Oughtred Society  
[William Oughtred picture]

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IM2001 Meeting Proceedings

IM2011 Written Report by Thomas S. Wyman.

The following pictures were taken by Bob Otnes, Brian Purcell, and Bob Koppany   

Slide Rule cake provided by Debbie Douglas at the MIT Museum

David Rance showing his display

Looking at displays during breaks in sessions

General socializing

Peter Hopp showing off his new book


This is one the presentations in two days of presentations. The printed version of these papers are available.

Several displays of participants


Special treat at the Harvard Science Museum

The museum staff brought out their Oughtred Slide Rule and made it available for close inspection. Most participants had a chance to pick it up and look at it closely.

Clark McCoy looks like he is looking at a new baby.

The Oughtred Slide Rule at the Harvard Science Museum

Behind the scenes at the MIT Science Museum

Debbie Douglas took us behind the scenes at the museum to see much of the K&E collection.

Getting ready for an operation.

Presentation of the Slide Rule cake.




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last modified November 28, 2011