, we will inform you by email about other meeting-related and optional activities. Also, well before the meeting, we will send you a packet of additional information.

Or, Paying Directly by Check:

To pay by check, send a payment of $35.00:

The Oughtred Society
9 Stephens Ct.
Roseville, CA   95678

Cancellation: Registration can be cancelled without penalty before Febuary 15, 2014. No refunds, however, after that date.

Las Vegas Area Sights and Events: As if the great meeting weren't enough to attract Oughtred Society members, there are many other attractions in the Las Vegas area to add to your meeting weekend or for an extended vacation. Download this
List of Attractions. (223Kb PDF).


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last modified March 04, 2017